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/European Economic and Social Committee /
Hearing on
Immigration and integration:
Roles and initiatives of the social partners
and civil society organisations
Organised by the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Foundation for the
Improvement of Living and Working Conditions and the International Labour Organization
22 and 23 June 2006
Thursday 22 JUNE 2006
9.00Arrival and registration of delegates
9.30Opening of the hearing
Mr Malosse, President of the Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship, European Economic and Social Committee
Mr Karppinen,Director, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living
and Working Conditions
Mr Taran, Senior Migration Specialist, International Labour Organization
PANEL 1 – A EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK10.15Chaired by Mr SOARES, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
Mr Fernández, Research Manager, European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions
Mr Taran, Senior Migration Specialist, International Labour Organization
11.15Coffee break
11.35Ms Passchier, Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation
PANEL 2- SOCIAL PARTNER COOPERATION: EXPERIENCES FROM MEMBER STATES12.20Chaired by Mr Miller, Research Manager, European Foundation for the Improvement
of Living and Working Conditions
- Ms Lougheed, Irish Business and Employers Confederation
- Mr Joyce, Irish Congress of Trade Unions
13.30Lunch break
- Mr GALLEGO ZUAZO, Confederación Española Organizaciones Empresariales
- Mr Ruiz, Comisiones Obreras
PANEL 3 –EMPLOYERS AND BUSINESS INITIATIVES16.30Chaired by Mr Taran, Senior Migration Specialist, International Labour Organization
Mr MEYER, FrankfurtAirport
Ms NORMANLY, Dublin Bus (Ireland)
Mr GAUCI, Adecco (France)
18.00 End of the first day’s proceedings
19.00Reception, courtesy of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Friday 23 JUNE 20068.30Arrival of delegates
PANEL 4 – TRADE UNIONS, WORKERS' ORGANISATION MEASURES9.00Chaired by Mr HUNTJENS, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
Mr SULLIVAN, Trade Unions Confederation (UK)
Ms HAMALAINEN, Central Organisations of Finnish Trade Unions -SAK (Finland)
Mr SALERI, Confederazione Generale Italiana Lavoro (Italy)
10.30Coffee break
PANEL 5 – CIVIL SOCIETY, COMMUNITY GROUPS, COOPERATIVES10.50Chaired by Ms O'NEILL, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
Ms PREIS, Xpandia Vision (Sweden)
Mr GULIA, Associazione Cattolica Lavoratori Italiani (Italy)
Mr KOLAT, Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland Bundesgeschäftsstelle (Germany)
CONCLUSIONS12.15Chaired by Mr PARIZA, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
Mr MILLER,Research manager, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Mr TARAN, Senior Migration Specialist, International Labour Organization
13.00End of Hearing