Day 1 (PS) / Today starts your pre-season. This means that for the next week we will be gathering information, learning about one another and setting some real, measurable and realistic goals for our own health and fitness. I will be giving you the low down of what is expected of you and how we will all stay in contact! You invested your money into your fitness program and Shakeology, now its time to make good on that commitment! In return you are going to get the most amazing support and guidance that you have ever received! I have worked hard to set up a platform for success and I can’t wait for you to feel the thrill of VICTORY!! It all starts with you signing this commitment letter. Please download, open and print out this commitment letter. Read it over very well, then sign the bottom.
Post your commitment letter in the group!!! That way we all know each and every one of us is committed to the change!
Then Watch this video that explains exactly what you can expect over the next 12 weeks.

Commitment Letter:

Day 1 pm / I have an idea!! What about creating a weight loss jar!!! It's so nice to have a visual of how far you are coming in your own process! What do you think about it!
I am encouraging you to each create a jar and together we can all use this as a visual!!! Are you in? post your jar here when you are done!

Day 2
(PS) / I have added a document for each and every one of you with your name and I would love for you to fill this out. It will give me an idea of your goals, your why, and how I can more individually support you in this journey. So click on your document, click edit and type right in the spaces where the questions were asked.

Day 2 pm / It’s time to start doing some dirty work! That includes taking your measurements! So pull out that measuring tape that came with your workout program and use the video below to help you get the most accurate measurements possible. Then email or message them to myself or your coach. You are going to find that the scale is not the most accurate measure of progress. Having a record of your starting measurements and your progress is going to shed some serious light on really how hard you are working!

Day 3 (PS) / How to photograph your transformation. So I know that not everyone is going to be submitting their before and after pics to beachbody but why not take really good before pictures so you can track your progress, remind yourself of the reason why you are working so hard, and in the end you may want to share them!
I know when I started I did not want to show anyone my before pics. Now I proudly show them because I worked hard for that after pic!!!
So today's video is all about how to take pics! Take ur pics and email them to me at or to your beachbody Coach.
If you haven't filled out your document yet with your goals and why please do so now! :)
Day 3 pm / Now that we have the pictures, the measurements and your why and goals written we can start to think about your food. For the remainder of the week we will be setting ourselves up for success with our meal plans!!! So check out this article and find out how many calories you need to be eating and just start the beginning stages of thought in regards to food.lWe will discuss the actual meal planning more!
Day 4 (PS) / It's time to start the meal planning process! Step 1 is to check out this article. Here is a great way to keep yourself motivated and set up for success during the next 12 weeks. Please read this article and list 1 thing that you are going to do or that you learned from this article!!!
Day 4 pm / Here we go! This is the official, what is clean eating post!
Take notes, recognize how many foods in each category you get to eat each day and then download and save the blank meal plan template that I posted last night.
This afternoon I will be posting a video walking you through how to meal plan!
It is OK TO FEEL CONFUSED OR LOST just shout me out and I will guide you thru!!

Day 5
(PS) / I am going to give you a meal plan that I have created for my challengers. It is general and it will provide you with options. It will allow you to pick and choose things you want to eat that are easy and clean. So either save this or print it out. Then, start to think about what you are going to eat next week. (Insert Meal Plan for challengers pdf)
Day 5 pm / Meal Planning time! The key to your SUCCESS is planning. It is so important to make sure that you have a plan in place. So, grab a pen and a piece of paper and sit down and sketch out a meal plan. Make a grocery list, and then decide what day you are hitting up the grocery store. I have found that when I have a meal plan taped to the fridge, the food in my fridge, and my food prepped I am more likely to stick to it! It’s so easy to wake up in the am and be late for work and still have to pack your lunch. We just throw our hands up and say we’ll just grab something for lunch! Then, you end up making poor choices, eat more calories than you were supposed to and then feel guilty for your decision. So let’s stop that right from the get go! It starts with having a plan!!!
Make your meal plan for next week and post it to the group!!!
(Picture of my meal plan)
(Insert Blank Meal plan template)

