Module 8 ─ Narrative and Simulations/Data
The scenario narrative is a storybook summary of the exercise including pre-existing conditions, initiating event(s), anticipated response actions, and terminating conditions. It contains descriptions of the simulated emergency situation, including the overall sequence of events, details, supporting data, and timing of activities.As you worked through previous modules and the Master Scenario Events List, in particular, you may have identified and entered simulations and the necessary data to help support the exercise scenario. If so, the information should appear on your Pre-Approved Simulations and Data Requirements List.
This practice activity provides an opportunity for you to construct a short narrative that describes an exercise scenario in Exercise Builder. You will also add a pre-approved simulation for this exercise.
Instructions / You will open Exercise Builder and then enter the following information in the Narrative section, Steps9.2 through 9.7, and the Simulations/Data section, Steps 10.2 and 10.3.
9.2 ─ Technical Basis
Step / Instruction1. / Go to Step 9.2 ─ Technical Basis.
2. / Enter the following text for Technical Basis:
The scenario is based on the Building X-100 Emergency Action Levels for Nitric Acid.
3. / Click the Next Arrow to go to Step 9.3 ─ Pre-Existing Conditions.
9.3 ─ Pre-Existing Conditions
Step / Instruction1. / Enter the following text for Pre-existing Conditions:
The Energy Research Center is under normal operating conditions. Normal operations are in progress to include replenishment of chemical stocks at Building X-100. Chemical loading operations are in progress from a number of vendors.
2. / Click the Next Arrow to go to Step 9.4 ─ Initiating Event.
9.4 ─ Initiating Event
Step / Instruction1. / Enter the following text for Initiating Event:
A routine, scheduled delivery of highly concentrated Nitric Acid (ERG Guide Number 157) by Atlas Chemicals, Incorporated is underway. The Tanker is carrying 1500 gallons of Nitric Acid. It enters the ERC through the State Route 47 gate and proceeds down First Street toward the loading dock of Building X-100. The driver begins to suffer chest pains and collapses at the steering wheel as he is preparing to back into the receiving area. He loses control of the tanker and accelerates rapidly in reverse toward the dock, colliding with the side of an occupied nine-passenger van. The impact ruptures both the tanker containment and the fuel tank of the passenger van. Both vehicles come to rest against the loading dock of Building X-100 and, within two minutes, begin to burn. The accident is witnessed by two X-100 dock workers who were preparing to receive the nitric acid. One of the workers is injured by a splash of nitric acid on his legs. The other worker runs to a telephone and reports the accident and spill. The worker calls back and reports the fire. The smoke detector at the door to the loading dock sounds.
2. / Click the Next Arrow to go to Step 9.5 ─ Mitigating Response.
9.5 ─ Mitigating Response
Step / Instruction1. / Enter the following text for Mitigating Response:
The Duty Officer receives the 911 calls and fire alarm and dispatches the ERC Fire and Security response assets to the event scene. The Fire Chief becomes the Incident Commander (IC) and completes the initial assessment.
The IC tells the Duty Officer that the bill of lading has 1200 gallons of nitric acid. The ruptured gas tank from the van has caught fire and is mixing with the acid. The burning pool is next to Building X-100. The IC also reports that there are eight injured people, many contaminated. The IC requests fire and EMS mutual aid.
The Command Post and Staging are established upwind and uphill from the spill and fire. The ERC Fire assets begin defensive operations. EMS establishes the triage area and begins to decontaminate and triage the victims. Critical victims are sent to the Lomas Flats Hospital, and the remaining patients are sent to the ERC Clinic.
The Lotus County and Einsteinville EMS assets arrive at the ERC gate. They are escorted to staging by security. The staging officer briefs the responding assets, and they are sent forward when requested by the IC and integrated into the response.
Accountability is completed with two Building X-100 employees reported as missing. The ERC FD is tasked to conduct search and rescue operations. They find one victim, and the other missing person is found at home. The ERC Medical Clinic is notified of the event and prepares the Clinic to receive patients.
As patients arrive, they are triaged, treated, and, if necessary, sent to Lomas Flats Hospital. Once the fire has been extinguished, damage assessment and recovery operations begin.
The Duty Officer checks the EAL and categorizes the event as an Operational Emergency and classifies it as a General Emergency. The Duty Officer becomes the ERC Director. The Duty Officer makes notifications to DOE HQ, the State and County notification points, and requests fire and EMS mutual aid from Lotus County. The Duty Officer activates the Emergency Response Organization, which includes the EOC, field monitoring teams, and JIC.
