Description of the Slovene School System…
The Slovenian school system has seen a number of changes in recent years, aiming to ensure that as many people as possible realize their right to education and achieve a higher educational level.The framework has been established (9-year basic education, higher vocational education), and the basic premises are known; however, the program of reform continues in terms of implementation at the levels of secondary and higher vocational education (the introduction of the credit system, connecting subjects, integration of theory and practice, open curriculum).
The education system in Slovenia is almost fully financed from the state budget.
Kindergarden: (optional from 11 month – 6 years)
Early childhood education (no duration criteria, however a programme should be at least one half academic year in duration)
Primary schools:
1st period (from age 6 - 10)
The 1st Period is the beginning of schooling for every child. From the first to the fourth graden children stay in one classroom and have one class or form and one teacher which teaches all subjects, except on some occasions, sports, art and music are taught by separate teachers or is supervised by the appropriate teacher. In the beginning of the first year there is always one special pedagogue in the classroom and he or she helps the master teacher lead the younger students into the new system.
2nd period (from age 10- 15)
The 2nd Period of primary schooling starts in the sixth grade when children begin switching classrooms. They still have a master teacher. He or she usually teaches them one or two subjects and all others are taught by other specialized teachers. The Main subjects which they need to attend are math, the native language, their first foreign language, PE, music and art. Later they start with physics, chemistry, geography, history, biology, craft and housekeeping. In the seventh grade they must choose at least two (the third is not compulsory). The subjects offered are subjects which tend to interest children, and they have around 40 to choose from (usually these are foreign languages, astronomy, fine art, computer science etc.).
State tests…
At the end of the third, sixth and ninth grade pupil are examined by special state tests in math, the native language and their first foreign language, and the third subject tested in the ninth (or eighth) grade is decided by the minister. These exams are then checked and first two do not mean anything (they are only meant to examine the average knowledge of the pupils ). But exams in ninth grade are used to evaluate the pupil's performance during their school years. The points acquired by these tests used to be the key factor, when a child wanted to join a particular high school, but with the new system, the points acquired are only used when pupils running for the same school have the same points from their grades, so the commissioners of the school take into account the points acquired to finally evaluate the student whose performance is the best.
Marks and grades…
The grades are the same as in other countries that belonged to Yugoslavia before 1991. In primary school marks start with 1 (insufficient) and is the only failure mark. The second one is 2 (sufficient), the next is 3 (good), then 4 (very good) and the best is 5 (excellent).
Secondary school
General Secondary…
Type of school providing this education: Gimnazija
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 15 to: 19
Certificate/diploma awarded: Maturitetno spričevalo (Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Technical Secondary…
Type of school providing this education: Technical 4-year secondary school
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 15 to: 19
Certificate/diploma awarded: Spričevalo o poklicni maturi (Secondary-School-Leaving Certificate)
Vocational Secondary…
Type of school providing this education: Vocational Upper Secondary School
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 15 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: Spričevalo o zaključnem izpitu (Secondary-School-Leaving Certificate)
Vocational Secondary…
Type of school providing this education: Vocational Upper Secondary School (short-term vocational programmes (2 1/2 years))
Length of program in years: 2
Age level from: 15 to: 17
Certificate/diploma awarded: Spričevalo o zaključnem izpitu (final examination) (Secondary-School-Leaving Certificate)
Higher education…
Higher education is regulated by the Higher Education Act (1993, amended 1999, 2001, 2003, and 2004). The most important features introduced by the new legislation are: the new role of the university (change from an association of independent faculties to an integrated university) and the creation of single higher education institutions, the separation of some large faculties into several smaller ones, changes in the structure of the higher education system, the implementation of the Diploma Supplement and the gradual implementation of a three-cycle higher education system according to the Bologna Declaration by 2016.
Public higher education is free of charge for native full-time students and for students from EU countries. Part-time students and post-graduate students pay tuition fees. Today, higher education has certain features of a binary structure.
Degree study programmes are classified into three cycles as follows:
- first cycle (academic study programmes and professionally-oriented study programmes),
- second cycle (study programmes leading to Magisterij), and
- third cycle (study programmes leading to the Doktorat znanosti). First cycle study programmes are at the undergraduate level, second and third cycle study programmes are at graduate level.
