9th Grade – English 113
Course Descriptions/Requirements/Expectations
Mrs. Richter – Rm. 203
2014 – 2015
The purpose of this course is to further the students’ knowledge of the various forms of literature. Students will read both fiction and nonfiction selections taken from poetry, short stories, and essays, to name a few. Besides the textbook, students will read, as a class, a selection of novels including but not limited to April Morning, To Kill A Mockingbird, and possibly Lord of the Flies. Students will also be expected to read a selection of novels independently during the first three marking periods. The writing part will deal with in-class and out-of-class essays that will be assigned and reviewed at different times throughout the year. Through these various activities, students will strengthen their skills in reading – understanding and responding to both informational text and pieces of literature. Students will also be expected to strengthen their writing skills directed to different purposes and audiences. These outcomes are based on the current version of the PA Common Core Standards.
A portfolio system will be used throughout the year as well, to showcase the various assignments completed. These assignments will be chosen from all of the students' classes. Finally, each student will be required to complete part of a project centering on career exploration. During each year of their high school career, students will be focusing on different aspects of the project. Overall progress in the English class will be determined through projects, presentations and tests. Tests will include both a midterm and a final.
It is the Millville School District’s policy to convert to a paperless system. With that in mind, notebooks/binders will no longer be used. Instead, students will maintain a specific digital “English” folder throughout the year – saved to their account or desktop. This “English” folder will include 4 separate sub-folders: (1)“Classwork” (daily grammar, vocabulary exercises and notes will be kept here), (2) “Homework”, (3) “Important Information”, and (4) “Essays”. A composition book for journal entries will also be used. This composition book will remain in the classroom. These two items – the “English” folder and the composition book – will be worth 50 points. Please Note: These computers are ACADEMIC in manner. Students ARE NOT to be found playing computer games of an entertainment nature in my class. If a student is found playing one of these games in my class, he or she will receive a warning and then computer privileges (in class) will be revoked for a specific time period.
Independent Book Reports
As mentioned earlier, students are expected to read a total of three novels independently. They will be required to answer questions regarding these novels and eventually write an essay on one of the novels. This essay will be part of their portfolio. One set of novel questions will be due at the end of each marking period. More specific information will be given later.
Career Studies Exploration Project (formerly “Graduation Project”)
The Millville School District has developed a Career Studies and Exploration course which spans a student’s junior and senior high school career. It is a required one-credit course which will be awarded following the successful completion of the students’ CSE presentation – given during their senior year. Students will be required to fulfill certain parts of this course during each of their high school years (7th – 12th). More specific information will be discussed later with the students. Please note: This course/presentation has taken the place of the “Graduation Project” which was completed in previous years.
At the conclusion of each year in senior high school, students are required to hand in a portfolio which becomes a major grade of the fourth marking period. The portfolio is a compilation of work the student has completed during the preceding years. A document will be emailed to each student and discussed in length at the beginning of the school year. Once again, it is a collection of work from the student, which includes pieces from 9th through 12th grade. It is vitally important NOT to throw away/delete any graded work that can be included in the portfolio. It is also vitally important to SAVE ALL ESSAYS TO A THUMBDRIVE AND/OR “THE CLOUD”. In fact, students should make a habit of saving work to no less than 3 places: i.e. a hard drive, back up thumb drive and “the cloud”. Please note, because of the paperless system, the portfolio will be created using the iBook Author app, which should already be installed on their Macs.
Grading Policy
A student’s English grade will come from, but is not limited to, a variety of sources listed below:
- Homework assignments –usually 5 to 30 points, dependent upon the assignment
Please note: Home work is due on whatever date is given at the time
of the assignment. If you do not have your homework with you when it
is due, it is a zero; although there are times that I allow it to be turned in
late for half credit, depending on the assignment.
- Tests/Quizzes – points and amount of tests vary per marking period
- Essays: In-class and Out-of-Class, 30/60 (80) points
Please note: essays are due at the beginning of the class period. If it is
submitted after class, 5 points are subtracted; 1 day late – 10 points are
subtracted; 2 days late – 20 points are subtracted. All out-of-class essays
assignments will be submitted using the computer. Graphic organizers
and rough drafts may be hard copies and handed in on the due dates, but
all final copies MUST BE DIGITAL. No hard copy out-of-class final
copies will be accepted.
- Class Participation – 50 points
- “English” digital folder/journal – 50 points
- Projects/Presentations – points and projects vary per marking period.
Test/quiz grades are determined on a point system: the total # of correct answer points over the test points total.
Example: If a test is worth 60 points and the student has a total of 49 points
worth of correct answers, the student’s grade would be 49/60 or 82%.
