AP Environmental Science Learning Target Log


Unit 2 (1st half): Earth Systems and Resources

Directions: Place a level of understanding, as aligned to the rubric, for each assessment that provides an opportunity to practice a given learning target.


4 / 3 / 2 / 1
·  I’m a pro!
·  I completely understand all concepts and I can fully explain them to my peers with supporting examples and with correct scientific language. / ·  I mostly get it.
·  I understand most concepts, but I need to study more so I can explain them to others with supporting examples and with correct scientific language. / ·  I’m confused.
·  I am starting to understand most of these concepts. I need more help from someone. / ·  I’m completely lost.
·  I do not understand these concepts. I need extra help.
LT # / Learning Targets / Standard / Date: / Date: / Date: / Date: / Date: / Date:
2.1 / I can tell the difference between the different types of plate boundaries and know at least one real-world example for each. / 1A
2.2 / I can explain how solar intensity and latitude effect the different seasons of the year (and creates different biomes) / 1A
2.3 / I can discuss and explain the Coriolis effect to another person. / 1B
2.4 / I can diagram the structure and composition of the atmosphere. / 1B
2.5 / I understand the difference between climate and weather. / 1B
2.6 / I can identify the four main components (parts) that make up soil. / 1D
2.7 / I can describe the 6 main soil types and how they formed. / 1D
2.8 / I can explain what soil erosion is and give examples of erosion (at least 3 different types) / 1D
2.9 / I can explain possible ways to remediate (fix) soil erosion. / 1D
2.10 / I can explain different types of agriculture or agriculture strategies (for example: alley cropping, crop rotation, etc.) / 4A
2.11 / I can explain the concept of genetic engineering and why agriculture uses this technique to feed growing populations. / 4A
2.12 / I can explain the four aspects that make up sustainable agriculture. / 4A
2.13 / I can compare costs and benefits of pesticide use. / 4B
2.14 / I can understand and give examples of integrated pest management / 4B
2.15 / I can cite laws relevant to agriculture and controlling pests (FIFRA 1947, Federal Env. Pesticides Control Act, FQPA 1996 for example) / 4B


Please fill out this reflection before turning in this learning target log (usually before unit test).

1. What learning targets do you/did you have the most trouble with ? Why?

2. What did you enjoy learning most this unit?

3. What is the purpose of learning target logs?

4. Do you find learning target logs helpful for your learning? Why or why not? What would you change?