All State- Individual

Players are eligible to be nominated for all state if their program fulfills the following criteria:

1) The program must be a paid member of the MHSLCA

2) Each eligible program is able to nominate players based on the MHSAA Seeding for the state tournament in


v Note if a player is not nominated, by their own program, any member of the All-State Committee can nominate them (unless noted by their coach for discipline reasons).

All State Committee and Process

The All State committee consists of current head coaches of paid programs within the MHSLCA.

The intent of the committee is to represent each division (as of 2011 divisions 1 and 2) equally in numbers and acknowledgements.

In 2011 the committee had 7 representatives from D1 and 7 from d2. The current President and Vice President of the MHSLCA are also considered voting members of the committee.

Nominations must be submitted by May 23, 2014 (Friday of Memorial Day weekend). The annual meeting takes place on Sunday June 1 following the regional tournament. This allows for one week to document the teams in order to present at the state coaches meeting the Sunday after the state championships.

The all state process involves the discussion of each player nominated, a comparison chart of each player’s statistics, dialogue, etc. Players that were not nominated are discussed as well.

After each player nominated is discussed, a voting takes place. The committee votes on the top players by their position. Typically the best player receives 18 votes for attack and midfield and 12 for defense. The goalie and special team’s players vote for 6 with 6 being the best (6 for LSM and 6 for FOGO, 3 Defensive Middies). A representative from the other division calculates the votes and the announcement is made within the committee at the appropriate time.

Division 1 and Division 2 (2011 process/numbers)


1st Team 6 players

2nd Team 6 players

3rd Team 6 Players

Hon. Mention Attack -- Any Player that was nominated for All-State Attack but did not get voted into the top 18 will automatically receive Honorable Mention.


1st Team 6 players

2nd Team 6 players

3rd Team 6 Players

Hon. Mention Midfield --- Any Player that was nominated for All-State Midfield but did not get voted into the top 18 will automatically receive Honorable Mention.


1st Team 4 players

2nd Team 4 players

3rd Team 4 Players

Hon. Mention Defense -- Any Player that was nominated for All-State Defense but did not get voted into the top 12 will automatically receive Honorable Mention.


1st Team 2 players

2nd Team 2 players

3rd Team 2 Players

Hon. Mention Goalie -- Any Player that was nominated for All-State Goalie but did not get voted into the top 6 will automatically receive Honorable Mention.

Special Teams:

The Special Teams’ nominations are based on players that play primarily one of two positions…LSM / Defensive Middie or FOGO.

In 2011 the process based on the number of nominations concluded that there would be:

1st Team- 5 Players (2 LSM, 1DMid and 2 FOGO)

2nd Team- 5 Players (2 LSM, 1DMid and 2 FOGO)

3rd Team- 5 Players (2 LSM, 1DMid and 2 FOGO)

Hon. Mention Special Team Any Player that was nominated for All-State Special Teams but did not get voted into the top 6 at each position will automatically receive Honorable Mention.

Any player that receives a unanimous vote onto the first team automatically becomes a nomination for field All-American. The exception is a special teams player…as they have been considered a part time player.

Nominations are based on MHSAA May 8, 2014 State Playoff Seeding

The following are the nominations allowed per number of a team’s seed. They are as follows:

1 – 2 Seed 6 nominations

3 – 4 Seed 5 nominations

5 – 6 Seed 4 nominations

7 – 8 Seed 3 nominations

9 - 10 Seed 2 nominations

11- 14 Seed 1 nomination