DESTINATION B2, Unit 14 ( G6a 10/11 )

A: Topic Vocabulary in Contrast

a)  Do exercises A and B on page 85; check with the key.

b)  Look at list on page 84: discuss the use and difference of these words with your partner. Check at the back ( p.191f )

c)  Complete the table below.

German / English
Arztrezept / prescription
Kochrezept / recipe
Operation / 1)operation ( countable )
2)surgery ( uncountable )
schmerzend, weh, wund / e.g. sore feet, muscles
wehtun, schmerzen / hurt
Schmerz / pain
dünn / thin
schlank / slim
Heilmittel, Behandlung, Heilung; heilen / cure
Heilmittel, Abhilfe / remedy
gesund – ungesund / healthy - unhealthy
fit / fit
untersuchen / 1) ( e.g. police ) investigate
2) ( e.g. doctor ) examine
Ansteckung / infection
(Umwelt-)Verschmutzung / pollution
1) Gips / 2) Pflaster
3) Verband / 1) plaster ( uncountable ) 2) a plaster
3) bandage
Krankenstation/-saal / ward
Klinik / clinic
Dosis / dose
‘Schuss’ ( drugs ) / fix
Fieber ( - Heuschnupfen ) / fever, temperature ( = leichtes Fieber )
Ausschlag / rash
Krankheit / 1) ‘time of being unwell’: illness
2) ‘type of illness’: disease

Also learn antonyms / synonyms / paraphrases / explanations.

Can you make typical example sentences with each? ( see p.191f )

B: Phrasal Verbs

a)  Do exercises C+D.

b)  Study list on page 84 and edit your answers.

c)  Check with the key.

d)  Complete the table below. Type: ask me for an overview of types!

German / English / Synonym / Paraphrase / Type
aufhören, aufgeben / give up / stop doing sth. you do regularly / 2
aufpassen auf, sich kümmern um / look after / take care of / 3
ausbrechen ( Krieg, Feuer, Krankheit; Häftling ) / break out / start suddenly ( war, fire, illness ) / 1
bereit sein etw. zu tun / feel up to / feel well enough to do / 4
bewusstlos werden / pass out / suddenly become unconscious / 1
durchkommen ( nach Unfall etc. ) / pull through / survive (a serious illness, etc.) / 1/3
einschläfern, abtun / put down / kill (a sick/old animal) / 2
einschränken, reduzieren ( z.B. Rauchen ) / cut down (on) / do less of (smoking, etc.);reduce an amount of / 1/4
erkranken ( an einer leichten Krankheit ) / come down with / start to suffer from a minor illness / 4
etw. überwinden / get over / recover from (an illness, etc.) / 3
nachlassen ( z.B. Wirkung eines Medikaments ) / wear off / stop being effective (for a drug, etc.) / 1
verursachen / bring on / cause (an illness, etc.) / 2
zu sich kommen / come round/to / become conscious / 1
zunehmen / put on / gain (weight) / 3


Mark the words you find difficult to learn.

Write them down in groups of about five.

Write a – more or less sensible – story or mini scene ( about you ) and include them.

C: Phrases and Collocations

a)  Do exercise E. Go to the list on p.84 and edit your answers. Check with the key at the back.

b)  Choose about fifteen phrases / collocations. Put them into the first column.

Note: Choose the more challenging phrases / collocations!

c)  Make sensible sentences with them ( column 2 ) and translate them into good German ( column 3 ). The first one has been done as an example.

Phrase / Sentence / Translation
find an alternative ( to ) / They didn’t know of any alternative to traditional medicine. / Sie kannten keine Alternative zur Schulmedizin.
make an appointment / I would like to make an appointment with Dr Mayer for tomorrow. / Ich würde gerne einen Termin für Morgen bei Dr. Mayer ausmachen. ( Verabredung treffen )
run a bath for sb. / Let me run you a nice bath and you will feel better. / Komm, ich lass dir ein Bad einlaufen und du wirst dich besser fühlen.
to be in danger / When the shark bit Mike in the water, he knew he was in mortal danger. / Als der Hai Mike im Wasser biss, wusste er, dass er in Todesgefahr schwebte.
get some exercise ( singular! ) / The key to losing weight is to get a lot of exercise. / Der Schlüssel zum Abnehmen ist, sich viel zu bewegen / viel Sport zu treiben.
keep fit / Doing a lot of exercise keeps you fit. / Viel Bewegung hält einen fit.
do sb. good / Eating a lot of vegetables does you good. / Viel Gemüse zu essen tut dir gut.
to be in poor health / He has had an accident and now he is in very poor health. / Er hatte einen Unfall und nun ist er in sehr schlechter gesundheitlicher Verfassung
have an injection against sth. / He stepped on a rusty nail, therefore he had to have an injection against tetanus. / Er stand auf einen rostigen Nagel, deshalb musste er sich gegen Tetanus impfen lassen.
prescribe medicine / The doctor prescribed her medicine against her headache. / Der Doktor verschrieb ihr Medikamente gegen ihre Kopfschmerzen.
to get in shape / Sara had bought a new dress so she worked out a lot to get in shape. / Sara hatte ein neues Kleid gekauft, deshalb trainierte sie viel, um in Form zu kommen.
to spread to a place / People are afraid that bird flu will spread to Europe. / Die Leute haben Angst, dass sich die Vogelgrippe bis nach Europa ausbreiten wird.
to study medicine / He studied medicine in Oxford . / Er studierte Medizin in Oxford.
out of danger / As soon as he got the medicine, he was out of danger. / Sobald er die Medizin bekam, war er ausser Gefahr.
Spread sth. over/on sth. / He always spreads too much butter on her bread. / She always spreads her bread with too much butter. / Er streicht immer zu viel Butter aufs Brot.
To break an appointment / He keeps breaking our appointments. / Er lässt unsere Verabredungen ständig platzen.

