AP Psychology Exam 7 Review Guide / 1

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AP Psychology Exam 7 Review Guide / 1

1. Which of the following is not one of the criteria used in deciding whether a criminal defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity? At the time of the crime, mental illness prevented the person from

a. resisting the impulse to do wrong.

b. understanding what they were doing.

c. knowing what they were doing was wrong.

d. voluntarily entering a mental institution.

2. Little Kendra is three years old. She almost never shows any signs of recognition when her parents are around and basically ignores other people. Kendra occasionally bangs her head repeatedly. Kendra most likely

a. has autistic disorder.

b. has schizophrenia.

c. has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

d. has separation anxiety disorder.

3. Rudy has been a troublemaker from a very young age. At the age of nine, he was arrested for vandalism. At the age of thirteen, he forced the family cat to eat a lit firecracker. Now that Rudy is an adult, he has become a serial killer. Rudy is especially dangerous because people generally like him when they first meet him. Rudy most likely has a(n) ______personality disorder.

a. antisocial

b. narcissistic

c. avoidant

d. schizotypal

4. Karen and Tai both have schizophrenia. Karen keeps hearing her canned goods talking to her, whereas Tai is convinced that he is a space alien. Karen is having ______, and Tai is suffering from ______.

a. delusions; hallucinations

b. obsessions; self-significant delusions

c. hallucinations; delusions

d. thought insertion; self-significant delusions

5. Elmer has been diagnosed with schizophrenia by his psychiatrist on the basis of exhibiting positive symptoms. Elmer has not shown any of the negative symptoms associated with schizophrenia. Which one of the following would Elmer not have exhibited?

a. Hallucinations

b. Delusions

c. Social withdrawal

d. Disorganized thoughts

6. Since Jack's forced retirement, he has experienced overwhelming sadness and has withdrawn from his friends and family. He has gained twenty pounds and has been sleeping much more than usual. Most noticeably, he is no longer interested in participating in his life-long hobby of playing several rounds of golf each week. Most likely Jack is experiencing

a. a fugue reaction.

b. bipolar disorder.

c. conversion disorder.

d. major depression.

7. For the past few months, Val felt completely hopeless and unmotivated. She would not eat much and felt worthless. Then, she suddenly felt extremely optimistic and full of energy. Val is probably suffering from ______disorder.

a. dysthymic

b. somatization

c. bipolar I

d. major depressive

8. There are many misunderstandings about suicide. Which of the following statements reflects a truth about suicide?

a. Females are three times more likely to attempt suicide.

b. People who talk about suicide will not try it.

c. Most people who attempt suicide want to die.

d. College students are more likely to attempt suicide than are elderly people.

9. Hector's wife announced that she was taking their children, moving out of their home, and filing for divorce. Hector disappeared and six months later he was found at a location 500 miles from his home, using a different name and not appearing to know his real name or his home address. Hector is displaying

a. dissociative identity disorder.

b. a fugue reaction.

c. conversion disorder.

d. generalized anxiety disorder.

10. Norman is a hotel owner with a calm, laid-back style of living who occasionally "splits" into a different personality. This other personality is a cranky, violent old woman. Norman is exhibiting

a. dissociative identity disorder.

b. bipolar disorder.

c. schizophrenia.

d. cyclothymia.

11. Spencer is about to be evaluated at his job, when he wakes up Monday morning and finds he is paralyzed and cannot go to work. On Friday evening, Spencer is miraculously able to walk again, yet the following Monday he is once again paralyzed. Spencer is most likely suffering from ______disorder.

a. panic

b. hypochondriasis

c. conversion

d. somatization

12. Kristine and Nicole are seeing therapists for their psychological problems. Kristine constantly thinks that she is stupid and worthless, and sometimes she has thoughts of killing herself. Nicole cleans her house so much that she doesn't have time to do anything else; she realizes that her house is already clean, but she can't stop herself. Their therapists are most likely treating Kristine for her ______and treating Nicole for her ______.

a. obsessions; obsessions

b. obsessions; compulsions

c. compulsions; compulsions

d. compulsions; obsessions

13. Which of the following is commonly used to treat the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

a. Prozac

b. Anxiolytic drugs

c. Neuroleptic drugs

d. Lithium

14. Electroconvulsive shock therapy (EST) has been used for many decades for many different disorders. Today, EST is used sparingly and only under certain conditions, primarily in the treatment of

a. severe depression.

b. agoraphobia

c. schizophrenia.

d. dissociative disorder.

15. Which of the following best summarizes the research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy?

a. Behavioral therapy is more effective than psychoanalytic therapy in all cases.

b. There are no significant differences in outcomes (e.g., levels of depression) between those who have undergone psychotherapy and those who have not.

c. Psychoanalytic therapy is best for treating people with long-standing personality disorders.

d. There are no significant differences in the overall effectiveness of behavior therapy, humanistic therapy, and psychoanalytic therapy.

16. All of the following are cognitive distortions identified by Aaron Beck except

a. all-or-none thinking.

b. personalization.

c. catastrophizing.

d. transference.