Day 6
(PS) / Healthy snacks are just as important as the meals you plan out. SInce you are aiming to eat 5-6 small meals per day you need these snacks to keep your metabolism fired up and your body in fat burning mode. But choosing the right snacks is important. You want to always make sure you have a combination of a lean protein and complex carb from a fruit or veggie at each meal. Here is a list of snacks that are paired together for you already! on healthy snacks:
Day 6 pm / If you are doing P90X, Chalean Extreme, or Body Beast then you have to track your weights and reps. Beachbody gives you printable tracking sheets on their website that you can print. I highly recommend that you use these sheets. You can’t possibly remember the weights or reps you used from last weeks workout. When you track them then you can constantly challenge yourself each week to push more.

Tips if you are doing P90X for pull up bars and assists-
Day 7
(PS) / It’s time to share your meal plan with me! So post your meal plan on our wall today. By posting your meal plan I can help you with it. I can make sure you are on the right path with your food selections and it’s nice to see what other people are eating as well!
Share away!!!
Day 7
2 pm / Something to think about as we kick off tomorrow! I know that many people are deathly afraid of failure! No MORE, EMBRACE IT and use it to MAKE A CHANGE!
"Only those who dare to fail greatly achieve greatly. If you have never failed you have never lived"
When u want to give up because you think you don't have what it takes, remember how many people are turned down, fired, let go, dismissed each day and decide that it won't define you! It will EMPOWER you to keep going and live your passion for life!

Day 7 9:00 pm /
This is it! Tomorrow is the big day! I am up and working out at 5 am to the FIX. What program are you doing? What time will you be awake tomorrow?
Your assignment for tomorrow is to post your SWEATY POST workout PICTURE as your way of sharing your 1st day with the group!
Don't forget tomorrow starts your ratings.
1 to 5 for Food
1 to 5 for Exercise
and Y or N for Shakeology
1-5 scale means, 1 you blew it and stunk at your workout and eating and 5 was you hit the nail on the head, killer workout and great food day! :)
Day 1 /
Good Morning Everyone, Oh My Goodness am I so excited for all of you. When I first started this huge life change it was a little scary. I was so afraid to fail because I'd been uncomfortable in my skin for so long. But what was a little more scarier was feeling uncomfortable forever. I can't even express how grateful I am to have found these challenge groups and have the opportunity to help others meet their own goals! I love being a part of this, and I know you will too. maximize your results....
1. Post and participate daily!
2. Be in the moment in your life and your workout. It's therapy, I swear! Make the most of every workout. If that means you get up at 5 am...we are here with you!
3 Embrace the power of positive thinking. Encourage others. Love your body and STOP comparing it to others. There is no one in the world like you.
4. Smile. It makes you prettier. It attracts people toward you and makes them think their own positive thoughts!
Your Monday Mindset video-

Day 2 am /
Here is exactly how many servings you should eat each day and some ideas!!
Clean eating is one of those things that takes some time to get the hang of. But think of always having a protein and a complex carb more veggies than fruit at each meal! Starchy carbs use sparingly.

Day 2
2:00 pm / You all survived the very first day of our challenge! How are you feeling today? I'm sure you are a little sore and tired but that's no excuse to skip out on today's workout!
Soreness is not a bad thing unless it is an injury soreness. Soreness just means that your muscles are rebuilding, growing and getting stronger. Your workout programs are set up so that you do not train the same muscle groups 2 days in a row in order to give you ample recovery time.
So today's workout will target different muscles! So follow the schedule that is laid out for you!!
Remember that this is your Journey! Your's alone! You write this story, so make it a good one!
Don’t forget to rate your workout, food and shakeology for the day!!! /
Day 3 / We are at the beginning steps of an amazing journey if you allow it to be! Break down the barriers and give it all you've got for the next 12 weeks! We are all in this together!
Also, please post your week 1 goal that you wrote for yourself. I find that when I make a public proclamation about something I am more likely to stick with it!!!

