Module 1: Overview
Pre-learning assignment:
Have you had a chance to get to know your NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development? You may have just received the document and have barely thumbed through it. Or – you may have received the document months ago and are already using it for lesson planning! Check your knowledge!
1. Please print the Foundations Self-Assessment and respond to the questions about Foundations. Response options are true, false, and not sure. Feel free to delve into the Foundations document to research answers. Note the pages where you find relevant information.
2. Bring the completed self-assessment to the face-to-face session to discuss questions you were unsure of and which questions made you stop and think.
Effective Teacher Practices Supporting
North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development
NC Early Learning Network, a joint project of NC-DPI and UNC-FPG, 2016