D: Word Patterns

a)  Do exercises F and G. Go to the list on p.84 and edit your answers. Check with the key at the back.

b)  Complete the table below. Underline the pattern. The first sentence has been translated as an example.

German / English / word pattern
Er ist süchtig nach Süssigkeiten. / He is addicted to sweets. ( = ‘He has a sweet tooth. ) / be addicted to
Ich versuche seit einem Jahr abzunehmen – ohne Erfolg.
Versuche mal, Margarine anstatt Butter aufs Brot zu streichen. Dann wirst du sicher abnehmen!
(es versuchen mit ( … um ein Problem zu lösen ) ) / I`ve tried/attempted to lose weight for a year – without success.
Try spreading margarine on a roll instead of butter. Then you`re going to lose weight. / try to do sth. (=make an effort)
try doing sth. (`ausprobieren`)
Wir können alle von dieser Therapie profitieren ( aus … Nutzen ziehen ).
Aber was ist der Nutzen dieser Therapie? / All of us benefit from this therapy.
But what is the benefit of this therapy? / to benefit from sth.
the benefit of sth.
Er beklagte sich bei der Regierung über die mangelhafte Gesundheitsversorgung.
Er klagte über Schmerzen im Knie. / He complained to the government about the lack of sanitation.
He complained of pain in his knee. (watch out: ache <->pain) / complained to sb. about sth./sb. doing
Wird er mit seinen Problemen fertigwerden / zurechtkommen? / Will he cope with his problems? / cope with sth./doing
Er spritzt sich regelmässig Drogen in die Venen. / He regularly injects drugs into his veins. / inject sth. into sth.
Was veranlasst junge Leute, Drogen zu nehmen? / What causes/ gets people to take ( / makes people take ) drugs? / cause/ get so. to do ( / make so do ) sth.
11 + 12: Use ‘need’:
11) Ich muss meine Hausaufgaben machen.
12) Die Wäsche muss gemacht werden. / 11) I need to do my homework (uncountable!).
12) The washing needs doing. / need to do (active)
need doing ( passive )
Er wurde gestern operiert. / He was operated on yesterday. / operate on sb./sth.
Er leidet an Heuschnupfen.
15) Er erlitt grosse ( = ‘great’ ) Ungerechtigkeit. / He suffers from hay fever.
15) He suffered great injustice. / suffer from sth.
suffer sth.
Er hat es satt, im Bett zu bleiben. / He was tired of staying in bed. / tired of sth./doing
Er macht sich Sorgen um seine Gesundheit. / He is worried/concerned about his health. / to be concerned/worried about sth./sb. doing
Es lohnt sich, sich körperlich zu betätigen. / It is worth doing some physical exercise. / worth sth./doing

E: Word Formation

a)  Do exercises H and I. Go to the list on page 84 and edit your answers. Check with the key at the back.

b)  Complete the table below, using the words in the list on p.84. Include negative prefixes.

c)  First column: Translation of the first word in the line.

d)  Make sure you can translate all the words. Check with an online dictionary if you are not sure.

e)  Choose five to ten ‘difficult’ words and make sentences with them. Add a translation, if you wish.

f)  One example has been done for you.

German / Verb / Adjective / Adverb / Noun / Person
allergisch auf / allergic to / allergically / allergy
bewusst, dass / be aware of… / (un)aware of / (un)awareness
nutzen, zugutekommen / benefit / beneficial / -ly / benefit / benefactor
ermutigen, trösten; bequem / comfort / (un)comfortable / -ly / (dis)comfort
etw. hervorheben, betonen / emphasise / emphatic / -ally / emphasis
passen ( Grösse ) / to fit / (un)fit; fitting / fitness
krank werden, schlecht / ( to fall ill ) / ill with / illness
impfen, etw. injizieren / inject something into / injected / injection
verletzen / injure / injured / injury, injuries / the injured ( = die Verletzten ( allg.) )
bedienen ( Maschine ); operieren ( med.); zusammenarbeiten / operate ; operate on; cooperate / (un)cooperative / -ly / operation, operating, cooperation / operator
( Chirurg: surgeon )
vergiften / poison / poisonous / poison, poisoning
sich erholen / recover ( from ) / recovery
stärken / strengthen / strong / -ly / strength
chirurgisch / surgical / -ly / surgery / surgeon
behandeln / (mis)treat / treatment


German / English
Er ist auf Heu allergisch . / He is allergic to hay.
Er ist gestern von einem Spezialisten operiert worden. / He was operated on by a specialist yesterday.
Er hat ausdrücklich empfohlen, zum Arzt zu gehen. / He has emphatically recommended seeing a doctor.
Wir können alle von seiner Erfahrung profitieren ( profit ). / We can all benefit from his experience.
Hat er sich von seiner Operation schon erholt? / Has he recovered from his operation yet?
Er benötigt chirurgische Behandlung. / He requires surgical treatment.
Er muss eine Muskeln stärken. / He must strengthen his muscles.