AST 315-001 Beechcraft King Air B-200 Flight

Fall 200 6

M W *F 3:00 (*Flights to Be Scheduled)

Dr. Kurt Barnhart

Prerequisites: Successfully completion of AST 313, Beechcraft King Air Systems class, and be selected for this class.

Credit Hours: 3


Office Hours: Dr. Kurt Barnhart, Office- TC-216-F. Phone: 237-2665

Office Hours: Monday 8:30–10:30, Wednesday 8:30 – 10:30 and 1:00–2:00,

TTh 8:30 – 11:00, Thursday 1:00 – 2:00 (and by appointment)


* I have an open door policy. Please stop by any time to discuss any item of concern you may have.

The best times to reach me are in the mornings and just before lunch. Some­times I may not be in my office, but please leave a note on my door, call my voice mail or leave a message with the secretary.

Catalogue: This course will introduce students to the department’s Beechcraft King Air B200 Flight

Description: Training Device. In this class, students will apply what they learned in AST 313 to professionally operate and fly the department’s King Air FTD. Along with regular class room instruction, students must meet once per week for 3-hours, to fly the King Air FTD. Prerequisite: successful completion of AST 313 and instructor consent.

Course This course is one of the better courses you can take as a professional pilot major. Some

Objectives: of the objectives of this course include:

? Helping you to learn to be the Best Future Crewmember/Captain that you can be,

? Helping you to learn how to work with others in a multi-crew environment,

? Helping you to properly operate the systems found in the Beechcraft King Air B200,

? Helping you to understand advanced aircraft performance and procedures,

? Helping you to better utilize IFR charts and procedures, checklist, and SOP’s,

? Helping you to make better go/no-go decisions,

? Helping you to learn to work together, and learn to be a team player,

? Helping you to gain a better understanding of your own limitations,

? and much more.

Course To be success­ful in any industry you must work hard, develop good attitudes, set goals,

Goals: learn responsibility, and never give up believing in yourself. My ultimate goal is for you to graduate, get a great job flying, and be someone ISU can be proud to say was a graduate of this program.

My job is to provide you with a structured learning environment, challenging questions, and the opportunity to learn new ideas, develop critical thinking skills, and lay a foundation for life-long learning. Your job is to work hard; come to class on time, ask relevant questions, learn to work together, and get involved in this class.

Attendance: You are expected to be at all classes and simulator sessions on time and to arrive with enthusiasm and the desire to learn and provide a positive learning environment for those around you. As a role model, you are expected to dress and act appropriately while in this class and while you are around others

Class The ground school portion of this class will meet on M & W at 3:00. During this class period, in addition to other items, we will be discussing what will take place in your flight session for the following week.

The flight sessions will meet once per week for a three-hour time period. There is a lot to be covered during each flight session, so questions need to be held to an appropriate level.

Do not be afraid to ask intelligent questions. You are expected to be knowledgeable, prepared, punctual, hard working, and to demonstrate leadership ability. You will soon be graduating from this program and you want to be the very best that you can be.

Required Super King Air Pilot Training Manual, Flight Safety International, 1996 Web-based

Text: version. See professor Welsh for details on how to access this.

These materials are not to be photo copied or reproduced, by any means. By taking this class, you agree not to reproduce these materials, by any means. Failure to comply with this policy will cause you to be dropped from this class.

Grades: The point system will be used to evaluate your performance in this course. There will be

10 simulator sessions worth 40 pts. each. In addition, the classroom portion will account for 100 points of the total grade (attendance and quizzes) for a total of 500 possible points. Consistent class attendance is also mandatory for the Tuesday class session. Attendance will be tracked and provided there is no more than one absence may be used to offset points lost during a “bad” sim. session.


450 - 500 A

400 - 450 B

350 - 400 C

300 - 350 D

Below 300 F

Homework Much of your preparation work for classroom and sim. sessions will be done out of class; as such, plan your time appropriately. Students who are consistently inadequately prepared for class or sim. sessions will be subject to early course failure. Out-of-class assignments will be made as necessary.

Participation: As “Future Captains” you are expected to contribute. This means being actively present in class- joining in discussions, raising questions, providing help to those that need it, and answering questions. Everyone is expected to be a “Good Role Model” at all times.

FTD Sessions: Sessions in the King Air FTD will be conducted once per week for approximately three-hours. Please show up to all sessions on time. One crewmember being late or absent can really screw up the training schedule. If you know you are going to be late or absent, please let your flight instructor and other crewmember know as-soon-as possible. Being late for training more than once will result in your overall course grade being lowered by at least a letter grade for each subsequent infraction.

If a crewmember will be absent, your flight instructor may want to make-up the flight at another time or may want to continue as scheduled, but with one of the other flight instructors sitting in one of the seats. Crews may only fly once per week! Your flight instructor may assign additional training sessions at his/her discretion.

Proposed Class/ Flight Schedule

Each week we will be going over what will be happening in the King Air FTD for the following week. As appropriate, we will review the King Air cockpit, aircraft systems, operating procedures, SOPs, checklist, and etc. We will also be practicing with the SOPs and checklist, and learning how to work together as a crew.

The ground school portion of this class is the best time to ask questions. During the FTD session, there is not enough time to answer all questions or get into lengthy discussions. Your flight instructors have tried to learn the King Air FTD as best they can, but like you, they do not know everything.

Some ground school sessions may be cancelled based on how well everyone is progressing on the King Air FTD. I will let everyone know as soon as possible as to any cancellations.

The proposed schedule that follows outlines the training that will be done in the King Air FTD each week. Ground school sessions will complement the FTD training sessions. This is a proposed schedule and may be updated as needed.

Proposed Schedule

Week 1- Introduction/Systems and IFR Review

Week 2- Finish Checklists, SOP’s and Begin High Altitude Ground

Week 3- Finish High Altitude Ground and Review

Week 4- Frasca 142 Instrument Proficiency Evaluations and Ctn. Systems

Week 5- King Air FTD Cockpit Familiarization and Ctn. Systems

Week 6- King Air FTD Startup and Shutdown (Partial Checklist)

Week 7- King Air FTD Startup/Shutdown & Orientation Flight (Full Checklist)

Week 8- King Air FTD Basic and Advanced Flight Maneuvers

Week 9- King Air FTD Abnormal and Emergencies Procedures

Week 10- King Air FTD Instrument Approaches and Holds

Week 11- King Air FTD Review IFR and Abnormal/Emergency Procedures

Week 12- King Air FTD Navigation Systems and Autopilot

Week 13- King Air FTD Instrument X-Country Orientation and Emergencies

Week 14- King Air FTD Line Oriented Fight Training (LOFT)

Week 15- Open

Finals week Final Evaluation LOFT