18th Session of the Human Rights CouncilItem 4 – General debate

Intervention by H.E. Mr. Matjaž Kovačič,Permanent Representative of Slovenia

Slovenia aligns itself fully with the statement delivered on behalf of the EU.

During these recent months we have witnessed a number of popular uprisings, in particular in the so called “Arab spring“countries,demanding respectfor human rights and callingfor political change. We support the aspirations of peoples for democracy and human rights. In this regard, we are concerned over the current situation in Syria, where violence and repression by the security forces against the civilian population, arbitrary detentions, arrests of human rights activists, and killings of human rights defenders still continue. We reiterate the call to the Syrian authorities to cooperate with the international community, in particular through cooperation with the OHCHR and the recently established Commission of Inquiry.

We welcome the attention of the HRC to the situation and call on the Council to continue monitoring the developments on the ground.

As regards the situation in Libya, we reiterate the call for accountability for human rights violations and justice as a basis for peace and a successful transition to democracyinLibya.

We shall continue to support the work of the International Criminal Courtin its role of establishing accountability in cases of systematic and wide-spread human rights violations that amount to crimes against humanity. We call on all States to fully cooperate with the court.

We are gravely concerned about the human right situation in the Southern Kordofanand the Blue NileState of Sudan, in particular regarding gross human rights violations committed against the civilian population.Through the Slovenian NGO project “Eyes and Ears”, which is transmitting real time footage of the evolving crisis in the NubaMountains, we are alarmed to have learned about the bombing attack on Kauda as recently as this Monday (19 September).

Slovenia joins the call for an independent investigation into the alleged violations in these areas, highlighting the importance of ensuring accountability for all crimes, regardless of the perpetrator. We urge the Council to call on the Sudanese government to provide rapid and unimpeded humanitarian access also to the people in the NubaMountains and to allow full access to international human rights monitors.

We continue to be concerned about the ongoing fighting among factions in the new state of South Sudan. Above all, weare dismayed that after several years after arrest warrants were issued by the ICC against individuals having allegedly committed mass atrocities in Sudan, these warrants still remain outstanding.

Finally, let me express our sincere appreciation to the many determined and committed human rights defenders around the world, who are very often working under dangerous and difficult conditions, seeking to prevent human rights violations or, regrettably – more often – to uncover them and demanding justice for the victims.Let us keep in mind that our work in the Human Right Council should render hope and meaning to the work of countless nameless victims and their defenders.