Minutes of the College Meeting
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
November 3, 2014 – Prairie Room
Dean Sandstrom called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
· LCT’s performance of “Little Shop of Horrors” was a smashing success. “The Women of Lockerbie,” will be performed in early December.
· Christina Weber has accepted the appointment of Associate Dean for Faculty Development in the college, beginning in January 2015.
· The State Board of Higher Education has officially approved the renaming of the NDSU School of Music to the NDSU Challey School of Music.
· Faculty are strongly encouraged to attend FORWARD’s Search Committee Training scheduled for November 12 from 2:00-4:00 in the Hidatsa room.
· Policy 327 requires a formal evaluation of administrators every three years. Kent Sandstrom, Mark Meister, John Cox, and John Miller are undergoing evaluation this year.
· The deadline for submission of items for the next Talking Points is noon, November 17.
· NDSU Explore will be held tomorrow in the Ballroom.
· Michael Strand has been named Artist of the Year by the ceramics arts yearbook – Ceramic Arts 2015.
Melissa Callens Vosen provided information on teaching and learning resources available to faculty and graduate assistants in the college. More information is available on the AHSS website at http://www.ndsu.edu/ahss/teaching_and_learning_resources/.
Kristine Paranica, NDSU’s Ombudsperson, addressed the faculty, discussing her role at NDSU and how she can provide assistance in consultation, mediation, conflict resolution and workshops/training. A handout on Strategies for Managing Incivility and Conflict was distributed and examples of incivility were discussed.
John Miller reported on behalf of the Council of College Faculties. Currently under discussion are Measure 3, exploring alternative scheduling, and policies involving risk management.
Policy and Planning Committee – no report.
Faculty and Lecturer Recognition Committee – Carol Archbold has agreed to serve as chair of the committee.
Curriculum Committee Report – Warren Olfert suggested that faculty review the Academic Affairs’ website for syllabus requirements when submitting course proposals to the Curriculum Committee. Kent Sandstrom also reminded departments that if new courses are being proposed, consideration should be given to dropping other courses. He also stressed the importance of providing rationale on how the courses will serve program needs and outcomes.
Student Progress Committee – no report.
Christina Weber reported that the Promotion, Tenure, and Evaluation Committee is seeking feedback on a proposed policy for addressing changes to portfolio requirements and the procedure for granting tenure to new hires in the college. The committee is also reviewing the current policy of requiring 7 copies (original plus 6) binders for PTE portfolios, and solicited input from faculty on alternative methods for future years.
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Heiraas, Secretary
cc: President Bresciani
Provost Ingram