Warrington Safeguarding Children Board

Multi Agency Training

Course / Emotional Abuse and Neglect
Date / Tuesday 14 January 2015
from 9.15am to 4.30pm
Venue / Woolston Neighbourhood Hub
Hall Road, WarringtonWA1 4PN
Course Aim /
To develop participants’ knowledge and understanding of inter-agency working in relation to emotional abuse and neglect.
Course Objectives / Participants will:
  • Explore definitions, signs and symptoms of emotional abuse and neglect;
  • Recognise the impact of emotional abuse and neglect on a child’s development;
  • Consider issues related to why parents/carers emotionally abuse and neglect their children;
  • Examine how decisions are made and factors that can affect decision making in relation to emotional abuse andneglect;
  • Describe interventions, roles, responsibilities and resources.

Course Presenters / Represe Representatives from the WSCB Training Pool
Target Audience & Prerequisite for applying / The training is aimed at practitioners in both adults’ and children’s services in key statutory agencies, the voluntary and private sectors. It is desirable that applicants have attended the two-day multi-agency safeguarding children training.
Charging Policy / Statutory and voluntary sectors – no charge
Private sector- £100.00 per delegate
Late cancellation/non-attendance - £50.00
Last date for cancellation of place / One week before the course date.
Please note that acceptance of a place on the course is based upon the understanding that the participant will attend for the full course and a certificate of attendance will be issued in this case only.
Training Application Form
(please complete ALL sections)
Name of Course: / Emotional Abuse and Neglect
Date of Course: / Tuesday 14 January 2015 from 9.15am to 4.30pm
Name of Applicant:
Job Title:
Work Address:
Daytime Tel. no: / Mobile:
Email: / **NB Essential: all course information is sent out by email
Requirements: / Please indicate any particular needs you may have for this training event in relation to disability, language, diet etc:
Please state if you have attended the following:
Single/multi-agency Basic Awareness Safeguarding Training Yes / Date attended: / No
2 day Foundation Child Protection/Safeguarding Children Yes / Date attended: / No
Please rate your current knowledge, skills and confidence in relation to this topic
100% / Extensive / Some / Little / None
Applicant Signature: / Date:
To be completed by manager
Manager’s Name:
Job Title:
Work Address: / **only if different from applicant
Tel no:
Manager Signature: / I accept the charging policy as outlined in the training programme / Date:
Please return completed forms:
WSCB Core Team, Lower Ground Floor, New Town House, Buttermarket Street, WarringtonWA12NJ
NB: All applications received via email must be accompanied by an endorsing email from applicant’s manager