Harrison County Middle School
School-Based Decision Making Council Meeting Minutes
December 18th, 2013
Harrison County Middle School’s School-Based Decision Making Council met Wednesday, December 18th 2013, beginning at 4:33 p.m. in the HCMS library at 269 Education Drive. The following council members were present:
1. Mike McIntire, Principal 4. Linda King, Teacher 2. Kelly Whalen, Teacher 5. Kim Darnell, Parent
3. Mandy Denniston, Parent
Donna Williams was present as recording secretary...
Call to Order/Welcome: Mr. McIntire called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m.
Approval of the Agenda: Mr. McIntire asked that the December 18th, 2013 agenda be reviewed and considered for approval. Kelly Whalen motioned to approve the agenda and Linda King seconded the motion. The December 18th, 2013 meeting agenda was approved by consensus of the council.
Approval of Minutes: The council reviewed the minutes from the November 20th, 2013 meeting. Kelly Whalen motioned to approve the minutes and Kim Darnell seconded the motion. The November 20th, 2013 minutes were approved by consensus of the council.
Principal’s Report:
Assessment: MAP Data Review Round 2 (handout) - Mr. McIntire distributed handouts of the MAP Report Data. The Map data is a diagnostic tool to track students’ growth. What students score on Map is usually what they score on the KPREP test. Mr. McIntire went through the data in detail with the council members. It reflected this year’s class’s data so far comparatively with last year’s data. This information was sent to all teachers to keep them aware of their students’ growth as rounds progress. Students seem to be more energized taking test as competition between teams is encouraged. The RTI Program (tutorial tool) during seventh period seems to be successful as well.
Financial Reports: Fundraisers/SAA- The following fundraisers were presented by Mr. McIntire for approval.
Girls Soccer- Home game concessions-Home games-To raise funds for t-shirts, 8th grade night awards, concession supplies, away game meals.
Mandy Dennison made a motion to approve this fundraiser and Kelly Whalen seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.
Mike McIntire-yes
Linda King-yes
Kelly Whalen- yes
Kim Darnell-yes
Mandy Dennison-yes
The fundraiser was approved by consensus of the council.
KUNA-Academic Team Concessions- January 18-To raise money for transportation to and from KUNA Conference
Kim Darnell made a motion to approve this fundraiser and Kelly Whalen seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.
Mike McIntire-yes
Kelly Whalen- yes
Linda King- yes
Mandy Dennison-yes
Kim Darnell- yes
The fundraiser was approved by consensus of the council.
Linda King had questions regarding the SAA Financial Report. It was brought to her attention that a few of the school activity accounts would be moved to the Board of Education at the beginning of the year. These accounts will eventually be deleted from the school’s activity accounts as transactions cease. The accounts being moved are used for student instructional expenses during the instructional school day. Only accounts used for after-school programs will be left in the school’s activity funds. This will include athletic teams, clubs, and other organizations.
Additions/Announcements/ Adjournment- There were no additional announcements or topics of discussion. Mr. McIntire asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kelly Whalen made a motion to adjourn and Linda King seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Mr. McIntire with consensus of the council at 4:51.
Donna Williams
Recording Secretary