Attendance: Betty Black (HATC), Lori Frasco (Caritas), David Nobles (Caritas); Niki Paul (ECHO), Sam Woollard (Consultant) Greg McCormack,Elizabeth Baker (ATCIC), Kathleen Riding (Salvation Army), Rick Rivera (Salvation Army), Melinda Cantu (Safe Place), Natalie Metzger (Lifeworks), Natalie Metzger-Smit (Lifeworks), Elvira Lathrop (HACA), Allyson Randall (Green Doors), Hosie Washington (Safe Place), Darilynn Cardona-Beiler (ATCIC), Veronica Neville (ECHO), Sandra Chavez (AIDS Services)
9:30-9:35WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONSKathleen Ridings (Chair)
9:45-10:30FY14 HUD NOFA Sam Woollard& Niki Paul
- Completed FY14 Submission (HUGE THANK YOU!!!)
- Add in ranges for CoC Scores
- Review IRT Feedback
- Recommendation were emailed to all agencies
- Program improvement plans emailed to any agencies with areas of improvement
- CoC Process Feedback Discussion
- Sam Feedback:
- HIC and PIT Count-both have a very big impact and encourage community to continue to review
- Budgets
- You cannot change your budget at the GIW or the NOFA application process. If you want to change your budget you must during contract negotiations
- Pay attention to changes that occur within the year
- As a community, we need to look at Match and Leverage. Any extra Match should be documented as Leverage.
- Data scoring-Increasing income score-“Maintain and Increase” vs. “Increase income”
- Need to look at what we can do as a community to address that issue
- Reallocation: Explore reallocating to permanent housing for FY15
- Community Feedback
- HMIS Subcommittee meeting-Review data quality as a group and look at community measures as a group
- Work with HMIS staff on how to best utilize the reports available
- Local Application
- Need to make sure that the local application mirrors what is stated in the HUD NOFA
- Could HMIS team create a dashboard report?-Yes, ECHO/HMIS provided copy
- Recommendation to include explanation section for the data questions
- Would be helpful to setting up an assessment in ServicePoint vs. Excel
- IRT Presentation worked well-appreciated time allotted unless agency has numerous projects. If multi-project renews, consider adding time
- Timing for data component score:
- Community requests to send scores earlier (June/July)
- SafePlace-requests to run as early as possible
- Does not support latest version of internet explorer-needed to use older version
10:30-11:00FY14 HUD NOFA HUD Start-Up Training RecapNiki Paul
- Local Technical Assistance Requests
- Match and Leverage
- Leasing and Rental Assistance
- Time-tracking issue
- Financial Webinars
- Focus on eligibility
- Agencies regret that they didn’t invite program management staff to the training. The target audience was not just contract management. Limited to two seats.
9:35-10:30ECHO UpdateKameron Fowler
- Coordinated Assessment Update
- DSHS have issued contracts, working on executing
- Conducting Coordinated Assessment at Trinity Center and ARCH, Caritas
- ATCIC and Caritas accepting CA referrals
- Not marketing to community yet, due to volume
- Once contracts are signed, will be publishing new timeline
- PSH Prioritization discussion at next HWG on November 19th
NEXT MEETING: December 3rd, 2014 1st, 2014, 9:30-11am, LifeWorks, 3700 S. 1st Street.