8th Grade Social Studies: Sectionalism through the Civil War VOCABULARY

# / Term / Description
1 / Abolitionists /  / People who want to End Slavery
2 / Armory /  / Storehouse for weapons
3 / Assimilate /  / Adopt the manners and language of a country
4 / Bleeding Kansas /  / Violent Conflict between settlers. 200 dead
5 / Blockade-runners /  / Fast Southern ships
6 / Border States /  / States immediately North of the Confederacy
7 / Clipper /  / Quick Sail Boat
8 / Commandeer /  / Seize or take over property
9 / Compromise of 1850 /  / 1. CA Free 2. NM & UT Popular Sovereignty
3. Pay Texas (for NM) 4. D.C. Ends Slave Trade & Keeps Slavery
5. Fugitive Slave Law
10 / Confederacy /  / The group of states that had seceded from the United States
11 / Conscription /  / Mandatory Military Service (Drafting)
12 / Copperheads /  / Peace Democrats
13 / Cotton Gin /  / Eli Whitney’s Engine for removing seeds from cotton
14 / Discrimination /  / Mistreatment based on race, sex, religion, etc.,
15 / Dred Scott Decision /  / Slaves have no legal rights
Slaves are property
MO Compromise was Unconstitutional = US Gov’t. Cannot limit use of property
16 / Emancipation /  / Free
17 / Emancipation Proclamation /  / January 1, 1863: Presidential declaration naming all slaves in seceded states “forever free.”
18 / Free-Soil Party /  / FREE Soil, Speech, Labor, Men
19 / Fugitive /  / A runaway from the law
20 / Habeas Corpus /  / Court order guaranteeing trial before jail
21 / Immigrant /  / Person that comes from another country
22 / Ironclad /  / Iron-plated ship
23 / Kansas-Nebraska Act /  / Popular Sovereignty for slave issue in KS and NE.
24 / Labor Union /  / Workers Organized to improve working conditions
25 / Martial Law /  / Military Rule w/suspended Rights & Freedoms
26 / Nativist /  / Someone who distrusts/mistreats immigrants
27 / Oppression /  / Feeling weighed down by unfair treatment
28 / Patent /  / Legal right to make, use, or sell an invention
29 / Popular Sovereignty /  / Rule by the People
30 / Raid on Harpers Ferry /  / John Brown and his followers attempt to steal weapons from a federal armory and start a slave revolution.
31 / Rebels /  / Confederate Army
32 / Republicans /  / Party of Lincoln; Keep slavery out of the territories
33 / royalty /  / Payment for use of a patented product
34 / Secede /  / Drop out of the United States
35 / Sectionalism /  / Regional Loyalty and Rivalry
36 / Segregation /  / using Separate facilities for different groups
37 / Siege /  / Blockade of a city
38 / Slave Codes /  / Laws that denied basic human rights for slaves
(legal or physical defense, property, assembly, education, etc.,)
39 / Strategy /  / Overall plan for victory
40 / Strike /  / Workers Refuse to Work
41 / Tactic /  / Technique or Maneuver
42 / Telegraph /  / Device to “wire” messages
43 / Total War /  / Destroy the Enemy’s Army AND Resources
44 / Yankees /  / Union Army
45 / Yeomanry /  / Small family farmers of the South