Higher education institutions comprise universities, faculties, art academies or professional colleges. Slovenia has 4 universities with 37 faculties, 3 art academies or professional colleges, and 10 single higher education institutions (Samostojni visokošolski zavodi) established as private institutions. Higher education institutions are autonomous in managing their internal organization and operations (considering their statutes and the legal requirements), selecting and electing the faculty, electing the internal bodies: rectors, senates, administrative boards and student councils, deans and academic assemblies. In addition to teaching, higher education institutions also conduct research and offer artistic activities.
National bodies
Role of governing body: The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (until November 2004, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport) is responsible for the conception, state and development of the higher education system. The National Assembly adopts the Master Plan for Higher Education and the Master Plan for Research. The fields of study, research and art of national importance, the standards for performing higher education activities and the funding framework are set within these plans. The Government prepares Master Plan Bills on the basis of expert advice provided by its bodies: the Council for Higher Education and the Council for Science and Technology. The Council for Higher Education gives advice to the Government, elaborates the Master Plan for Higher Education, conducts accreditation procedures and gives opinions on various research policy (higher education research included), evaluates the status and development, proposes instruments and measures for the implementation of research policy, proposes the amount of the allocation of state budget funds (research programmes of HE institutions included), draws up priority lists of research projects and young researchers, etc. The Council for Student Affairs discusses students' problems and social conditions of their studies, gives opinions, proposals and recommendations. The Minister determines detailed conditions concerning admission quotas, tuition fees, accomodation in student residence halls and other rights and obligations of students in HE, the elements of the form of a diploma supplement. Thus, he/she proposes (and the Government approves) enrolment limitations and issues a Decree on tuition and other fees for state-approved study programmes. Public higher education institutions own and manage their own property although a substantial part of their activity is directly financed by the State. The governing board, which decides upon financial transactions, is composed of the representatives of the founder, students, faculty and staff.
Admissions to higher education
Admission to university-level studies
Name of secondary school credential required: Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo)
Minimum score/requirement: sufficient/pass
For entry to: First cycle study programmes (professional study programmes and academic study programmes)
Name of secondary school credential required: Poklicna matura (Spričevalo o poklicni maturi)
Minimum score/requirement: sufficient/pass
For entry to: First cycle of professional study programmes. Some first cycle academic study programmes with an additional subject of the Matura examination.
Name of secondary school credential required: Zaključni izpit
Minimum score/requirement: sufficient/pass
For entry to: Professional study programmes
Name of secondary school credential required: Zaključni izpit
Minimum score/requirement: Sufficient/pass
For entry to: First cycle study programmes (credential issued before June 1 1995)
Numerus clausus/restrictions: A Numerus clausus is applied if/when there are more candidates than available places. Overall achievement in secondary school and the Matura or final examination results are taken into account. According to the Regulations on Studies of Foreigners number of foreign students must not exceed 5% of all full-time study places available (and 50% of part-time study places).
Other admission requirements: Some programmes can also require special abilities and/or psychological and physical characteristics as a prerequisite for admission. More information is available on Internet - students admission
Definition of foreign student: Foreign student is a student who does not hold Slovene citizenship.
Quotas: Foreign students with grants and scholarships allocated by states may enrol if they satisfy the enrolment conditions (secondary school leaving certificate after successfully completing at least 12/13 years of schooling).
Admission requirements: Candidates must have completed a 4-year secondary school (meet the same enrolment requirements as home students). Recognition of foreign education is part of enrolment procedure.
Entry regulations: An entrance visa prior to coming to the country is required except for citizens from most European countries. For periods of study in excess of three months students must apply for a residence permit at the nearest Aliens Office.
Health requirements: All applicants must obtain a certificate from the respective Student Health Centre in Slovenia that they have no contagious or chronic disease.
Language requirements: A certificate of knowledge of the Slovene language is obligatory for undergraduate studies. A preparatory year of study can be organized.
Application procedures:
Apply to individual institution for entry to: University of Maribor (; University of Ljubljana ( University of Primorska ( and other individual higher education institutions.
Application closing dates:
For non-university level (technical/vocational type) studies: 8 Mar
For university level studies: 8 Mar
For advanced/doctoral studies: Sep
Recognition of studies & qualifications:
Studies pursued in home country (System of recognition/accreditation): Diplomas awarded by individual higher education institutions are recognized throughout the country. Foreign Diplomas and periods of study are recognized in compliance with the Recognition and Assessment of Foreign Education Act (Jan 2005) and/or bilateral agreements.
Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. ENIC/NARIC - Education Recognition Office