Activity 8.1.5h Biomedical Science Careers – Concept Map
A Medical Detective is a person who uses his or her knowledge of science, technology, math, and communication to solve medical mysteries. A variety of healthcare professionals act as medical detectives in identifying, treating, and preventing injury and illness in their patients. These medical detectives are part of a larger group of professionals working in biomedical science. Many careers participate in this work, including scientists, doctors, crime scene investigators, and biomedical engineers.
One way to organize and present information is a concept map. In this activity you will create a concept map of a biomedical science career and present it to your class. Your concept map is due on ______.
· Gateway notebook
· Reference materials
· Computer with word processing and Internet capability
In this activity you will investigate a biomedical sciences career. The concept map you will create (using Lucid Chart or similar program) will highlight the responsibilities, salary range, best location, education, and future demands for this type of career.
1. Brainstorm with your classmates as many types of biomedical science careers as you can while your teacher records them on the board.
2. From the careers listed on the board, select a biomedical science career that you want to learn more about. Research the career on the Internet or through career books in your classroom, guidance office, or library. Take notes of the information you want to include in your concept map.
3. Create a concept map that highlights the information that you collected on your career. Make sure to include the following.
· What type of work do people in this career perform?
· What is the current salary of this occupation?
· What are the working conditions? Inside/Outside? Office/Plant/Lab?
· What are the major job responsibilities?
· Is there a demand for this job in the future?
· What kind of education is needed for this type of work?
· Provide 3-4 related careers.
4. Present your concept map to the class and describe biomedical science career that you researched.
1. What impact do you think biomedical science professionals will have on your future?
2. Do you think you’d be interested in pursuing a career in biomedical science? Why or why not?
© 2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
PLTW Gateway – Medical Detectives Activity 8.1.5h Biomedical Sciences Careers – Concept Map – Page 1
Activity 8.1.5h – Biomedical Science Grading Rubric
Topics / 4 points / 3 points / 2 points / 1 point /Content / Career chosen is obvious.
Includes all required information.
The information is accurate. / Career chosen is obvious.
Does not include 1-2 of the required topics.
The information included is accurate. / Career chosen is not obvious.
Does not address 2-3 of the required topics.
Some information lacks accuracy. / Career chosen is not evident.
Missing major details or inaccurate information.
Grammar/ Spelling / There are no grammar errors.
There are no spelling errors. / There are 1-2 grammar errors.
There are 1-2 spelling errors. / There are 3-4 grammar errors.
There are 3-4 spelling errors. / There are more than 4 grammar errors.
There are more than 4 spelling errors.
Organization / Concept map is easy to read and follows a logical sequence in the transfer of information. / Concept map is easy to read but does not follow a logical sequence in the transfer of information. / Concept map is not easy to read and does not follow a logical sequence in the transfer of information. / Concept map is difficult to read and lacks a logical sequence in the transfer of information.
Related Careers / Includes 3-4 appropriate related careers. / Includes 3-4 related careers, could be appropriate for chosen career. / Related careers included, but not appropriate for chosen career. Less than 3 related careers listed. / No related careers included.
Delivery / The presenter effectively and creatively delivers the information while staying on topic. The presenter appears relaxed and self-confident. Body language, voice modulation, and eye contact are effectively used. / The presenter adequately delivers the information while staying on topic. The presenter appears relaxed and self-confident. Body language, voice modulation, and eye contact are mostly appropriate. / The presenter delivers the information but does not stay on topic. The presenter appears tense or nervous. Body language, voice modulation, and eye contact are inappropriate or lacking. / The presenter omits important information and does not stay on topic. The presenter appears tense or nervous. Body language, voice modulation, and eye contact are inappropriate or lacking.
© 2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
PLTW Gateway – Medical Detectives Activity 8.1.5h Biomedical Sciences Careers Concept Map – Page 3