The Anglican Diocese of Gippsland

A partnership between the Anglican Diocese of Gippsland and Anglicare Victoria

Closing Date:
Date / Applications to be forwarded to:
Cathrine Muston
Anglicare Victoria
PO Box 959
Phone: 03 51369112

Please refer to the Parish Partnership Funding Guidelines to determine your eligibility for

Parish Partnership Funding.

Please note a separate form is required for each project.

Name of the Project:
Contact person:
Contact person’s address:
Contact telephone number/s:
(Home) (Work)
Email address:
Amount Requested: $
Project Description
  1. What is your parish going to do?
/ Clearly describe the project. Explain how this project will assist families, children and/or young people in the community.
Project Rationale
  1. Why?
/ How has the idea come about? Explain your reason(s) for undertaking this project.
Project Planning
  1. How?
/ Outline the steps you will take to get the project underway.
Step No.1:
Activities and timeframes:
Step No 2:
Activities and timeframes:
Step No 3:
Activities and timeframes:
Step No 4:
Activities and timeframes:
Project Location
Where will your project be located?
Project Management
  1. Who?
/ Who are the project leaders and managers? What roles will they play? Will training be required?
Please list all personnel who will be involved in the project including managers, coordinators, supervisors and volunteers and the roles they will be taking on:
Name: / Role:
What new skills/qualifications/certifications are required by volunteers and the parish to undertake the project?
Project Partners
Please identify all project partners and provide an outline of the involvement of the parish and other partners such as other churches, community service organisations, community groups, local government:
Project Outcomes
  1. What will it achieve?
/ How will the project address the priorities for funding? How will you measure your success?
Project Evaluation
  1. How will you know you have succeeded?
/ How will you measure your success? How will you monitor your project as you go? Will you need to ask the people you are assisting to find out what they think?
Project Budget
  1. What will it cost?
/ Please provide a detailed budget for the proposal using the budget format on the next page.
Include in-kind and volunteer contribution.
Has other funding been sought? Yes/No
If yes, please name the source/s and any amounts and if funding has been committed already to the project:

Parish Partnership Funding Application 2017 Page 1

Parish Partnerships Funding Budget

Please provide details of the income and expenditure for your project (excluding GST) noting that total income should equal total expenditure

Income (In kind Contribution/Donations/other ) / Amount ($)
In-kind volunteer labour valued at $20 per hour.
Total in kind (Parish Contribution) / $
Funding Requested (Equipment/Material) / Amount ($)
Total Grant Contribution Requested / $
Total Project Cost (In kind plus Grant) / $

Parish Partnership Funding Application 2017 Page 1

Date of Parish Council meeting to authorise approval of project:
Signed by:
Position, authorised to sign on behalf of Parish: Warden/Rector
Witnessed By:

For further information and assistance with this application please contact:

Coordinator Parish and Community Development

Anglicare Victoria, phone 03 51 369112

Parish Partnership Funding Application 2017 Page 1