MKT307 - Advertising Management

Midterm Essay Exam


  • Thoroughly answer each essay question.
  • Save your work in DOC or RTF format with your last name in the title.
  • Submit your exam document to the course Dropbox and no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.
  1. By definition, a communication must meet three criteria to be considered an advertisement. Describe a public service announcement that you have seen recently, and then outline how it meets, or fails to meet, each of these criteria.
  1. A company that you work for has asked you to write a brief report that evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of creating an in-house agency. What points would you consider in your report?
  1. The creative revolution in advertising occurred at the same time that a larger societal revolution was underway in the United States. Describe what was occurring in America at that time. Describe how the advertisements of the era related to the larger societal changes.
  1. Under what circumstances should a smart marketer turn to a strategy driven by product differentiation as opposed to market segmentation? What is the difference between the two strategies? Which strategy or strategies would support functional differentiation? Which strategy or strategies would support emotional differentiation?
  1. You work at an advertising agency and have been asked to develop the advertising objectives for a nationally known brand of breakfast cereal. What are the advantages of viewing the advertising effort from a strict communications viewpoint, as opposed to a sales objectives viewpoint? Regardless of which viewpoint you ultimately adopt, what characteristics should the objectives display to allow your client to make intelligent decisions about resource allocation?
  1. How does hard-sell try to create immediate sales? How does it work? What objective is this method trying to achieve?
  1. What is the purpose of a creative plan? What elements should the plan contain? How does a copywriter use this plan as he or she creates an advertisement?
  1. Choose three of the principles of design and discuss the considerations involved in each.
  1. A company manufactures whipped dessert toppings. Sales are strong throughout the year but peak around holidays. Describe the three choices concerning media continuity the company must consider. Recommend the option most appropriate for the company to adopt.
  1. Considering each of the major print and broadcast media, describe the options available to a media planner trying to achieve a high level of geographic selectivity.