6th Grade Advanced Content Language Arts
Third Quarter
Miss Rothschild
(770) 819-2438 ext.460
Conferences scheduled upon request
Grade Category Weights
Classwork/homework 15%
Reading logs/ Projects 15%
Writing assignments/ quizzes30%
Tests 40%
Suggested Texts:
Catherine, Called Birdy by Karen Cushman
Phoenix Rising by Karen Hesse
Content Overview
This quarter, students are continuing to work on developing their vocabulary and grammar skills. With vocabulary, students are focusing on synonyms and antonyms, analogies, and context clues. This nine weeks, students are continuing to develop their editing skills. In grammar, students are going to study basic sentence parts, phrases, and clauses.
Catherine, Called Birdy is the novel we are reading this grading period. The novel integrates a study of medieval English history and culture with lively discussion, writing, and research. The unit culminates in a project based the student’s ability to integrate and synthesize the facts and concepts he/she has acquired.
Students are also being required to complete an independent study of the novel Phoenix Rising. The novels are available for student check out from Miss Rothschild. This is an independent study, so students are expected to complete the reading of the text and the assigned work as homework. As always, students may ask Miss Rothschild if they have any questions regarding the assignments. Specific project requirements will be detailed in a separate handout. The project due date is Wednesday, February 25.
Essential Questions
- What types of connections do readers make to texts?
- Why should we read and connect with a literary text?
- How do literary text elements, such as word choice, tone, etc., contribute to the development of theme within a text?
- How does reading, discussing, and responding to literary texts increase a reader’s vocabulary?
- How can reading more than one text by a single author enhance enjoyment and understanding of that author?
- Do writers have signature characteristics?
- How does writing about literary texts increase understanding/comprehension/appreciation of the text?
- Why are conventions necessary for comprehending pieces of writing?
- How can letters be an avenue for expressing our thoughts, interpretations, and opinions?
- How does discussion of literary texts with teacher and peers aid in appreciation and understanding of literature?
Unit Understandings, Themes, and Concepts (provide concepts students should retain as a result of this unit)
- Gain insight and understanding of text through making connections to the text
- Recognize that literary texts share common themes, patterns of structure, types of characters, and other literary elements
- Realize that wisdom and understanding of the human condition can be gained from reading and responding to a literary text
- Understand that discussion of text with peers with broaden one’s interpretation, understanding, and connection with the texts
ELA6R1. The student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts. For literary texts, the student identifies the characteristics of various genres and produces evidence of reading that:
a. Identifies and analyzes sensory details and figurative language.
b. Identifies and analyzes the author’s use of dialogue and description.
c. Relates a literary work to historical events of the period.
d. Applies knowledge of the concept that theme refers to the main idea and
meaning of a selection, whether it is implied or stated, and analyzes theme as it
relates to the selection.
e. Identifies and analyzes the elements of setting, characterization, plot and the
resolution of the conflict of a story or play:
i. internal/external conflicts
ii. character conflicts, characters vs. nature, characters vs. society
iii. antagonist/ protagonist.
f. Identifies the speaker and recognizes the difference between first- and third-
person narration.
g. Defines and explains how tone is conveyed in literature through word choice,
entence structure, punctuation, rhythm, repetition, and rhyme.
h. Responds to and explains the effects of sound, figurative language, and graphics
in order to uncover meaning in literature:
i. Sound (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme)
ii. Figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor)
iii. Graphics (e.g., capital letters, line length).
ELA6W2. The student demonstrates competency in a variety of genres. The student produces technical writing (friendly letters, thank-you notes, formula poems, instructions,) that:
a. Creates or follows an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience,
and context.
b. Excludes extraneous and inappropriate information.
c. Follows an organizational pattern appropriate to the type of composition.
d. Applies rules of Standard English.
The student produces a response to literature that:
a. Engages the reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker’s voice, and otherwise developing reader interest.
b. Demonstrates an understanding of the literary work.
c. Advances a judgment that is interpretive, analytic, evaluative, or reflective.
d. Organizes an interpretation around several clear ideas, premises, or images.
e. Supports a judgment through references to the text.
f. Provides a sense of closure to the writing.