17. Bob's therapist designs a program to help him quit drinking. Specifically, he induces nausea each time Bob drinks an alcoholic beverage. Bob's therapist is using a behavioral technique known as

a. modeling.

b. aversion conditioning.

c. extinction.

d. flooding.

18. Part of client-centered therapy consists of the therapist treating the client as a valued person, regardless of what the client says or does. Approval is not necessary, but acceptance without judgment is. Which of the following therapist attitudes does this describe?

a. Empathy

b. Genuineness

c. Congruence

d. Unconditional positive regard

19. Vinny dreams that twelve monkeys are dancing in a circle around him while he sits on a stool and eats a banana. This description of Vinny's dream contains ______content.

a. lucid

b. manifest

c. transference

d. latent

20. Sally goes to Lucy for psychotherapy. In Lucy's office, Sally relaxes and says whatever comes to her mind. She also describes her dreams, and Lucy offers interpretations. Lucy claims that these methods help Sally become more aware of her unconscious mind. Lucy is most likely a ______psychotherapist.

a. humanistic

b. psychodynamic

c. behavioral

d. cognitive

21. When Cassie failed her physics exam, she felt like a failure in every aspect of her life—as a daughter, a student, and a friend. This belief of herself reflects Cassie's

a. self-serving bias.

b. social identity.

c. relative deprivation.

d. self-concept.

22. Your roommate Perry is often cranky. One night you overhear Perry yelling at someone on his cell phone. You conclude that Perry is being his irritable self again and feel bad for the person he's talking to. You have made a(n) ______attribution for Perry’s behavior.

a. unified

b. differentiated

c. external

d. internal

23. If everything else is equal, which of the following factors would least affect how attracted you are to someone?

a. The person wears nicer clothes than you normally wear.

b. The person is about as physically attractive as you are.

c. The person rides the same bus as you do every morning.

d. The person shares your taste in music and political views.

24. Adam is teaching a new class with a diverse collection of students. To reduce potential prejudice in the classroom, he attempts to get the students working together in groups. If negative attitudes toward different categories of students within the classroom decrease, this approach would be support for the ______hypothesis.

a. contact

b. cognitive

c. concept

d. construct

25. While looking through a pile of applications, Rosa decided to interview only the applicants who had a college degree, even though the job did not require one. Rosa is demonstrating her ______attitude toward college graduates, and her refusal to read the noncollege graduate applications could be considered ______.

a. stereotypical; prejudicial

b. prejudicial; discriminatory

c. discriminatory; prejudicial

d. prejudicial; stereotypical

26. Jim and Bob both have negative attitudes toward review sessions. Jim's instructor explains that review sessions can help to focus study efforts. Jim thinks carefully about this explanation and then changes his attitude using the ______route to attitude change. Bob's instructor also tells him that review sessions are useful. Bob doesn't think much about the explanation, but he is impressed by his instructor's confidence and thinks that she is very intelligent so he changes his attitude using the ______route to attitude change.

a. peripheral; central

b. central; peripheral

c. peripheral; peripheral

d. central; central

27. Veronica is at a rock concert. During the concert, dozens of people start shouting obscenities at the police officers who come onto the stage to arrest the group. Even though she would never dream of yelling dirty words at police officers on her own, Veronica joins the crowd and is among the first to run up on stage to try to stop the police. Veronica is experiencing

a. social facilitation.

b. social deinhibition.

c. deindividuation.

d. normative pressure.

28. Which of the following is a comment you are least likely to hear within a group characterized by groupthink?

a. “Our critics are not very smart.”

b. “Our decisions have always been right.”

c. “Let's discuss all options first.”

d. “It seems to me we are all in agreement on this, so let's proceed.”

29. When Kami's son Terence became increasingly violent during his teen years, Kami blamed it on hormones. Kami would most likely agree with a(n) ______theory of aggression.

a. biological

b. ethological

c. Freudian

d. releaser

30. Most psychologists believe that Milgram demonstrated a basic truth about human behavior—that

a. people will do things in groups that they will not do alone.

b. people have an instinctive biological urge for aggression.

c. under certain circumstances human beings are capable of brutal acts toward other humans.

d. most people will blindly follow inhumane orders from their leaders.

31. During a visit to New York City, Noah is approached by Steve Guttenburg, who asks Noah if will accept a free button from him. Noah agrees. Then Steve asks Noah if he would also like to donate $10 to the Forgotten 80s Actors Foundation. Steve has used the ______technique to induce compliance.

a. door-in-the-face

b. low-ball

c. foot-in-the-door

d. public-acceptance

AP Psychology Exam 7 Review Guide / 1

OLD Material and FRQ


Statistical inference vs. descriptive statistics

Lateral/Ventromedial Hypothalamus

Opiates vs. Stimulants

Social-cognitive approach

Tympanic membrane

Occipital, Frontal, Parietal Lobe

Cocktail party effect

Adolescence in Western cultures

Psychodynamic approach

Increase motivation


Positively skewed data

Procedural vs. declarative memory

Types/functions of immune cells

Id vs. ego vs. superego

Representative vs. availability heuristics

Positive correlation

Adler’s theory vs. Jung’s Theory

Stages of sleep characteristics

Gate-control theory

Figure ground

Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic Nervous System

Projective vs. non-projective personality tests

Place theory