In an effort to develop an understanding about the "science" of polling, you are going to construct a poll of your own creation. Follow the steps below in order to create a fair, balanced, and accurate poll. Then, separately, tabulate and report results from data I will provide you.

‍The Assignment (8 points)

1. You will focus on three questions that you would ask. To help, you should focus on an issue from one of the following groupings...

o A Political Issue (the election, approval rating, interest in the election, etc.)

o A Current Event (something non-political in nature)

o A School Issue (issue that you think would be interesting)

o A Social Issue (television watching, sports interest, popularity of something, etc.)

2. Develop unbiased questions with answers for each from which respondents can choose responses.

o Questions should be unambiguous and unbiased

o Answer choice should be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

3. Do NOT actually ask people your three questions.

4. Tabulate the results for a different hypothetical survey and each subgroup based on what I provide to you.

5. Report you results for the total and each subgroup

o Example : Question 1, Total: a) 25%, b) 50%, c) 25%

o Turn-in your survey questions and, separately, results page based on hypothetical survey results I provided.