Syllabus 2011
Advanced Computer Applications
Instructor: Contact Information:
Irton Sparkman Breathitt County High School
Computer/Technology Teacher 2307 Bobcat Lane
Jackson, KY 41339
(606) 666-7511
This course is designed to teach students how to use a computer and application software including word processing, presentation, database, spreadsheets, Internet, and email to prepare documents, reports, and etc...
Credits: 1
Course Description:
This course provides students an advanced-level experience with practical applications through hands-on instruction. Course content will include understanding of various hardware, software (including word processing, graphing, spreadsheets, database management, desktop publishing, and electronic communications), operating systems, and care operations.
Course Perquisite:
ü Required: Introduction to Computer Technology Applications
ü Helpful: Basic keyboarding skills or Keyboarding Applications.
Software: Microsoft Office 2010- PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Publisher, and Access. (Software is provided by the school.)
Materials: pen or pencil, paper, & 2GB Flash Drive (Items you will need to purchase.)
Course Objectives:
o Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the impact of computers on society.
o Students will use and understand basic computer terminology.
o Students will master lab skills: PC hardware & software.
o Students will master people skills: working in engineering teams, self and project management, oral exams, and presentations.
o Students will achieve awareness of basic technological literacy and Information Technology careers.
o Students will Use a word processing program to create a document with headers, footers, and footnotes.
o Student will use a word processing program to create, save, print, modify spell-check, and grammar-check a simple document.
o Students will use a presentation program with text body, graphics, and animation.
o Students will use an electronic spreadsheet to create, save, print, modify, & obtain graphs from a simple spreadsheet.
o Students will use an electronic spreadsheet to perform basic mathematical operations including, but not limited to, addition, subtraction, multiplication, &division.
o Students will use an electronic spreadsheet to calculate averages and percents
o Students will use an electronic spreadsheet program to enhance the appearance of a spreadsheet by changing fonts, foreground and background colors; and centering text across columns.
o Students will use the component of the operating system that helps the user manipulate files and folders to copy, move, rename, and delete files; and to create, copy, move, rename, and delete folders
o Students will use a World Wide Web browser to navigate hypertext documents and to download files.
o Students will use Internet search engines and understand their advantages and disadvantages.
o Students will demonstrate an awareness of computer viruses and a basic understanding of ways to protect a computer from viruses.
o Students will demonstrate knowledge of an icon-based environment.
Evaluation of Content
It is the intent of the teacher to use the best teaching methods that lend themselves to be used in the area of technology education instruction. Lecture, group discussion, small & large group work, simulations, demonstrations, instructional technology, and various teaching aids will be used in this course. Various assignments will be given to measure the student’s ability to recall information, apply information, analyze situations, synthesize the information, evaluate a situation to make an inform decision and to create some hands on projects/presentations. Rubrics created prior to assignments will be used to grade student projects/presentations.
Grading:Item / % / Comments
Projects / 50% / Resumes, Flyers, PowerPoint Presentations, Spreadsheets, Etc…
Labs & Worksheets / 15% / Document all laboratory and project work completely complete practice problems and designs
Participation / 5% / Follows directions, shows respect, participates in class discussion
Exams / 20% / Comprehensive Written, Multiple Choice, Oral, and Lab Practical Exams
Final Exam / 10% / Cumulative Test (Required by Breathitt County High School)
Grading Scale:
A 90%-100%
B 80%-89%
C 70%-79%
D 60%-69%
F < 60%
*The number of points an item is worth will be determine before the assignment, exam, or item is assigned.
*The instructor retains the option to vary this grading policy and grading scale under extenuating circumstances.
· Perfect and punctual attendance is expected. A role will be taken at the beginning of each class. Consistent tardiness is unacceptable; three occurrences of a student arriving late for class will equate to one absence.
This syllabus is a general course guide and maybe revised or altered during the course of the school year due to changes in federal, state, or district level curricular changes.
Advanced Computer Applications 1