Yottsu Keiosu Joubu (Four Chaos Warriors)
Episode 1
Rynxon: *having a bad dream about Luna* wakes up and sits up* phew I hope that doesn’t come true, I must protect her at any costs
Vivian: *comes out of the shadows* Some dreams are premonitions, meaning they could come true or not
Rynxon: I hope you’re right
Maroon: appears
Vivian: if you need me just call I will come and help you *disappears into the shadows*
Maroon: Rynxon, have you heard I am to get blessed by the blood moon
Lilian: hiding in the shadows
Rynxon: looks up* really?
Lilian: *comes out of the shadows holding a bag of unpurified blood moon powder and blows it in Maroon’s face*
Maroon: *glows red* I think I've just received my shadow siren powers!
Lilian: *comes out of the shadows* Shadow siren powers? *Laughs* I just poisoned you! My sister Vivian is the one who bestows powers on people! *Disappears into the shadows*
Maroon: *gasps and falls to the ground*
Rynoxn: *Picks her up and lays her on his bed* Vivian get your ass in here now!
Scene 1: Vivian’s choice
Rynxon: Vivian get your ass in here now!
Vivian: *Comes out of the shadows* Yes?
Rynxon: Maroon’s been poisoned by some bitch!
Vivian: *Sighs* What should I do? *Grabs pendant that is around neck* My sister said that I shouldn’t use this… Oh well! *Rips pendant off necklace and crushes it, which extracts the antidote* Here. *Puts the antidote into Rynxon’s hand*
Rynxon: *Looks at the antidote* You destroyed it.
Vivian: No, I got it out for you. Just blow it on Maroon.
Rynxon: Ok… *Blows the antidote on Maroon*
Maroon: *Wakes up* What happened?
Vivian: My sister poisoned you. *Takes a bag of red powder out of bag* This is purified powder from the blood moon, it will give you shadow siren powers. *Blows some of the powder on Maroon* Use those powers wisely. *Disappears into the shadows*
Scene 2: Enter Gosaun
Gosaun: *sitting in a tree, eating an apple*
Nocturnia: *Comes out of the shadows* Hello Gosaun.
Gosaun: Who are you?
Nocturnia: I am Nocturnia. Queen of the shadows… I’ve come to invite you to a little ceremony I’m having.
Gosaun: And where will this ceremony take place?
Nocturnia: Why, the blood moon temple.
Gosaun: Never heard of it.
Nocturnia: It’s located 30 miles west of SapphirePalace. Do you know where that is?
Gosaun: I know it very well. Spent a lot of time there.
Nocturnia: Good. I’ll see you at the blood moon temple. *Fades into the shadows*
Gosaun: That was weird... How’d she know my name? *Jumps out of the tree* I wonder what Kara is up to…
Gosaun: *Knocks on the door to Sapphire palace, causing it to be knocked off its hinges* O_O Oops… Now I really hope nobody’s home. *Walks inside and starts exploring* Nice place.
Kara: *Walks out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel and screams*
Gosaun: *Turns around and sees Kara* Sorry miss! I didn’t think anybody was home. ^_^’
Gosaun: Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is-
Gosaun: But didn’t you-
Gosaun: *Mumbles* What do you care… You won’t let me answer anyway.
Kara: What was that?
Gosaun: Nothing! ^_^’
Kara: *Sees that the door was knocked down* WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DOOR!?
Gosaun: *Looks at the door* It kinda fell in when I knocked. -_-‘
Kara: WHAT!?
Gosaun: Sorry. It’s not my fault your hinges where rusty.
Kara: I just moved in here! This place is brand new!
Gosaun: Oh… Guess I don’t know my own strength… *Puts right hand behind head* Heh. ^_^’
Kara: You’re paying for that.
Gosaun: I could fix it.
Kara: Yeah right. You’re just saying that because you don’t have any money.
Gosaun: I’m serious!
Kara: Prove it!
Gosaun: I WILL!
Kara: FINE!
Gosaun: Where do you keep your tools?
-End Flashback-
Gosaun: *Gets to the BloodMoonTemple* This is it? Pathetic looking thing.
Nocturnia: *Appears in front of Gosaun* I see you’ve decided to show up.
Gosaun: *Grins* What’d you think I was… Chicken?
Nocturnia: You could say that.
Gosaun: *Mumbles* Bitch.
Nocturnia: What was that?
Gosaun: Nothing! ^_^’
Nocturnia: Right… *Turns to walk into the temple* Follow me. *Walks into the temple*
Gosaun: I must be crazy. *Follows her into the temple* Creepy. *Shivers*
Nocturnia: *Stops in the middle of a large room* Here we are.
Gosaun: *Looks around* What no food? I thought there was always food at these ceremony things.
Nocturnia: Sky as black as night, arise blood moon, climb into the sky, and shine your light upon the world again. *The floor and roof open, and the blood moon rises*
Gosaun: ARGH! *Eyes flash red* LET ME OUT! *Eyes turn back to normal* NO! *Eyes flash red* I SAID LET… ME… OUT! *Black smoke pours out of Gosaun’s body and takes the form of a mirror image of Gosaun* No…
Debiru: I AM FREE!
Vivian: The blood moon has risen. I am too late.