Homeland Security Grant Program
Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group
Meeting Minutes / April 13, 2015

1.  Call To Order

A.  DEMA Deputy Director Glenn Gillespie convened the Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group (DHSTPWG) meeting at 1:30 p.m., in the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) Training Room. The following documents were provided to all meeting participants:

1)  Meeting Notice & Agenda

2)  DHSTPWG Meeting Minutes, February 9, 2015

3)  Training and Exercise Subcommittee Meeting Minutes, March 4, 2015

4)  Funding Subcommittee Funding Reallocations Summary, February 9, 2015

B.  Minutes from the February 9, 2015, meeting were reviewed and approved. (Motion Approved: Robert Newnam; Second: Allen Metheny – Passed Unanimously)

2.  Old Business

A.  Report from Subcommittees

Funding Subcommittee – (Allen Metheny, Chairman)

The State Fiscal System will close on June 26, 2015, and will re-open for business on July 9, 2015. Purchase Orders must submitted by June 6, 2015. Payment vouchers must be received by June 19 in order to process. A meeting is scheduled for May 4, 2015, to determine the FY2015 HSGP funding solution. Disciplines should have projects submitted by April 27, 2015. Mr. Metheny noted the subcommittee reviewed a list of projects of concern and conveyed that most projects were on-track to be completed by the grant deadline. The funding subcommittee approved the following reallocations:

1)  FY14, SHSP, Investment 4, AG

The Department of Public Health (DPH), Office of Animal Welfare (OAW), Delaware Animal Response (DAR) is requesting reallocation of $17,208.80 from the Animal Transport and Housing Support for Disasters project currently under the Department of Agriculture (AG) to the DPH DAR Transport and Housing Support for Disasters project. The DAR related equipment is an allowable expense under the current Authorized Equipment List (AEL). (Motion Approved: Kevin Sipple; Second: Sandra Alexander– Passed Unanimously)

2)  FY14, SHSP, Investment 4, AG

The Department of Public Health (DPH), Office of Animal Welfare (OAW), Delaware Animal Response (DAR) is requesting reallocation of $35,120 from the Delaware Animal Response for Disasters project currently under the Department of Agriculture (AG) to the DPH DAR Delaware Animal Response for Disasters project. The DAR related service is an allowable expense under the current Authorized Equipment List (AEL). (Motion Approved: Kevin Sipple; Second: Sandra Alexander– Passed Unanimously)

3)  FY13, SHSP, Investment 4, PH

The Department of Public Health (DPH), Office of Animal Welfare (OAW), Delaware Animal Response (DAR) is requesting reallocation of $3,000 from the Delaware Animal Response Subgrant FY13-007 currently utilized for DAR coordinator salary to the DPH DAR Delaware Animal Response (DAR) project for equipment acquisitions. The DAR related service and equipment are an allowable expense under the current Authorized Equipment List (AEL). (Motion Approved: Robert Newman; Second: Dwayne Day– Passed Unanimously)

4)  FY14, SHSP, Investment 2, LE

Law Enforcement is requesting reallocation of $20,000 from the CRBN budget line ($10,000), SWAT budget line ($5,000), and EOD budget line ($5,000) to support the Public Health Warehouse Project. An equal amount of funding will be reallocated from the state and local share of each budget line. Funding for lease and rent of the warehouse is an allowable expense under the Authorized Equipment List (AEL). (Motion Approved: Kevin Sipple; Second: Dave Carpenter– Passed Unanimously)

5)  FY13, SHSP, Investment 2, LE

Law Enforcement is requesting reallocation of $8,572 from the SWAT Local budget line and $2,043.69 from the MTTS budget line to support the purchase of a trailer that will be maintained by DSP (SWAT State budget line). The following justification was provided: Trailer will be used to transport WMD equipment needed to resupply trailers located in the three counties or to respond to a WMD site with equipment needed for the response. In addition it will be used to transport support equipment such as tents, heaters, tables, and benches for critical incidents like a hostage barricade type situation. Purchase of a trailer is an allowable expense under the Authorized Equipment List (AEL). (Motion Approved: Kevin Sipple; Second: Dave Carpenter– Passed Unanimously)

6)  FY13, SHSP, Investment 2, LE

Law Enforcement is requesting reallocation of $1,427 from the SWAT Local (Equipment) to the LE General Training budget line to support DIAC training. Training is an allowable expense under the Homeland Security Grant Program. (Motion Approved: Robert Newman; Second: Sandra Alexander– Passed Unanimously)

7)  FY13, SHSP, Investment 6, T&E

The Delaware Department of Information and Technology is reporting the reallocation of $1,472 from the Exercise Delivery statewide exercise funds to the DTI COOP Exercise (Statewide and DTI COOP Exercise) project for a total of $3,472 to fund COOP exercises. This reallocation was put to motion by Claudette Martin-Wus (DTI) and Approved: Harvey Velott; Second: Dave Mick – passing unanimously, during the March 4, 2015, DHSTPWG – Training and Exercise Subcommittee. The DTI related exercise is an allowable expense under the current Authorized Equipment List (AEL). (Motion Approved: Col Monroe Hudson; Second: Robert Schoonover– Passed Unanimously)

