Summer Assignment ~ 2012

1.  Read the first four modules (chapters) from our AP Psychology text –

Myers ~ Psychology 7th Edition in Modules and fully complete the given

module packets (study guides) – this includes all Essay/Written portions, Key Terms, and Critical Thinking Exercises.

·  Mod 1 The History and Scope of Psychology

·  Mod 2 Research and Strategies: How Psychologists Ask

Answer Questions

·  Mod 3 Neural & Hormonal Systems

·  Mod 4 The Brain

These mod packs will be made available with textbooks in room A105 on June 12th. Beginning on the last day of school all materials will be in the house office.

2.  Complete the poster described on the back.

***NOTE: I cannot emphasize enough how difficult mods 3 & 4 are. Any pre-work you do here with these two very difficult chapters will help you enormously in the first few weeks. The info they cover (Unit 2 ~ Neuroscience & Behavior) has proven to be the most challenging by far for students who have taken this course.

Additional items:

Ø  Textbooks and mod packs may be picked up in room A105 June 12th. These textbooks are for the most part in horrible condition—students must spend a lot of quality time with our text in order to succeed. We will be getting Brand New Textbooks upon our return in the fall, so do not be overly concerned if your book is falling apart. Keep it together as best you can.

Ø  Recommended Reading – Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. I am not going to ask you to do anything more than read this powerful book. Actually two books in one, Man’s Search for Meaning, presents a detailed review of life in the Nazi prison camps, but then applies Frankl’s attempt to decipher his life experiences using psychotherapy. {While we will not be studying Frankl’s Logotherapy directly, this book serves as a strong introduction to the conceptual approach of the psychological paradigms as avenues to explain human behavior. It will set the tone for a number of items we will study throughout the year.}


Study guides for Mods 1 & 2 will be due on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 4th.

Mod Posters will be due on Monday, September 10th. I will take any final questions about the posters on Friday, September 7th.

Our first test covering the first two mods will occur on Wednesday, September 12th.

Study guides for Mods 3 & 4 will be due in mid-September.

Check out our on-line text resources at www.worthpublishers.com/myers

Look for David Myers Psychology 7th Edition in Modules.

Contact Mr. O’Connor at: o’
Request membership for my wikipage: http://wths-appsy-oc.wikispaces.com/


Ø  Standard poster board size—name and period on the back.

Ø  Must have an original title about the brain.

Ø  Visibly attractive, but not to the point of distraction.

Ø  Colorful, neat, and accurate information—neatly hand written or original computer design (meaning you made it, not that you copied it from somewhere).

You must recreate the 7 images and the 1 chart from Mods 3 & 4 correctly labeling and identifying the given functions of the various brain/body systems. We will be studying all of these in more detail later, however spending time drawing, labeling and then explaining these systems/structures will lay a significant foundation upon which we can build. Each of the following must be included and should closely resemble the way in which they appear in our textbook:

ü  Neuron – Figure 3.1 – Pg 55

ü  Synaptic Gap – Figure 3.3 – Pg 57

ü  The Major Neurotransmitters – Table 3.1 – Pg 58

ü  The Nervous System – Figure 3.6 – Pg 61

ü  The Autonomic Nervous System – Figure 3.7 – Pg 62

ü  The Endocrine System – Figure 3.10 – Pg 65

ü  The Process of Speech – Figure 4.14 – Pg 81

ü  Brain Structures & Functions – Figure 4.21 – Pg 93

You may change the layout or design of a particular image, or you may find a different image on-line to use as your model, but it must accurately portray all of the particulars identified in the specific figure from our text.

So, what could this look like?

NOTE: This is not an art project. You are not being graded on the quality of your artwork, rather you will be graded on the accuracy of your labeling and your identification of the appropriate functions and processes.

Have a Safe and Restful Summer!!!

I look forward to working with you next year! ~ Mr. O’C