SSWH:Period ___
SSWH: Renaissance - Enlightenment /A Humanist Jig
The Music (General Information)
Renaissance: French word meaning rebirth or revival. Used to refer to thetransitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times, markedby a humanistic revival of classical influence and expressed in a flowering of thearts and literature and by the beginning of modern science. It was a period oftime with vigorous and lasting artistic and intellectual activity.
Humanism: This is the Renaissance belief that human endeavors are asimportant as religious study. An interest in human society and individualendeavor and the spread of ideas during the Renaissance were all a part ofhumanism.
Humanism includes…
Classical Study: Renaissance humanists spent time studying classical writers,artists, philosophers and scientists. They took the ideas of the ancient Greeksand Romans and infused them with new ideas to create Renaissanceliterature, art, architecture, philosophy, and science.
Education: Education became more widespread and less focused on religiousideas during the Renaissance. A Renaissance education included the study oflanguages (ancient and modern), reading, writing and some science andgeography. There was an emphasis on individual reason.
Observation: Renaissance scientists and explorers used their ownobservations to revise previous scientific theories and develop a newunderstanding of the world. Renaissance writers and philosophers wroteabout their observations of human nature and human society.
Realism: An interest in nature and the world as it was flourished during theRenaissance. Artists sought to capture the world more accurately usingtechniques such as perspective. Explorers and scientists both endeavored tocreate a more realistic understanding of the natural world.
Secularism: Renaissance society emphasized non-religious ideas as much asreligious ones. Political leaders became more powerful than religious leaders.Trade, music, and the arts grew to be as popular as religion. Protestantreligions such as Anglicanism emphasized secular ideas.
Individualism: Renaissance people could be defined by their actions, not thesocial class into which they were born. A merchant could become wealthythrough trade. Explorers could bring fame and wealth to themselves and theircountry. Political leaders were judged by their actions.
The Dance
Explain how material in the assigned chapter section connects directly to the humanist movement in Europe.
Present assigned chapter section content and its connection to the humanist movement to the class as a whole.
Exchange chapter section information with group members
Discuss how section material connects to the humanist movement
Create a PPT presentation for section material information and its connection to humanism
Presentation & Handout:
Present on the people, places, events, ideas, theories, religions, inventions and accomplishments in the assigned section
Connect the above information to humanism
PPT Details:
10-12 minute presentation
12-20 slides
1 – 2 content and subject appropriate pictures per slide
Slide Tips:
7x7 rule (no more than 7 words on a line; no more than 7 lines on a slide)
Bullet points only
1 topic per slide
Handout Details:
Print PPT slides in handout format (3 slides per page)
Due Dates:
Handouts must be printed and PPTs saved to the M-drive by the end of class Thursday, January 24
Presentations will be Friday, January 25 – Wednesday, January 30