9.122 Coping with Copenhagen 18 December
Speaking of climate change, there was a lot less rain in Noah’s first 600 years until right after he built that strange looking boat! The irony was no one ever asked him for compensation!
I do want to make this bulletin brief but biblical, yet not too far afield from Israel’s current rainfall crisis. Nor do we want to ignore eitherdeluge or drought (same climate department) across the rest of the globe. Moreover, the birth pangs of a New World Order—which half of us thought we’d never see, and the other half of us hoped we’d never see—have been groaning all week.
I’m sure that this is not what Genesis 6:1 really means but it’s a handy cryptic parody: “When the Sons of Man got illicitly involved with the daughters of Mother Earth, they bore a monster-child they called Climate Change”.
Now in Australia it seems that about half of the politicians had hoped to see that undesiredbirth aborted, while the other half who don’t believe in such things anyway, say there’s really nothing wrong with the poor little guy and he’ll eventually grow out of it. It happens every millennium or so!
But then there’s the big problem on whose going to pay for his College fees in a mere 90 years time; while still others couldn’t care less what happens at the North Pole as long as they have enough beer for the weekend and can watch the footy (read: Starbucks and NFL in the USA, as one’s cultural conscience may direct). So much for the clandestine clamor for a New World Government!
As one might suspect, anarchy will be the rule of law as the long-prophesied “peaceful” interplay of the nations takes root over the next 6 or so years—a not unrealistic estimate for a cooling-off period for the ever-heating up of international relations—not to overlook the added catalyst of Islamic supremacy designs waiting in the wings.
Yet, in the interim, a helpful question to field by the befuddled: Who can we blame for a previous climate change that lured the Ice Age into liquid levels? The dinosaurs, no doubt, whose herd leaders somehow never got re-elected after the big thaw!
Nevertheless, I would presume that in the last week, the whole world must have heard as much of the political posturing in Copenhagen as we did in Australia, so dare we agree to now leave the pollies and their proposals well behind—back in Denmark?
As we all know, the New World Order has very little use for the Almighty, so before He goes (don’t worry, I’m sure He’ll be back), I want to dig up a bit on what His Good Book specifically notes on Climate Change—regardless of how much anyone succeeds in reducing CO2 emissions.
First of all, in Gen 2:15, Abba puts Adam in thatGlorious Garden and says;“Take care of it”. True, there were no smokestacks in those days, only animal droppings to make everything nice and green. But by now, with billions of cars and jillions more generators burning fossil fuels for power, therefore we Adams havea few more problems!
Look, humanity has been smart enough for everything else except figuring out what greed does to me as well to my neighbor. We sons of Adam didn’t seem to catch on too fast on what“Take care of it” meant!
So now a crazy world is trying to do in 2 weeks in what a greedywhat’s–in-it-for-me globe should have maintained in 2000 years!
Strike one!
And the next climatic clue! God also clearly told us how to makesure it rains. Let’s check out Zech 14:16-18:
“Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, they will have no rain. If the Egyptian people do not go up and take part, they will have no rain…”
True, this is for the Kingdom era, but that is merely a re-run of what also works now. Note that this involved “…survivors who attacked Jerusalem”. Hello! Have you been reading about the global hate-fest against Israel these days? And I mean global. Howling Ahmadinejad is but the tip of the iceberg. Did I hear some mention Sweden out there? Or pro-Palestinian hate-the-Jews university forums across the USA? Or academic initiated Israel boycotts in the UK? Or anti-Zionism throughout the EU, not to mention the venom in the UN? Gen 12:3 indirectly covers the same bases:
“I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
This has nothing to do with a “pet people” but Abba’s people preservation plan for forever and a day. But wannabe anti-Semites just don’t get it!
Ever hear of Elijah? Remember James 5:17-18:
“Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.”
Anyone for rain? Can you imagine the renegades, the rioters and the rulers of nations cranking up a Copenhagen prayer meeting, “Dear God, please send some rain, and don’t forget to bless Israel.” Who’s crazy?
Strike two!
But there’s still a bit more in the Holy Writ. If Abba knows anything, He knew exactly who and what nations would be ready to dump Him by this day and time in the drama of human development. Ironically, the most slippery solution to global suffering is the cynical announcement by the snake-oil salesman of the planet (aka most global politicians) to allude to the travesty that there is no longer a sovereign God upstairs, but in the shortfall from His defection, they will gladly be able to fill in!
I note on good authority that the prevailing position from most of the better researched believers—including the scientific segment among us—that this whole thing of imminent climate change is a petty ploy for personal political power 90 years ahead of schedule! They won’t be here for the tsunami—if there is one—but they’recertainly not going to be late for the power grab of the hour!
Look, this may not be true for all the New World Wonders, but I speculateon how many Jews and Christians can trust these humanistic heroes any further than Nero Caesar; or Adolph Hitler; or the UN; or ranting Ahmadinejad—or a bit closer home—any of the failed corporate CEO’s of the last decade whose lust was for lucre and no less power?
Nevertheless, the Most High knew that in the end of days, Climate Change was bound to happen. So He made a note in Rev 8:7 that the first of 7 angels would blow his shofar. (If the Ancient of Days is supposedly no longer around, what change do mere angels have with Kudu horns?) But I still believe in angels and this is how it goes:
“The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.”
Moreover, there were 3 added angels to announce the generational price tag of greed, like pollution of the seas in Rev 8:8-9, pollution of fresh water sources in verses 10 and 11 and of the atmosphere from the cosmos on down in verse 12. Considering Climate Change, thosefirst 4 of 7 angels couldn’t be more chilling in their current significance, but I’ll not take up any more of your time right now.
Moreover the fine tuning is all in my earlier book, “Showdown of the Gods” that dedicates two chapters to “Trumpets so loud we didn’t hear them”. If you previously read it, it may be time for review. If you didn’t, Amazon and the book stores still have it. There are actually several chapters that coincide precisely with the Copenhagen consternation, but could well prove to be a rising tide of insightmuch in your favor. And you’ll even learn how to say “a third of the earth” in today’s jargon. The accuracy of Revelation 8 on Climate Change is awesome!
Finally, over the years I have personally visited Tuvalu, Majuro (in the Marshall Islands) Kiribati and a number of these low-lying island nations and their barely-above-sea level plight is hardly a fantasy.But the good news is that a fair number of those Godly folk also know what the Almighty told Job in 38:4-11]
"Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions?...Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb…when I fixed limits for it… and when I said, 'This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt'?”
Victor Schlatter South Pacific Island Ministries