Emergency Management staff begins to activate the EOC’s systems and log into WebEOC. The EOC receives a briefing from the Duty Officer when minimum staffing is achieved. The Emergency Director duties are transferred to the EOC.
The Consequence Assessment team identifies and confirms the source term and produces a worst case and event based plume model. This model is shared with the State and DOE HQ. The Consequence Assessment team also verifies the protective actions and protective action recommendations. The EOC notifies the State and local governments of any changes in protective action recommendations.
The ERC EOC Public Information staff establishes communications with the State and the JIC. A press release is sent out telling the media that the JIC is being activated. Once the ERC EOC develops a press release, it is coordinated with the State and DOE HQ. The release is submitted to the JIC.
The State activates their EOC (simulated). During the activation process, the State activates EAS in coordination with the local jurisdictions. Once the State and County EOCs are operational, they work with the ERC EOC to develop and implement the offsite field monitoring plan.
2. / Click the Next Arrow to go to Step 9.6 ─ Termination Conditions.
9.6 ─ Termination Conditions
Step / Instruction1. / Enter the following text for Termination Conditions:
The exercise will be terminated when the participating organizations have had the opportunity to complete the following: (1) ERC Duty Officer categorizes and classifies the event. (2) All regulatory notifications are made. (3) Lotus County Fire and EMS is requested and integrated into the response. (4) Einsteinville EMS is requested and integrated into the response. (5) Search and rescue is conducted. (6) Triage is established, patients treated and transported to the appropriate medical facility. (7) ERC EOC develops and posts the worst case and event based plume models. (8) An offsite field monitoring plan is developed.
2. / Click the Next Arrow to go to Step 9.7 ─ Review Exercise Narrative.
9.7 ─ Review Exercise Narrative
Step / Instruction1. / Click the Generate & Save Document: Exercise Narrative link.
2. / Keep the current Exercise Narrative file name and save the document.
3. / The Word document will open. Review the data you have entered.
4. / Print the Word document.
5. / Close the Word document to return to Exercise Builder.
6. / Click Edit Current Narrative Template. Compare the previous Word document you printed in Step 4 with this template. Notice that when you generated and saved the Word document, it used this default template to display the data you entered
7. / Without making any changes, close the Word document [template].
Note: All Exercise Builder documents are generated based on modifiable templates. For each ExPlan document, there is a default template that can be modified the same way you would modify any Word document. The default templates are read-only, and any changes made to the default template must be saved under a new filename. If you saved your modified template using a new filename, you will need to select the new template in order to use it. To do this, close the Word template file and click the Select a Different [step specific] Template link.
8. / This concludes the activity portion of the Narrative section. Go to Simulations/Data section Step 10.2 ─ Develop Pre-Approved Simulations and Data Requirements List in Exercise Builder to continue this activity.
Simulations/Data Section:
10.2 ─ Develop Pre-Approved Simulations and Data Requirements List
Step / Instruction1. / Click the Add button. The Add New Pre-Approved Simulation or Data Requirement window opens.
2. / Enter the following short title for simulation or data requirement: Use of smoke generators
3. / Enter the following description of simulation or data requirement:
Smoke generators will be used to simulate a fire in Building 3-800.
4. / Click OK.
5. / Click the Next Arrow to go to Step 10.3 ─ Review Pre-Approved Simulations and Data Requirements.
10.3 ─ Review Pre-Approved Simulations and Data Requirements
Step / Instruction1. / Click the Generate & Save Document: Simulations and Data Requirements link.
2. / Keep the current Pre-Approved Simulations file name and save the document.
3. / The Word document will open. Review the data you have entered.
4. / Print the Word document.
5. / Close the Word document to return to Exercise Builder.
6. / Click Edit Current Simulations and Data Req. Template. Compare the previous Word document you printed in Step 4 with this template. Notice that when you generated and saved the Word document, it used this default template to display the data you entered
7. / Without making any changes, close the Word document [template].
Note: All Exercise Builder documents are generated based on modifiable templates. For each ExPlan document, there is a default template that can be modified the same way you would modify any Word document. The default templates are read-only, and any changes made to the default template must be saved under a new filename. If you saved your modified template using a new filename, you will need to select the new template in order to use it. To do this, close the Word template file and click the Select a Different [step specific] Template link.
8. / This concludes the activity portion of Module 8 ─ Narrative and Simulations/Data.
Next Action:Go to the video portion of Module 9 ─ Plans and ExPlan.
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