Waggoner 9
Works Cited
Abels, Kimberly. “Word Choice/Wordiness.” The Writing Center-University of North Chapel
Hill. 25 September 2002. 27 October 2004
Alcott, Lousia May. Little Women. Signet Classics, 2004.
Brooke, Bob. Twenty Rules for Good Writing. 2002. 27 Oct. 2004
Gardiner, Steve, and Vince Long. The Interactive Six-Trait Writing Process. 2002. 27 Oct.
2004 <http://senior.billings.k12.mt.us/6traits/index.htm>.
“Grammar.” Webster’s New World Dictionary. 1990.
McKee, Nancy P., and George E. Kennedy. Correcting Common Errors in Writing. Dubque,
Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 2001.
Raibert, Marc H. Good Writing. Boston Dynamics, 1985.
Straus, Jane. The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation. California: Bare Bones, 2001.
The Emory Writing Center. What is Good Writing? 27 Oct 2004