6th International Piano Competition
Honorary Patronage
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Marshal of Podlasie Province
Mayor of Augustów
8th – 11th of April, 2018
Regulations of the 6th International Piano Competition
8th- 11th of April - Augustów 2018
1. 6th International Piano Competition – Augustów 2018 organized by the State Music School of Emil Młynarski in Augustów will take place from 8th – to 11th of April 2018 in the State Music School of Emil Młynarski in Augustów (Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I Stopnia im. Emila Młynarskiego w Augustowie)
2. International Piano Competition in Augustów is organized every 2 years and is dedicated to the students of primary and secondary music schools from Poland as well as foreign contries.
3. Competition will be conducted in four categories based on age.
1st Category – students of grades I-III (6-year teaching cycle) or grades I-II (4-year teaching cycle) of Primary Music Schools.
2ndCategory students of grades IV-VI (6-year teaching cycle) or grades III-IV (4-year teaching cycle) of Primary Music Schools
3rdCategory – students of grades I-III of Secondary Music Schools
4th Category – students of grades IV-VI of Secondary Music Schools
4. Auditions of the competition are open to the public and will be held in one round for the 1st and 2nd category, and in two rounds for the 3rd and 4th category.
5. A participant from the younger category may compete with the older category on the condition of performing a programme required for the older category.
6. Participants of the competition in respective categories will perform in alphabetical order of their last names, beginning with a letter drawn by lot and following the same order during the 2nd round of auditions. This rule regards the 3rd and 4th category.
7. Presentations of the participants will take place at the Concert Hall of the school, at 1 Wybickiego Street, on the Yamaha concert piano.
8. The pedagogues whose students participate in the competition may not become the chairman or members of the Jury.
9.The Jury of the competition will be appointed by the Director of the Department of Artistic Schools and Cultural Education of the Ministry of Culture and the National Heritage
10. The participants of the competition will be awarded points in a scale from 1 to 25.
11. Jury makes decisions regarding appraising and rewarding based on the Regulations of the Jury. Decisions of the Jury are final and irrevocable.
12. Registration forms available to download from the school website: www.szkola-muzyczna.com.pl should be sent via electronic mail to the e-mail address: by March 1st, 2018.
13.Applications must be sent with the following email attachments:
- a copy of the document confirming the age of a participant
- a proof of payment
- a photograph of a participant (to be published in the Competition Booklet)
14. Registration fee of 30 Euro should be paid to the following account:
Rada Rodziców przy PSM I st. im. E. Młynarskiego
16 - 300 Augustów ul. Wybickiego 1
with the adnotation: 6 th Piano Competition
15. Registration forms without a proof of payment will not be accepted.
16. Registration fee is non refundable in case of resignation from participating in the competition. Cost of money transfer is covered by the participants.
17. Participation in the Competition will be determined by the order of applications.
18. Information about rehearsal time and performance time will be published on the school website : www.szkola-muzyczna.com.pl after closing the list of the registered participants.
19. Programme of the competition must be memorized and performed in accordance with the time limits.
1st Category – students of grades I-III (6-year teaching cycle) or grades I-II (4-year teaching cycle) of Primary Music Schools
· A free style piece by a contemporary Polish composer from the XXth or the XXIst century or a a piece from the XXth or the XXIst century by a composer from the country of origin of a participant.
· A free style piece contrasting in character and tempo.
Duration time up to 7 minutes
2nd Category - students of grades IV-VI (6-year teaching cycle) or grades III-IV (4-year teaching cycle) of Primary Music Schools
· A virtuoso etude
· A piece from the Classicism period (a sonata allegro form: a fast movement of a sonata, sonatina, rondo; or variations from the Classicism)
· A free style piece
Duration time up to 12 minutes
3rd Category – students of grades I-III of Secondary Music Schools
1st Round
· A piece (or a few movements of a cycle piece) from the Baroque
· An etude or any other virtuoso composition
Duration time up to 13 minutes
2nd Round
· Allegro (first movement of a sonata), rondo or variations from the Classicism
· A free style piece or pieces
Duration time 12 - 15 minutes
4th Category – students of grades IV-VI of Secondary Music Schools
1st Round
· Allegro (first movement of a sonata), rondo or variations from the Classicism or Romantism.
· Two virtuoso style etudes, at least one of them composed by Frederic Chopin (obligatory).
Duration time up to 17 minutes
2nd Round
· One of Frederic Chopin's pieces indicated below:
- Scherzo B Minor op. 20
- Scherzo B flat Minor op. 31
- Scherzo C Sharp Minor op. 39
- Scherzo E Major op. 54
- Ballade G Minor op. 23
- Ballade F Major op. 38
- Ballade A Flat Major op. 47
- Ballade F Minor op.52
- Rondo C Minor op.1
- Rondo E Flat Major op. 16
- Rondo a la Mazurka F Major op. 5
- Fantasia F Minor op. 49
- Barcarolle F Sharp Major op. 60
- Andante Spianato and the Polonaise E Flat Major op. 22
- Two Polonaises op. 26 C Sharp Minor and E Flat Minor performed jointly
- Polonaise F Sharp Minor op. 44
- Polonaise A Flat Major op. 53
- Polonaise -Fantasia A Flat Major op. 61
· A free style piece or pieces
Duration time 15 - 20 minut
20. The prize winners will be granted the title of a laureate of the 6th International Piano Competition in Augustów. The Jury reserves the right to grant awards ex aequo.
21. The prize winners in the 1st and 2nd Category will receive gift prizes and diplomas. The prize winners in the 3rd and 4th categories will receive financial prizes and diplomas.
22. Distinctions will be also granted at the Competition.
23. All participants will receive diplomas of participation in the competition.
24. There will be a special award for the best rendering of Claude Debussy’s piece, to commemorate 100th anniversary of the Composer's death.
25. The prize winners are obliged to performing in the final award winners concert.
26. The organizers reserve rights to recording and public release of artistic performances.
27. Sending the registration for the competition is equal with permission for processing personal data in accordance with the Act of Personal Data Protection and using the image exclusively for the Competition purposes.
28. Registration of the participant means accepting the regulations of the competition.
29. Cost of transportation, accomodation and board is covered by the participants.
30. Additional information regarding the Competition can be obtained at the School's Secretary's Office Monday through Friday from 8.00 to 16.00
tel: (48) 87643 36 00 and at the shool website: www.szkola-muzyczna.com.pl
email: .
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