Adapt or Adopt


High-Level Purpose of this Session

●  To engage school and district leaders in a discussion around how to adapt the currently developed mathematics curriculum, while still ensuring Common Core alignment and rigor.

Session Outcomes

What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? / How will we know that they are able to do this?
·  Understand the importance of publisher's criteria, Math Content Emphases and fluencies, learning progressions when assessing the quality of math curriculum.
·  Use the EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric to determine the quality of lessons.
·  Understand the complexities and challenges with adapting the curriculum.

Session Overview

Section / Time / Overview / Prepared Resources / Facilitator Preparation
Introduction / 2 minutes / Explanation of what the workshop will be covering. Listing the many documents and resources necessary in order to do a quality review of math curriculum / PPT: Slide listing the 8 critical documents
CCSS and Standards for
Mathematical Practices / 3 minute / Explanation that these are the foundation of the work and we must start with a deep understanding of the standards and practices. / PRINTED: Copy on each table
PPT: Slides with screen shot of CCSS and Mathematical Practices
Overview of the shifts / 5 minutes / The 6 shifts for math are reviewed / PPT: Slides with Shifts
Overview of Math Emphases and fluencies / 5 minutes / Provide an overview of the Math Content Emphases and fluencies. Explain the importance of these document when accessing quality curriculum / PRINTED: Math Content Emphases and Required Fluencies by Grade Level
PPT: Slides with key talking points for the emphases and fluencies
Overview of the Learning Progressions / 5 minutes / Provide an explanation of the learning progressions / PPT: Slide with screen shot and link
Overview of the Publisher's Criteria / 10 minutes / During this time we will orient attendees to the publisher's criteria, highlighting items we have seen as particularly important. / PRINTED: Publisher's criteria
PPT: Slides with publisher's criteria highlighting important criteria.
Explanation of the EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric / 15 minutes / The EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric is explained to attendees. / PRINTED: EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric
PPT: Slides with key talking points for the rubric
Introduction of
Common Core, Inc. Curricular Materials / 10 minutes / Introduction of Common Core, Inc.
Curricular materials. Explanation of the structure of modules from curriculum map to module overview to lessons (highlighting where they show their quality against the Publishers’ Criteria and other documents we have been discussing). / PRINTED: Grade 3 Module 5
PPT: Highlighting structure of
The Common Core, Inc. modules
Using the EQUIP/Tri- State Rubric to determine quality in lessons / 60 minutes / Attendees review an abbreviated Grade 3 Module 5 from Common Core, Inc. against each dimension of the EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric. We will take each dimension at a time and provide attendees with time at their tables to discuss the scoring. Tables will report out and we will discuss their findings. After all four dimensions are scored, we will give an over all score for the module. / PRINTED: One abbreviated module to be reviewed and blank EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric
PPT: Slides reviewing each dimension strengths and weaknesses / Getting an scored and annotated EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric on the Grade 3 Module 5 from Common Core, Inc.
Pulling it all together / 5 minutes / In this part, we provide attendees an opportunity to think critically about how they are going to plan for the work of adapting the curriculum in their district. Make clear the point that this work is difficult. / PPT: Slides detailing the amount of time we project it will take to develop a coherent, high quality, common core aligned curriculum. Share lessons learned from this work with Common Core, Inc.

Session Roadmap

Section: Identification of Important Documents when Assessing Quality Common Core Aligned Materials / Time: 30 minutes
[30 minutes] In this section, you will introduce the documents that educators must be deeply familiar with to assess curriculum quality. All are necessary to inform decision-making. / Materials used include:
●  CCSS for Mathematics
●  Math Content Emphases
●  Learning Progressions
●  Standards for Mathematical Practices
●  Required Fluencies by Grade Level
●  Publishers’ Criteria for Math
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
1 -2 min. / #2 / List of necessary tools for assessing quality common
Core math curriculum
3-4 min. / #3 / CCSS for Mathematics. This is the foundation for all
Work. Educators must have a deep understanding of
what the standards are asking our students to know
and be able to do.
4-5 min / #4 / Standards for Mathematical Practice highlight the
varieties of expertise that educators need to be
developing in all of our students.
These practices need to be weaved throughout
curriculum at every level.
6-10 min / #5 -#10 / Discuss the six shifts for mathematics
11-15 min / #11- #14 / Math Content Emphases are just that…
Calls out the content by grade level that should be focused on for curriculum , instruction and assessment
16-20 min / #15 / The Learning Progressions are by mathematical
concept. They provide a road map for when and what is \
taught in each grade level. It is a great example of the
coherence necessary for the common core.
21-30 min / #17 - #25 / Introduction of the Publishers’ Criteria for Mathematics.
The structure and quality criteria is covered on the
slide deck.
Section: Explanation of the EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric / Time: 15 minutes
[15 minutes] In this section, you will introduce and explain the process for using the EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric. / Materials used include:
EQUIP/ Tri-State Rubric
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
31-32 min / #26 / Overview of document and explanation of its origin
32-45 min / #27-#36 / Introduce each dimension and its criteria. Explain
rating process of the rubric.
Section: Introduction of Common Core, Inc. Curricular Materials / Time: 10 minutes
[10 minutes] In this section, you will introduce the math curriculum materials and their structure. Quality criteria from previously introduced documents will be highlighted / Materials used include:
Grade 3 Module 5
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
46-47 min / #37 / Introduce the Curriculum Map for Grades P-5- A Story
of Units
48-50 min / #38 / Introduce the Curriculum Overview for Grade 3. Point
out content emphases, focus areas, fluencies and
summary are listed in one place.
51-55 min / #39 / Have attendees familiarize themselves with Grade 3
Module 5
Section: Using the EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric / Time:
[60 minutes] In this section, you will take participants through all four dimensions (one at a time) and have them rate the Grade 3 Module 5. Then discuss overall rating. / Materials used include:
Blank EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric
Grade 3 Module 5
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
54-68 min / #40-#42 / Participants will read and rate the module for
Dimension I- Alignment to the Depth of the CCSS.
Participants will share rating with the group. Then they
will compare to annotated scored rubric.
69-83 min / #43-#45 / Participants will read and rate the module for
Dimension II- Key Shifts in the CCSS
Participants will share rating with the group. Then they
will compare to annotated scored rubric.
84-98 min / #46-#48 / Participants will read and rate the module for
Dimension III.- Instructional Supports
Participants will share rating with the group. Then they
will compare to annotated scored rubric.
99-112 min / #49-#50 / Participants will read and rate the module for
Dimension IV-Assessment
Participants will share rating with the group. Then they
will compare to annotated scored rubric.
113-115 min / #51 / Discussion of overall rating of the module
Section: Reflection / Time: 5 minutes
[5 minutes] In this section, you will share lessons learned and solicit
feedback on the EQUIP/Tri-State Rubric process. / Materials used include:
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
116-117 min / #52 / Explanation of the curriculum development in NYS
with our various vendors
118-120 min / #53 / Share what we have learned as a state leading this
work. Ask for participant feedback and thoughts.

Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes.

Video / Reflect on a prompt / Active learning / Turn and talk

Turnkey Materials Provided

●  CCSS for Mathematics

●  Six ‘Shifts’ for Math

●  Math Content Emphases

●  Learning Progressions

●  Standards for Mathematical Practices

●  Required Fluencies by Grade Level

●  Publishers’ Criteria for Math

●  EQUIP/ Tri-State Rubric

●  Grade 3 Module 5 from Common Core, Inc.

Additional Suggested Resources
