Preventing Oil Pollution

Preventing Oil Pollution

Oil Pollution summer tasks Name …………………………..

Use page 186 , the PowerPoint on Moodle and research complete in detail the following table (you can make it larger!)

Question / Answer please type your answer here you should make this table larger
  1. List and explain the causes of oil pollution

  1. What are the dangers from transporting oil long distances?

  1. List and explain the effects of oil pollution on the environment in terms short term
  1. on birds
  2. on mammals
  3. on aquatic animals
  4. effect on the beaches and animals that live there
  5. on the local human population

  1. List and explain the effects of oil pollution on the environment in terms long term
  1. on birds
  2. on mammals
  3. on aquatic animals
  4. effect on the beaches and animals that live there
  5. on the local human population

  1. Explain how scientists are trying to collect data to evaluate the full impact of Deep Horizon Oil Spill (you need to watch the video)

Reducing Oil pollution

Question / Answer please type your answer here you should make this table larger
  1. Explain how the following techniques can reduce spills of oil.
  2. Recycling oil
  3. Equipment maintenance
  4. Bund Walls
  5. Oil Inceptors

  1. With the help of the diagram below explain how the following design techniques and operations can avoid spills at sea
  1. Double hulled ships
  2. Twin fuel tanks
  3. Separate water ballast tanks
  4. Improve ship tanker operations

3. Where are oil spills more of a danger, near land or out at sea? Explain why.
4. What sea conditions are best for dispersing oil slicks?
  1. Why does oil float on the water surface?

Dealing with oil pollution

Question / Answer please type your answer here you should make this table larger
  1. What is bioremediation and how does it work?

  1. How are dispersants (detergents) used to clean up oil spills, explain how they work and where they can cause problems.

  1. Explain some of the methods used to clean up the oil from the Deep Horizon Oil Spill.
  • Were they successful
  • Has there been any negative impacts from the clean up
  • How are they measuring the long term impact of the oil spill

  1. Reading the sheet, Scramble for Arctic oil and gas puts pristine ecosystem at risk, why are people so concerned with oil exploration in the Artic?

  1. What is the future for oil,
  • What does the term Peak oil mean
  • Will the world stop using oil?
  • What are the alternatives?