8)  FY13, SHSP, Investment 6, T&E

The Delaware Department of Information and Technology is reporting the reallocation of $1,744 from the Cyber Security Education funds to the Core Training Delivery project for a total of $106,744 to fund statewide core training delivery. This reallocation was put to motion by Claudette Martin-Wus (DTI) and Approved: Harvey Velott; Second: Dave Mick – passing unanimously, during the March 04, 2015, DHSTPWG – Training and Exercise Subcommittee. The DTI related training is an allowable expense under the current Authorized Equipment List (AEL). (Motion Approved: Dave Carpenter; Second: Kevin Sipple– Passed Unanimously)

Training and Exercise Subcommittee – (Biff Newnam, Chairman)

Mr. Biff Newnam briefed that copies of the March 4, 2015, minutes were provide to the Working Group. The minutes contained the business the subcommittee completed during the March 4, 2015, meeting. He noted the minutes contained a list of “Other Delaware Exercises” that were provided throughout the State in addition to exercises the Subcommittee sponsored. Several training requests were approved at the meeting. Mr. Newnam stated that the T&E would need to reschedule their meeting to April 28, 2015, in order to accommodate the FY2015 HSGP projects development meeting scheduled for May 4, 2015.

B.  FY2013/2014 Homeland Security Grant Status

Will Hayes briefed: There is a balance of approximately $1.3 million remaining in FY2013. Of the balance, roughly $919,000 is being used for subgrants and the remaining funds are being used for direct purchases. Subgrants and direct purchases are on track to be completed by the grant deadline. Mr. Hayes recommended that disciplines consider developing shovel ready projects in the event that other discipline funding is not expended as planned. The State Fiscal System will close on June 26, 2015, and will re-open for business on July 9, 2015. Purchase orders must be turned in by June 6, 2015. Payment vouchers must be received by June 19, 2015, in order to process. He noted FY2014 recently opened up, subgrants have been established and some direct purchases have been made.

C.  Appointment to Committees

Mr. Will Hayes reiterated the need for committee members to ensure their participation or provide a proxy in order to ensure a quorum is met for voting purposes. Committee members should provide official documentation for primary and proxy selection for future meetings. The working group concurred with the notion.

3)  New Business

A.  DIAC Briefing

The DIAC briefing did not take place due to absence of briefer.

B.  FY2015 HSGP Application and Information

Mr. Will Hayes briefed: The HSGP was released on April 2, 2015. The HSGP is comprised of three grants: The State Homeland Security Program (SHSP), the Urban Area Security Initiative, and Operation Stonegarden. Project requests for the HSGP are due on April 27, 2015. The process of selecting projects for the FY 2015 is scheduled for May 4, 2015. After project selections the, Investment Justification (IJ) will be written. The date for submitting the FY2015 HSGP application is May 19, 2015.

4)  Open to Floor

Glenn Gillespie provided an open floor for further discussion, no further discussion ensued.

5)  Next Meeting – The meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for May 4, 2015, at 1:30 a.m., at DEMA.

Minutes approved electronically by Glenn Gillespie

Glenn Gillespie

Acting Chairman, Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group

Attachments: Attendance Roster

Note: All meeting handouts are available upon request.

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Homeland Security Grant Program
Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group
Meeting Minutes / April 13, 2015
Name / Agency
Voting Members
Glenn Gillespie / Delaware Emergency Management Agency, Acting Chairman
Allen Metheny / Fire Service, Lead
Absent / Delaware National Guard
Col Monroe Hudson / Delaware State Police, LE Lead
Lisa Tanielian / Department of Agriculture
Marny McLee / Citizen Corps Program, Lead
Robert Newnam / Delaware Fire School
Tim Sexton / Public Health, Lead
Absent / DNREC, HZ Lead
Suzanne Rabb-Long / Delaware HealthCare Association
Sandra Alexander / Department of Technology and Information, CS Lead
Amy Anthony / Division of Motor Vehicles, Lead
Dwayne Day / DELDOT, Lead
Donald Tinari / Delaware League of Local Governments
Dave Carpenter / New Castle County EMA
Colin Faulkner / Kent County EMA
Absent / Sussex County EMA
Absent / Wilmington EMA
Dave Mick / Kent County EMS
Kevin Sipple / Public Safety Communications
Funding Subcommittee Guests
Lisa Morris / Department of Justice
Jane Walmsley / Public Health, DAR
Joe Hughes / Delaware League of Local Governments
David Counter / Wilmington University
Carl Luft / Delaware League of Local Governments
Robert Schoonover / Sussex EMS
Gary Matthews / Sussex EMS
Isabella Kaplan / Department of Technology and Information
Delaware Emergency Management Agency Staff
Tony Lee / Principle Planner
Will Hayes / Terrorism Preparedness Planner
Arnold Maas / Terrorism Preparedness Planner
Ron Price / Terrorism Preparedness Management Analyst

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