(Divide the top number by the bottom number to get the % grade)
An approximate breakdown, percentage-wise, of a student’s grade is as follows:
- Test/quizzes ….. 30%
- Projects/Presentations/Essays.....30%
- Homework/Classwork …… 30%
- Class Participation ….. 10%
Loss of Class Participation Points
At the beginning of each marking period, a student is given 50 class participation points. Listed below are possible reasons for a loss of points.
- * Enter class without literature book and computer (-5 points)
- * Late to class (-1 point)
- * Sleeping in class (-2 points)
- Book w/o cover (-1 point)
- Sent to office (varies on offense)
* after the 2nd infraction, the problem will be discussed with parents/guardians because
of concerns that may arise. If the problem continues, the school administration will
(While points are deducted for various reasons, extra credit points are offered at various times throughout marking period, usually in the form of questions on tests or if you “over the top” on a project. Please note: I do not offer extra credit assignments to “save” your grade, if you are failing.)
Classroom Expectations
It is the expectation of the instructor that students are to (1) arrive to class on time, (2) be prepared, and (3) work to the best of their ability. In cases where this does not take place, the problem will be discussed with the student and a possible seating change may be made. If a problem continues to arise, the parent will be contacted and the matter will be discussed. Once the parent(s)/guardians have been contacted, if the difficulty continues either the student will be placed in a tutoring session (if the problem deals with grades) or the administration will be notified (if the problem deals with classroom disruptions).
If there are ever questions or problems that arise in class which are not able to be dealt with in class, it is ALWAYS possible to meet with me before or after school as well as during my planning period. I do ask that you give me “fair warning” because I am not always able to deal with issues on an immediate basis. ALSO, in dealing with essays that are due: there is NO excuse for late essays. My school email is:
Also – Presently I use the school wikispace for a variety of purposes. Many of the important handouts you receive in class are located there, as are links to sites that we will be using throughout the year. To access this site, go to http://cffquakers.wikispaces.com/ , scroll down the left margin until you see “English”, click on the word or the English image found in the middle of the page. At the top of the next page, click on my name. It will then direct you to my school wikipage. There is also a discussion tab here that you may use for contact.
Items To Keep In Mind
Class preparation
It is the student’s responsibility to arrive at the beginning of class with the appropriate books and computer. If the student neglects to bring those books, he or she will lose 2 pts. off of their Class Participation grade. If he or she neglects to inform the instructor about the missing books until the middle of class, the student will lose 5 pts. After the second time, parents will be notified and a referral to the office will be written.
Labeling of Work
All tests and essays are to incorporate the MLA format regarding labeling. This formal method of labeling is to be in the top left corner of first page:
Student’s name
Mrs. Richter
Please label and date all journal/vocabulary/grammar entries and notes. (i.e.: Journal entry 1/6)
Restroom passes will be allowed approximately during the first 5 minutes of class, the last 5 minutes of class, or if there is no lecture in progress. (Ultimately though, it is at the instructor’s discretion).
If the student enters class late w/o a pass, it will be noted in the attendance book and a point is deducted from Class Participation. If this occurs more than twice, parents may be notified and a referral is sent to the office
Make-up Work Policy
If work is due on the day a student is absent (and the student was in attendance when the assignment was originally given), the assignment is due on the student’s first day back to class. It is the student’s responsibility to hand it in. If the student neglects to turn it in, it is a “0”.
If the work was assigned while the student was absent, it is the student’s responsibility; upon the return to class, to obtain the assignment. The number of days that student has to make up that assignment will depend, roughly, on the number of days the student was absent. (Please note: certain exceptions to this may be necessary)
Make-up Test Policy
If the student is absent on the day a test is given, the student is expected to take that test on the day he or she returns to class. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time to make up the test. If the student makes no attempt within an appropriate amount of time to make up the test, he or she will receive a “0” for that grade. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to initiate the arrangements.
Essay Grade Conversions
30 point essays: (4) – 30/30 100%; (3) – 25/30 83%; (2) – 20/30 66%; (1) – 15/30 50%
60 point essays: (4) – 60/60 100%; (3) – 50/60 83%; (2) – 40/60 66%; (1) – 30/60 50%
AP Conversions: (9,8) – 60/60; (7,6) – 50 /60; (5,4) – 40/60; (3, 2, 1) – 30/60
Statement of Understanding
By signing this contract, the parent/guardian and student acknowledge that they have read
the preceding documentation for 9th grade English 113 for Mrs. Richter’s class and they understand and agree to adhere to the guidelines outlined.
Student’s signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
E-mail or number which can be used if contact is necessary: