Art I Syllabus
Art I Studio Projects (subject to change at last minute )
3rd QuarterStudio Projects4th QuarterStudio Projects
Contour Line DrawingsPop Art
Stippling, Hatching, and Cross-HatchingClay Relief Sculpture and/or Clay Masks
Value Portraits w/ Textured BackgroundTwo Point Perspective
Monochromatic Compliment PaintingEnvironmental Art Sculpture
Sketchbook Assignments
You will have sketch book assignments every week—they are due on Wednesdays. Theyare worth 10 points. Late assignmentslose 1 pointperdaylate.Designswillbe gradedon creativityeffort within the assigned subject/topic. Some examples of sketchbook topics include: Portraits, Adjective/Noun Challenge, ½ Magazine ½ Drawing, etc.
There will be several quizzesthroughoutthe semesterto covertools,skills, techniquesand informationineach unit.Your Final Examwillcoverall of theinformationcoveredduring the entiresemester. You are expectedto keepallhandouts, quizzesand gradesheets in ordertostudyforthe final exam.
Daily Class Workand Cleanup
Because of the toolsandmaterialsneededto workwith in this class,itcan bedifficultforyou to workon yourprojectsoutside of class.Forthisreason, attendanceisveryimportant and you will receive a dailyeffort grade for your daily attendance, efforts and cleanup.You will notbe able to make upanyassignmentsmissedduringanunexcused absence.
Discussionsand Critiques
We willhave several discussionsaboutartandaestheticsandcritiquesofclassworkto help you understandthe purpose of art, andhow you canimprove the effectivenessof your designs. Don’t be scared—these are fun!
Materials – You should bring a pencil and a folder/binder to class with you every day. It is also a great idea to purchase a sketchbook to organize your thoughts and sketch your design ideas. If you do not have a sketchbook, you can use sketching paper from the room and store it in your folder.
How to Succeed in Art I
Keep an open mind. Experimenting with new materials and learning new skills can be challenging, but it is so fun!!
Listen and watch demonstrations carefully. Ask questions of your teacher and peers! “How did you do that?!?!”
Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work perfectly the first time. Practice hones your muscles and your mind.
Problem solving skills are good.
Put forth your best effort on every assignment. I am looking for you to be learning and challenging yourself.
Use your time wisely. Materials and tools may not be taken home, so work hard while you are here!
Come to class on time and ready to learn/work/make stuff. Do your homework sketchbooks. Study for quizzes and exams.
Ask questions!! Be excited about art!
ArtRoomRules **all school rules apply here
No eating ordrinking atall. It is not safetoeat aroundchemicals and food allergies is a real thing.
Tool Use- Usetoolsforonlytheirintendedpurpose.Abusingtoolscanruinthem and make them impossible to use and can also be very dangerous. If you are not sure how to correctly use a tool, please talk to the teacher.
Absences -Ifyouareabsent from class, it isyourresponsibilitytofind out whatyou missed.
Tardies -Ifyou arenot in theartroom whenthebell rings,youaretardy. At thethird tardy,and everytardyafterthat,you will havea15 minutedetention.
Passes-You must haveyourpass book to be allowed to visit the restroom/locker/office.
Cleanup-Put all materialsandtoolsawayintheirproperplace beforeyouleave. Clean upyourownmess.Yourareaandanywhereyouworkedisyour responsibility.
LastBell - Whenyou are finished cleaningup, beseated until thebell rings.
Washyour handsbeforeleavingclassto removechemicals,paint, glue—who knows what’s in the art room!?
Useyour timewisely.Artprojects can be difficultto dowithouttoolsand equipment used in the classroom,makingit trickyto workonat home.
Rubrics– Rubricsgive a written descriptionofthe requirementsandexpectations foreachproject.Each rubricincludes:points forspecificaspectsofeachunit, points forthe time youhavespent,effortyouhaveput inandthe craftsmanshipyouhave shownineachproject.Youareexpectedto gradeyourself and answer any questionsusingthe rubricbefore youturnin yourcompletedwork.
Effort and Challenge- Yourparticipationandattitudewill countinpartsofyourgradesuchas critiquesandcleanup, but will alsoaffecteveryprojectthat yourcreate.Ifyouare nottrying,orexpectingmuchof yourself,youwill notachievewhat you could. Promptnesson writtenassignmentsisessential.Youneedto be preparedfor what we aredoinginclass. I hope to see you challenge yourself—experimenting and practicing is what art people do!
Growth - Everystudentbeginsthiscoursewitha differentlevelofskilland experience.Studentsareexpectedto improvetheir skillsthissemester,nomatter whatproficiencytheybeginwith.
Deadlines- Projectsmustbe completedbythe gradingperioddeadlines or you lose points.