Middlesex County

Academy for Allied Health and Biomedical Sciences

One Convery Boulevard, Woodbridge, NJ 07095

732.634.5858 – 732.634.7073/fax

Michael W. Fanelli Richard Heffers

Principal Assistant Principal

Dear Families and Members of the Class of 2019:

I hope this letter finds you well and having enjoyed your eighth grade graduations and the beginning of summer. We are eagerly looking forward to the start of your high school career here at the Academy this September and would like to share several pieces of information with you.

First, freshmen orientation will be during the week of August 24th. It is imperative that you make arrangements to be here. We have seen over the years that students who fully participate in the orientation program are more likely to have a successful transition to the Academy. The orientation will run from 10 AM to Noon each day. On Monday, the program will be for both parents and students while Tuesday through Thursday will be for students only. If you have any questions regarding Freshmen orientation, please contact either Ms. Lisa Ferrier, guidance counselor, (732)634-5858 x3024 or email , or Ms. Denise Miranda, the guidance secretary, (732)634-5858 x3025 or email

You will also find enclosed a number of important papers. These papers are needed so that we have all the information needed for you to have a smooth start to the new school year. These papers include: the district’s acceptable usage policy for technology; health related information from our school nurse; the Genesis parent portal information sheet; and the student agreement. The acceptable usage policy is for you to review with your child. The health related information is for you to review and return. The Genesis parent portal information sheet must be completed and returned along with a signed student agreement. Please mail both of these completed forms back to Middlesex County Academy for Allied Health and Biomedical Sciences, 1 Convery Blvd., Woodbridge, NJ 07095, Attention: Genesis, by July 31, 2015. This will allow us to have all of the information entered for a successful start.

Also enclosed are additional documents: summer assignments for Spanish I and Geometry; information for students interested in participating in interscholastic soccer; and a copy of our district calendar for your use. Please review these and be ready to be successful on your first day.


Michael W. Fanelli