(It takes 21 days to create a new habit picture) /
Day 4 / Day 4
What’s your Shakeology Recipe today!!!- So we are not only starting a new workout routine but we are incorporating shakeology. And I know for me I royally screwed up the first few of them!
So today I want you to post the shakeology recipe you are using, and your thoughts so far! Watch this video and really embrace the importance of making sure you drink it every day! It’s crazy the amount of nutrition you get and the impact it is going to have on your health too!!!
My tips: Don't use just 8 oz of liquid unless you like it thicker.
I use at least 12 to 14 oz.
Almond milk and make sure its unsweetened.
Cut it with water
1/2 banana for smoothness
Almond butter or all natural pb give it a smooth creamy texture and blend!!!
If you have tummy troubles due to the change in diet increase in fiber make sure you are drinking plenty of water and possibly do 1/2 scoop or 3/4 scoop until your body gets adjusted! It's normal to experience changes, it will stop after 2 weeks!

Day 4 pm /
Accountability partners- so this is one of the added benefits of this group. Not only do you have your coach but you have another challenger in this group that you are in charge of keeping on track and keeping you on track!
an accountability partner is someone you keep in contact with on a weekly/daily basis. I text my partner every am to get up because we both workout at the same time. We check to make sure we are staying on track, and we lift each other up when we are having a bad day! It's just that extra level of support to carry you through when you are feeling down on yourself!!
So, make sure you introduce yourself, send an email, exchange cell #'s and make a point to keep each other accountable. If you don't see them post, call em out! I want to see all of you at the end of this 8 weeks still going strong!!
So here you go!!!
Day 5 Noon / Today I want you to find a picture or inspiration for what your perfect body would look like! I want you to take that picture and post it to the group, hang it on your fridge and remind yourself that this is what a healthy weight looks like and I will be satisfied with myself at this point. It can be an old picture of yourself or someone you aspire to look like! Keep in your mind that that person worked hard to get where they are and you will too! So use it as motivation and encouragement to push through!!
(this picture was my original motivation, Jamie Easson hung on my wall beside my tv and every day I looked at that picture and said YES! I want to change and I dug deeper!!!) /
Day 5
am / I bet everyone's bodies are screaming! But it feels so good bc it means we are changing! Remember that the weekend is upon us! It's a time to relax but its also a time when most people throw in the towel and let their guard down with their diet! The weekends can quickly sabotage your weekly efforts so make sure you are tracking your food. Schedule in your 1 cheat meal for the week and have a game plan in place. Check out the restaurant menus that you are going to or pre-eat before you go to a party. That way you are never caught in a moment where you have to eat garbage!
Please post if you need any suggestions for how to get through the weekend! That's what we are here for! Happy FRIDAY!!!
Day 6 / Here are my pre-planning tips to get you through the weekend!
If you are going out to a restaurant check out the menu ahead of time. Decide on what you are going eat before you even get there. That way when you sit down at the restaurant you won't have to fight against temptation and you won't even have to open the menu! Skip the bread, it has no nutritional value!
-For parties, pre-eat! So have a shake on your way to the party. Offer to bring a clean appetizer or snack. Then make every social gathering about socializing with others and not about the food. Stay away from the food table. I help set up, get the kids food, and then help clean up so I am never forced to have to just sit and stare at everyone else shoving food down their throats.
Drink lots of water!!! Just remember that you are not depriving yourself of life, you are giving yourself life! When everyone is feeling full, sluggish and miserable you are going to be looking fabulous, feeling confident and have more energy!!
-Plan it out! If you are traveling, going to sporting events or just out all day pack a cooler of clean snacks. Even throw in an extra snack so that you are not caught in a situation where you are out longer than expected and have nothing to eat. It's easy to throw in a packet of shakeology, shaker cup and a bottle of water! I always keep one in the car!
-Get your workout in and kick some butt!!! This is the last workout of the week! You got this! Let’s give it your all! /
Day 6 pm / Ok challengers, we are about to start week 2! This is when reality sets in and you are tired! There are no excuses you are accountable to each and every person in this group and to yourself! So let's get serious, have a plan and execute it!
Do you have it written in your planner when you are working out, do you have your meal plan ready, and have you reached out to your accountability partner?! Make sure your mind is in the right place and you are prepared for the week!