9th grade English Literature and Composition
School Year 2010-2011 Syllabus
Ms. Nicoleta Chirica
Course Description:
The introduction and identification of the principles of Literature and Composition; with an emphasis placed on recognizing literary genres, critical thinking and analysis, speaking and listening, writing, word usage, and grammar. At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to read and understand different genres of literature, think critically, recognize vocabulary terms and grammar, and apply and connect literature to everyday life.
Reading Literature and Reading Across the Curriculum
- RL1 The student demonstrates comprehension and interpretation of Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
- RL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme
- RL3 The student relates literature to contemporary context and/or historical background
- RL4 The student demonstrates understanding through writing
- RL5 The student understands and acquires contextual vocabulary
- RC1 One million words/25 books per year
- RC2 Discussion of topics related to content reading
- RC3 Content vocabulary
- RC4 Reading in context
Writing and Conventions
- W1 The student produces writing with appropriate organization, structure, and context
- W2 The student demonstrates writing competence in a variety of genres, Narrative, Persuasive, Expository, and Technical
- W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing
- W4 The student practices writing process and timed writing
- C1 The student demonstrates understanding of usage and mechanics
- C2 The student demonstrates understanding of manuscript form
Listening, Speaking, and Viewing
- LSV1 The student participates in verbal interactions (Student to Text, Student to Student)
- LSV2 The student formulates reasoned judgments about written or oral communication in various media genres and delivers polished presentations that demonstrate understanding
Prentice Hall Language and Literacy
Course Work:
Unit 1: Culture
Unit 2: Short Stories
Unit 3: The Epic
Unit 4: Non-Fiction
Unit 5: Poetry
Unit 6: Drama
Grammar: Parts of Speech and Conventions
Writing Conventions:
Narrative, expository, persuasive, research, and process writing
Daily Journaling
Vocabulary: Weekly vocabulary terms, formative assessments, and weekly quizzes
Grade Percentages:
Reading Literature and Reading across the Curriculum35%
Writing and Conventions35%
Listening, Speaking, and Viewing15%
Life Skills0%
Work Completion
Collaborative Learning
*Note: The Syllabus is always a work in progress, some items may be removed, added, or altered based on class progress.
Be in your assigned seat by the time the tardy bell rings, if you are late, you will not be admitted without a pass.
Come to class prepared and ready to work at all times.
No food or candy in permitted in the classroom unless otherwise specified.
Turn in all assignments according to the due date. No exceptions!! All late assignments must be accompanied with the proper excused absence; each late assignment will be addressed on an individual basis. Late assignments with no excuse will suffer a points deduction:
- Day 1 – 11 points deducted
- Day 2 – 21 points deducted
- Day 3 – 31 points deducted
- Day 4 and beyond –Assignment will not be accepted
Cheating or Plagiarismwill not be tolerated!! Please consult your student handbook in regards to cheating.
Materials needed for this course include your textbook, notebook and a folder, or a binder with folder pockets.
Establish learning goals for yourself and strive to achieve them.
Be organized. Organization is the key to success!
Utilize your agenda to record due dates for homework assignments, long term assignments, tests, and quizzes.
Put forth your best effort in all that you do, at all times.
Seek for clarification and understanding regardless of the circumstance.
Apply critical thinking for better understanding and comprehension.
Try to learn something new everyday!
Respect must be displayed and modeled at all times towards peers and all adults.
Be kind and courteous to all peers and adults.
Foul language, rude comments or gestures will not be tolerated in the classroom. Necessary discipline will be enforced!
Be sure to communicate needs and concerns with peers and adults in an appropriate manner.
The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
We are looking forward to a very successful and cooperative semester! Please read the documents above carefully. Please sign below indicating that you have read and understood the syllabus, classroom expectations, learning expectations, and behavior expectations. Please keep in your class notebook or binder for reference.
Thank You,
Ms. Nicoleta Chirica
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______