Florence Unified School District #1
May2012Board Report
Elizabeth Ridout, Director of Assessment and Accountability
- The AIMS HS math and science, the 3-8 AIMS tests, and the 2nd/9th SAT10 tests were administered this month. All testing went smoothly.
- The high school AIMS math and science test materials were packaged and delivered to the warehouse. They were picked up successfullyby the testing company.
- The 3-8 AIMS/SAT10 testing scorable materials were packaged and delivered to the warehouse. They are scheduled to be picked up on May 2nd. All non-scorable materials are ready for pick-up as well. They are scheduled to be picked up on May 9th.
- Received the HS AIMS reading and writing preliminary test results. All results are embargoed until July 27th. Principals were given their school’s reports. The preliminary results are positive.
- The HS AIMS math and science preliminary test results will arrive on May 15th. The 3-8 AIMS and SAT10 preliminary test results will arrive on May 30th.
- Reviewed and have begun corrections on the graduation rate, drop-out rate, SAIS ID mismatch and student count reports data provided by the Arizona Department of Education. This data correction is part of the statistical appeal process for our AYP determination. All corrections must be made by June 30th.
- Analyzed the benchmark 3 test results. The analysis was shared and discussed with the administrative team. Principals shared the results with the teachers.
- Preparations for the post-test are underway. The results from the post-test will be compared to the pre-test results to measure student academic growth and teacher instructional effectiveness.
- FUSD will participate in ATI’s Community Item Banking and Test Development Project in SY 2012-13. The project provides professional development, access to item banking and test development technology making it possible for districts to construct and share with other districts items for student assessments in subjects not covered in the statewide assessment program.
- Trained all 8th grade and high school math teachers on the math Common Core standards including the 8 mathematical practices. Feedback from the workshop was positive. Teachers are eager to implement the new standards.
- Will be attending 3 leadership workshops in May on the AZ 2010 HS Math Standards (Common Core) offered through the Arizona Department of Education. After attendance at these workshops, I will be a state certified trainer on the AZ 2010 HS Math Standards; therefore, will be able to conduct trainings for our teachers and administrators.
District Data Team
- The District Data Team met on April 5th. The team reviewed the EXPLORE and ACT data and updated the District’s Continuous Improvement Plan action steps.
EXPLORE and ACT Initiative
- The ACT test was administered to all juniors on April 24th. Testing went smoothly at all sites.
- Attended the annual ACT District Choice State Testing Summit. Several strategies were discussed for using the data from the ACT and EXPLORE test to ensure that students are college and career ready.
- Kyon Cluff, an 8th grade student at Florence K8, achieved a perfect score on the EXPLORE test. He was one of 29 students who received a perfect score out of 31,277 students who took the test in Arizona. The EXPLORE test is similar to the ACT test. It assesses 4 content areas: English, Math, Reading and Science. What a remarkable accomplishment for this young student.