
We are lookingforstudentsthatwouldbeworking in ourcompany as Erasmus students in thefieldofpersonaldevelopment and personalgrowth.


- Neuro-lingusticprogramming (NLP)

- LawofAttraction – based on severalauthors, alsobooks and filmslikeSecret and authorslikeEsther and Jerry Hicks

Wewouldlikethestudents to study thoseconcepts, to learnfromthose basic principles and helpus in at least one (preferably more thanone) ofthefollowing:

- PromoteeventsthroughoutEuropeover Internet

- Promotetheevents by doing web-marketing (increasing Google ranking),

- Researchthefield, thatisreallyhuge, but weneed to find a nicheforresearching,

- Helpuswritearticles in thefieldsmentioned in thepoints 1, 2

- Helpusbuildournewwebsite in English,

- Createnew design, newbookideas, newprogrammes,

- Findpublishers, promoters, agentsforbooksthatwe are publishingatthe moment,

- Helpwiththeorganizationofotherevents, likeconferences, trainingsetc – somemanual but


- Be on thelargeconferencewithus in Novemberhelpingwithregistration, badges, but also

staying in theeveningentertainmentprogrammewithus,

- Beflexible as wemightfindsomenewinspirationaljobsforthemduringtheactualplacement!

Forthenatureofworkwewouldlikestudentsthat are fromthefollowingareas:

- Social science

- Psychology

- Medicine

- Business

- IT

- Design

- Languagestudies

However, havingsaidthatifyoufeelinspired to helpotherpeople to improvetheirlives, wewouldwelcomeyou to joinus in ourcompanyalsoifyou study in a differentfield. No specialworkingskills are required but open minded.

Wewouldlookforthefollowingvalues and encouragethemfromthestudents:

- Honesty

- Hard workingwhenworking and enjoyingthemselveswhen not working

- Positive mentalattitude

- Inspiration and achievement

- Open minded

- Acceptingdifferentcultures, religions and nationalities

The start oftheplacementif very flexible, but weneedstudents as soon as possible!

For more informationpleasewriteus to thefollowingaddress:

Contactdetails: Mrs. TjašaLulik

Nameofthe unit: MastermindAkademija

Nameofthecompany: Zemad.o.o.

Country: Slovenia

Website(sorry, only in Slovenian):


Phone: 0038653384861

Fax: 0038653384852

Location: On theborderof Italy in Slovenia. Very nice mountains and hikingallaround. About 25. minutes drive to theseaside. How to gethere: 25. minutes drive fromtheAirportofTrieste in Italy, about 1 hour 15. minutes drive fromairportofLjubljana in Slovenia and 1.5 hours drive fromtheairportofVenice, Italy.

Pleasehurry up, wehave limited placesavailable!

Thankyou very much.



Zemad.o.o., Mastermindakademija

Mednarodniprehod 2 A, SI-5290 ŠempeterpriGorici, Slovenija

T: +386 (0) 5 338 48 61, F: +386 (0) 5 338 48 52




Certificiran Praktik Hipnoze –3. december 2014

Certificiran in licenciran NLP Praktik -31. januar 2015

NLP šolavodenja –4. februar 2015

Certificiran in licenciran NLP Mojster Praktik -12. februar 2015

Certificiran in licenciran NLP Coach –21. april 2015