Rocky Hill Elementary

Safety Patrol

Guidelines and Information


Selection Criteria for Safety Patrol Students:

Fifth Grade Students who:

  • Earn at least 85%/B in 7 out of 8 academic areas (including Art, PE, Music, and classroom) per 9-weeks. Students with all A/B’s or A/B’s and only one C in a given nine-week grading period will qualify.
  • Earn an E in Work Habits.
  • Earn A’s in all conduct grades (including Art, PE, Music, and all classrooms).
  • Any all-day PAC/ISS/OSS referral will result in automatic disqualification for the remainder of the school year and the Washington, D.C. trip.

Fifth Grade students may earn Safety Patrol status from their First 9-week grading period AND/OR their Second 9-week grading period. Students are allowed 1 probation grading period but must qualify on 3 out of the 4 9-week report cards in 5th grade. If not, their status is revoked. Safety Patrol status may also be revoked for: not wearing belt properly, being late to their post, not following safety rules, behavior unbecoming to a Safety Patrol as determined by Safety Patrol coordinators and/or Rocky Hill Staff. In order to qualify for the Washington, DC trip students must qualify on 3 of the 4 5th grade report cards and must work one 4 ½ week session in each of the 9-weeks in which they qualify (3-4 sessions total).

Safety Patrol Expectations:

  • Be on post at or before specified time with safety patrol belt.
  • Remain on post throughout specified time with safety patrol belt.
  • Refrain from having conversations outside of safety issues while on duty.
  • Do your assigned job – do NOT trade jobs with another student.
  • Stand at your post; no sitting, leaning, reading, listening to headphones, doing homework, etc.
  • Follow the directives of Rocky Hill staff members.
  • Model good manners and behavior.
  • Follow rules set by Knox County Schools and Rocky Hill Elementary.
  • Seek a staff member’s help when needed.
  • Smile and do your job respectfully!

Remember: Smile, be helpful, courteous,

and a role model for all!

Safety Patrol Job Descriptions

Car Lobby Outside (AM/PM): Open car doors for students, greet students/parents/staff, follow directions from Mrs. Montgomery and/or teacher on-duty, must be willing/prepared (hats, gloves, raincoats, etc.) to work in all weather conditions

Car Lobby Inside/1st or K Escort (AM): stand in car lobby, maintain order and noise level, follow teacher’s directives, keep students calm and listening for directions, not being a boss-being a leader, escort assigned class to their classroom when dismissed by teacher, maintain order with students walking in a single file line

Car Lobby inside (PM): stand in car lobby, maintain order and noise level, follow teacher’s directives, keep students calm and listening for directions, not being a boss-being a leader

Gym Assistant/1st or K Escort (AM): Stand in gym with bus students, greet students, maintain order and noise level, follow teacher’s directives, report to car lobby at bell to escort assigned class to their classroom when dismissed by teacher, maintain order with students walking in a single file line

4/5th Grade Hallway/1st or K Escort (AM): Stand inside near exit doors, open door/greet students/staff, offer to help staff carry things/open classroom doors for staff, direct students to gym or car lobby if needed, report to car lobby at bell to escort assigned class to their classroom when dismissed by teacher, maintain order with students walking in a single file line

*4/5th Grade Hallway/Art Doorway (PM): Stand outside holding door open, maintain order (no running) and noise level, give directions if needed [safeties may ride bus at dismissal]

Cafeteria Assistant/1st or K Escort (AM): Maintain order when students enter at 7:15/7:20, during breakfast, and at dismissal, help students with opening milk, juice, etc., help with noise level, report to car lobby at bell to escort assigned class to their classroom when dismissed by teacher, maintain order with students walking in a single file line

Office Assistant/Post Monitor/1st or K Escort (AM): take attendance of all safeties on clipboard in Safety box in office, follow directives from Mrs. Hall, help other staff if requested, report to car lobby at bell to escort assigned class to their classroom when dismissed by teacher, maintain order with students walking in a single file line

Front Door Greeter/1st or K Escort (AM): Open and greet staff/students/parents, give directions as needed, report to car lobby at bell to escort assigned class to their classroom when dismissed by teacher, maintain order with students walking in a single file line

Library/1st or K Escort (AM): Turn on lights, computers in am, follow directives from Mrs. Gwathney, be available in hallway to maintain order and noise level, report to car lobby at bell to escort assigned class to their classroom when dismissed by teacher, maintain order with students walking in a single file line

Gym Assistant/3rd/4th/5th Grade Hallway Monitor (AM): give directions, and keep students where they need to be in gym, at dismissal stand at top of stairs/block left hand side to maintain order and limit the flow of traffic to the right hand side of hallway

Gym Assistant/1st or K Escort (AM): give directions, and keep students where they need to be, report to car lobby at bell to escort assigned class to their classroom when dismissed by teacher, maintain order with students walking in a single file line

*Bus Monitor/Front/Middle/Gym (PM): Standing at front of school as buses depart, maintain order, students should walk and remain on the sidewalk, wave goodbye [safeties may ride bus at dismissal]

Bus Monitor/Main Entrance (PM): hold open door front right door for traffic flow, maintain order (no running, etc.), give directions as needed, say goodbye to students/staff/parents

*Bus Leader (PM): Meet first grade classes in the gym at first bell, escort them to their bus when dismissed by teacher, maintain order with students walking in a single file line [safeties may ride bus at dismissal]

Daycare Monitor (PM): Meet students in the front lobby at first bell, maintain order with students seated until they are dismissed by teacher, escort them to their daycare van in a single file/walking line when dismissed by teacher

Playground/ Recycling/Playground (PM): collect recycling from teacher workrooms and classrooms, take all jackets etc, from playground to the school Lost & Found in car lobby, put all playground equipment in the shed.

Post Monitor/Recycling/ (PM): take attendance of all safeties on clipboard, collect recycling from teacher workrooms and classrooms