9.1 North Livingston Elementary SBDM Policy
North Livingston Elementary is committed to making our school a safe and caring environment for all students. We will treat each other with respect and refuse to tolerate bullying of any kind.
Definition: Bullying is intentional, repeated harmful acts, words or other behaviors that involve an imbalance of power. Bullying may be physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual in nature.
Bullying behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following:
Physical bullying:
Invading someone’s space
Taking someone’s belongings
Blocking the way
Pinching, poking, hair pulling
Verbal/Emotional Bullying:
Name calling
Insulting gestures or language
Sexual or racial comments
Threatening (“I’m gonna...”)
Social Bullying:
Spreading rumors
Social exclusion (leaving someone out on purpose)
Making faces
Mean gestures
Cyber Bullying
Using technology to perform any act above which includes but is not limited to
any electronic format
Bullying occurs on many levels and in many forms. Cyber bullying, personal bullying or written communications of a bullying nature WILL NOT BE TOLERATED at North Livingston.
A copy of the bullying policy and contract will be sent home yearly for student/parent reference. It will also be included on the NLES website.
PROCEDURES: Discipline and Consequences
In the event a student should choose to engage in bullying behaviors, staff shall follow the guidelines below in accordance with the Livingston County Schools’ Acceptable Code of Conduct and the North Livingston Elementary SBDM Discipline Policy. Consequences should be reasonable and with the intent to provide a safe and secure environment for the bully, the victim and the bystanders. Consideration will be given in the case of the student’s ability, development, circumstances, and the severity of behaviors.
If Bullying Behavior is Reported/Observed/Suspected:
At any time, a student may complete a BINT form and drop it in the BINT form box. Younger students may need the help of the adult to complete this form.
The classroom teacher/school staff shall provide a safe environment by choosing an appropriate consequence and noting the action received by the student. The teacher may:
-Conduct a student-teacher conference
-Conduct a parent-teacher conference
-Assign recess restriction (i.e. walking, alternate locations/times)
-Assign classroom or team-level consequence
If bullying is a first time offense or minor, the teacher may deal with the child in a one-on-one environment. The teacher shall document the incident in Infinite Campus, including: what happened, when, where, and how it was addressed (i.e. conference with student or guidance counselor. The victim shall not be documented in Infinite Campus, but should be personally sent to the principal. If the teacher believes offender’s behavior to be repetitious, he/she may use professional judgment to go directly to Level 2 referral. Consultation with support staff (guidance counselor, school psychologist) may be accessed at any time.
Behavior Determined to be Level 2
When bullying is continuing to occur, further action should be taken. In addition to any classroom consequences, a behavior incident report shall be recorded in Infinite Campus, including: what happened, when, where. The victim shall not be documented in Infinite Campus, but should be personally sent to the principal. If the teacher believes offender’s behavior to be repetitious, he/she may use professional judgment to go directly to Level 2 referral. Consultation with support staff (guidance counselor, school psychologist) may be accessed at any time. The consequences may include (but not limited to):
-The incident will be documented in formal records (Infinite Campus marked as “bullying”), send the counselor/principal the name of the victim
-Refer to alternative lunch or recess
-Any other level two consequences may be applicable from school discipline plan
-Conduct observations of the student
-Call a team meeting to determine appropriate steps
-Hold a parent conference or ask parent to observe student at school
-Depending on frequency and severity, student may be referred to the guidance
counselor, school psychologist, or law enforcement
-Seek consultation with other qualified staff including relevant district resources
-Development of a Behavior Intervention Plan or Bully Intervention Plan
-The guidance counselor will complete a Bully Free Intervention Questionnaire and Intervention Plan
An administrator shall notify the parent of the offender by phone or by letter if unable to reach by phone. The parent/guardian should return the letter signed to acknowledge receipt.
Severe Bullying (Level 3) or Repeated Level 2 offenses
If the staff considers the offense serious enough, he/she may refer the incident immediately to the principal or principal’s designee or the police if appropriate. Severe bullying (level 3) refers to any incident that involves harm to the body or personal belonging of another person. The third level 2 offense constitutes a Level 3 offence. The consequences may include (but not limited to):
Document the incident in Infinite Campus (mark offence as “bullying”), send principal the name of the victim
Conference with the student and family
Assign in school suspension and counseling referral
Assign out of school suspension and counseling referral
Depending on frequency and severity, student may also be referred to the school
psychologist or law enforcement.
Other disciplinary consequences may be implemented per Level three misbehaviors
and board policy.
If the student has a Bully Free Questionnaire and/or Intervention Plan on file, this shall be reviewed and updated by the guidance counselor and/or principal. The principal MUST review both the questionnaire and the plan at when the student/victim are at a Level 3.
The principal or principal’s designee shall notify the parent/guardian by phone or by letter if unable to reach by phone. The parent/guardian should return the letter signed to acknowledge receipt. The administration may require a face-to-face conference with student’s parent or guardian.
Students at North Livingston Elementary will do the following things to prevent bullying:
Treat each other respectfully
Refuse to bully others
Refuse to let others be bullied
Refuse to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied
Try to include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out
Report bullying to an adult or complete a BINT form and dropping it in the BINT Box or directly to the principal or guidance counselor
Parents of North Livingston Elementary will do the following to help their students prevent and deal with bullying:
Encourage friendships
Teach social skills (sharing, compassion, apologies, I messages)
Let your child know it is ok to express anger appropriately
Teach your child self-respect and assertiveness
Emphasize praise and positive rewards
Put an immediate stop to any bullying you observe by your child
Teachers and staff at North Livingston Elementary will do the following things to prevent bullying and help children feel safe at school:
Closely supervise students in all areas of the school and playground.
Watch for signs of bullying and stop it when it happens.
Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports.
Look into all reported bullying incidents.
Assign consequences for bullying based on the school discipline plan and this bullying policy.
North Livingston Elementary Anti- Bullying Parent/Student Contract
I, ______, promise that I will do my best to keep our school a safe and caring place.
This means that I will:
Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
Resolve disagreements with other students peacefully.
Never teases, hurt, name-call, or bully another student.
Refuse to join in if I see someone else being bullied.
Ask for help from an adult if I am bullied or see someone else being bullied.
Will not use technology as a means of hurting or bullying other students.
Date: ______
______Student Signature
______Parent/Guardian Signature
______Teacher’s Name
Policy 9.1
First Reading 2/16/12
Second Reading 3/22/12
Chair signature