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DOI: 10.21776/ (filled by Editor)
eISSN: 2442-5001 pISSN: 2407-6724
Accredited by DIKTI Decree No: 21/E/KPT/2018
First Author1, Second Author 2, Third Author3 (Times New Roman 10, Full name without degree, Capitalize Each Word, Center)
Correspondence:Author’s email as the principal contact (Times New Roman 9, Italic, Dark blue, center)
1First Author’sinstitutional address (Times New Roman 9, Italic, Black, center, single space).
2Second Author’sinstitutional address (Times New Roman 9, Italic, Black, center, single space).
3Third Author’sinstitutional address (Times New Roman 10, Italic, Black, center, single space).
Article History: (filled by Editor)Received: xx x, xxxx
Accepted: xx x, xxxx
Background: Times New Roman 9, single space, contains the brief description of the research.
Objective: Times New Roman 9, single space, contains the brief description of the research objective.
Methods: Times New Roman 9, single space, contains the brief description of the research methods.
Results: Times New Roman 9, single space, contains the brief description of the research results.
Conclusion: Times New Roman 9, single space, contains the brief description of the research conclusion.
Keywords: keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword (Times New Roman 9, single space)
Cite this as: Vancouver style
First Author’s last name followed by the initials of first and/or second name, Second Author’s last name followed by the initials of first and/or second name, Third Author’s last name followed by the initials of first and/or second name. Article’s title.Publisher. Time of published; Volume(Issue);page. DOI/PubMed link
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Introduction (Times New Roman 14, Bold, Dark Blue, in 2 Columns)
Body paragraph is written using Times New Roman 10 with single space. Each new paragraph indents in 3 pt. The content of introduction usually is the background of research and position of the research towards the other similar research. It also can be a brief literature review.
Reference cited according to Vancouver, numbered in accordance with the order of references in the research and in accordance with the sequence number in the bibliography. The number is written after dot “.” in superscript. In writing the citations and references, authors are recommended to use reference management software, such as: Mendeley®or Zotero.
Methods (Times New Roman 14, Bold, Dark Blue)
The content consists of research design, data collection, data sources such as the population and sample, and data analysis.
Research design (that subtopic should be Black and Bold followed by the description in new line)
It is written using Times New Roman 10 with single space and each new paragraph indents in 3 pt.
Results (Times New Roman 14, Bold, Dark Blue)
The content consists of the data and information that have been collected. It should be written using Times New Roman 10 with single space and each new paragraph indents in 3 pt. The finding systematically must be supported by charts, tables, figures or informative illustrations.
Data and information (that subtopic should be Black and Bold followed by the description in new line)
All figures, tables, or informative illustrations are prepared as HD image file.
Figure 1. Legend must be written in Times New Roman 9, center, and placed directly below the image.
Figure 2. Legend must be written in Times New Roman 9, center, and placed directly below the image.
Table 1. Legend should be written in Times New Roman 9 with single space and placed above the table content. Apply the line only for top and bottom border.
hhhhh / nnnn / ppppppjjjjjj / ooo
mmmm / fffggg / kkkkk
eeeee / bbbb / sssss / uuuu
qqqqq / wwww / aaaaa / xxxx
vvvvv / xxxxx / qqqqq / ppp
rrrrr / bbbb / eeee / qqqq
iiiiiii / dddd / nn / hhhh
ttttt / yyyyy / zzzz / cccc
Discussion (Times New Roman 14, Bold, Dark Blue)
The content consists of the discussion about the finding. It should be written using Times New Roman 10 with single space and each new paragraph indents in 3 pt.
Conclusion (Times New Roman 14, Bold, Dark Blue)
Conclusion should clearly state the result of correlated objective (and may also possible with future direction). Avoid using point or numbering.
It should be written using Times New Roman 10 with single space and each new paragraph indents in 3 pt.
Acknowledgement (Times New Roman 14, Bold, Dark Blue)
It contains the article’s support or sponsorship, written using Times New Roman 10 with single space and each new paragraph indents in 3 pt.
References (Times New Roman 14, Bold, Dark Blue. It is written according to Vancouver, numbered in accordance with the order of references in the research and in accordance with the sequence number in the bibliography)
- First Author’s last name followed by the initials of first and/or second name, Second Author’slast name followed by the initials of first and/or second name, Third Author’slast name followed by the initials of first and/or second name. Article’s title.Publisher. Time of published; Volume(Issue);page. DOI/PubMed link
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- Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. Second edition. Alabny (NY): Delmar Publishers;1996
- Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infections diseases. Emrg infect Dis (serial online) 1995 Jan-Mar Retrieved on June 5 1996. Available from: URL: HYPERLINK