13thUttarakhandState Science & Technology Congress 2018-19
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(page 1 of 4)
Presenting Author *
Date of Birth: ______
Gender: M/ F : _____
E-mail: ______(Acceptance letter will be sent on this email only)*
Mobile No: ______
Category 1[Y/N] :
(date of birth falls on or after 02-02-1989i.e. age upto 30 years on 01-02-2019)
Category 2[Y/N] :
(date of birth falls between 02-02-1979 and 01-02-1989 i.e. age above 30 but less than or upto 40 years on 01-02-2019)
Category 3[Y/N] :
(date of birth falls on or before 01-02-1979 i.e. age above 40 years on 01-02-2019)
Category 4[Y/N] :
(no age bar for Innovator category)
Already awarded with Young Scientist Award:[Y/N] ______Year: ______
(The author once awarded (under category 1 or 2); will not be considered again for Young Scientist Award)
Already awarded with Innovator of the Year Award: [Y/N] ______Year: ______
(The author once awarded (under category 4); will not be considered again for Innovator of the year Award)
Presentation Type: [Oral/Poster] (any one): ______
Discipline: (choose from the “List of Disciplines#1”): ______
(e.g. Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Microbiology, Botany, Chemistry…. etc.)
Designation/ Position: ______
(e.g. JRF, M.Pharm Student, M.Tech Student, Ph.D Scholar, Assistant Professor, Research Scholar…. …. etc.)
Registration fee: Rs NIL / 1000/ 2000 : ______
(choose from the “Registration Fee #2”)
Bank: ______DD No:______:DD Date: ______
Accommodation Required: Y/N : ____ (for non-local participants only)
Title of the Paper (in CAPITAL letters):______
Author’s name and organizational/institutional address (including Presenting Author):
(Including presenting author)
Abstract: (Totalnumber of Words*: ______ (in digit))
(Abstract length- Minimum: 200 words, Maximum: 500 words)
(Abstract should not contain any figure or table)
(must be issued by any Organization/ Institution from Uttarakhand only)
Concerned Head/HOD/ P.I./Guide/Supervisor is requested to ensure that each item on the Certificate is filled-out completely and accurately.
don’t paste scanned signature and seal
No changes should be done in the prescribed format
- This is certified that ……………………………….……(name of the presenting author) is workingas ………………………… …………….…………(position) at ……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………...…(organization/ institutioncomplete address).
- He/She is employed/pursuing research/studentin the organization.
- He/She is with/ without financial support/ fellowship/ salary/ emolument/ remuneration etc. in the organization.
- He/She has passed his/her
PG degree in ………………………….. (science only) (copy of PG Degree must be enclosed)
Bachelor degree in ……………………………………. (Engineering/ Medical Sciences/ Ayurveda/ Veterinary Sciences). (copy of Degree must be enclosed)
- He/ She has been allowed to present research paper entitled …………………..……………….…… …………………… ………….……… under Category-1/2/3 or 4 for Oral/Poster presentation, under ……………………….. ………… ………………………………..… discipline(List of Disciplines #1).
- His/ Her date of birth is ……………… (date of birth certificatemust be enclosed).
- This is also verified that (a)- research area and the research work belongs to Uttarakhand and (b)- the presenting author resides in Uttarakhand.
- He/She has ‘Received’/ ‘Not Received’ the Young Scientist/ Innovator of the Year Award during previous USSTC.
Copy of Date of birth certificate: [Y/ N]
Copy of PG degree in Science: [Y/ N] OR Copy of Bachelor degree in (Engineering/ Medical Sciences/
Ayurveda/ Veterinary Sciences): [Y/ N]
Name of Institutional Head/ HOD/ P.I./Guide/Supervisor
Designation, Address, Seal
Name and Signatureof Presenting Author
Date: ______
* Mandatory
#1 - List of Disciplines:Code Discipline / Code Discipline
- Agricultural Sciences
- Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Microbiology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Earth Sciences including Geology, Geophysics and Geography
- Engineering Science and Technology
- Environmental Science and Forestry
- Home Science
- Material Science and Nano Technology
- Mathematics; Statistics and Computer Science
- Medical Science and Pharmaceutical Science
- Physics
- Rural Technology
- Science & Society/ Science Communication
- Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry
- Zoology
#2 - Registration Fee
Detail / Fee (in INR)
1- Research Scholars/ Students (without fellowship) / Nil
2- Research Scholars (with fellowship) / Rs 1,000/- (Rs One Thousand only)
3- Others / Rs 2,000/- (Rs Two Thousand only)