ELA6SLV1. The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, ad group verbal interactions. The student:
a. Initiates new topics in addition to responding to adult-initiated topics.
b. Asks relevant questions.
c. Responds to questions with appropriate information.
f. Actively solicits another person’s comments or opinions.
g. Offers own opinion forcefully without being domineering.
h. Responds appropriately to comments and questions.
i. Volunteers contributions and responds when directly solicited by teacher or
discussion leader.
j. Gives reasons in support of opinions expressed.
k. Clarifies, illustrates, or expands on a response when asked to do so.
m. Writes a response to/reflection of interactions with others.
ELA6RC3. The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly; the student
a. Demonstrates an understanding of contextual vocabulary in various subjects.
b. Uses content vocabulary in writing and speaking.
c. Explores understanding of new words found in subject area texts.
ELA6W1. The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and provides a satisfying closure; the student
a. Selects a focus, organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose,
genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements.
b. Writes texts of a length appropriate to address the topic or tell the story.
c. Uses traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., chronological order,
cause and effect, similarity and difference, and posing and answering a
d. Uses appropriate structures to ensure coherence (e.g., transition elements).
ELA6W4. The student consistently uses the writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing; the student
a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully.
b. Revises manuscripts to improve the organization and consistency of ideas
within and between paragraphs.
c. Edits to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, etc.
ELA6C1. The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats.
Communication is the backbone of a good teacher/ student/ parent relationship. Not only do you need to know if your child is struggling with a particular topic or concept, but you also want to know when your child is having success. At this time, please review your child’s language arts assignments to see how this grade was earned. A progress report will be sent at the three week period and at the midterm period (determined by CobbCounty central office). Progress reports must be signed and returned regardless of the student’s grade.
It is important to look over progress reports when they are sent because they are of a timely nature. It is the student’s responsibility to return the progress report on time! Please understand that Miss Rothschild needs to have the physical progress report signed as a protection for both your child and her. If the progress report gets lost, you may print one from I-Parent and sign it. Consequences, such as detention, may be assigned if your child does not return the progress report.
The quickest way to communicate with Miss Rothschild is through e-mail. Her e-mail address is . Please do not hesitate to contact her if you have any questions or concerns.
Progress Reports will be sent on the following dates:
Wednesday, January 26Due Friday, January 28
Wednesday, February 16 Midterm Progress Reports
Late Work/ Makeup Work
Homework must be turned in at the beginning of the period on the day it is due. Assignments left in lockers, at home, on the bus, or anywhere else are still considered late. Students will not be allowed to call home for assignments, nor will students be given a locker pass to retrieve assignments. Major long-term projects are always due on the assigned date, even if the student is absent. If there is an extreme emergency, please contact Miss Rothschild and make an alternative arrangement. Computer problems do not constitute extreme emergencies.
6th graders may turn in class work/ homework one day late with a 15% point penalty. Any work more than one day late will not be accepted.
Students are allowed one day only per excused absent day to make up assignments. It is the students’ responsibility to get make up work. An up-to-date agenda is available for students, or students may check the agenda at schoolnotes.com.
Any quizzes or tests missed should be made up before or after school or by arrangement by parent and teacher so students do not miss any additional instruction. Upon returning to school, students have a maximum of three days to make up quizzes or tests.
Reading Logs
Students are expected to read for a minimum of two hours per week outside of the regular school day. They are to complete a reading log with specific information that was given to the students at the beginning of the year. As a reminder, Miss Rothschild has reviewed the reading log procedures in class. Reading logs are required to be a minimumof two paragraphs long and may not be a summarization of the reading. The reading log should be a response to one or more of the questions off the reading log instruction sheet that was given to students at the beginning of the year. The questions can be found on the blog. If students are summarizing their reading, then points will be deducted from the reading log grade. Reading logs that do not have the required information, or reading logs that do not meet the two paragraph requirement will have points deducted from the final grade.
Please remember, only one reading log may be turned in one day late each quarter without penalty. Students may turn in logs early. If a reading log is not signed, then it is not complete and will not be accepted. Students know in advance the due dates, and they are reminded in class each week, so they should be able to turn in their logs in a timely manner. At the end of the nine weeks, students are allowed to complete an extra credit reading log if all eight have been completed and turned in on time. Due dates are as follows:
#1Thursday, January 13
#2Thursday, January 20
#3Thursday, January 27
#4Thursday, February 3
#5Thursday, February 10
#6Thursday, February 17
#7Thursday, March 3
#8Thursday, March 10
Extra Credit reading log due Thursday, March 10.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to earn grades honestly. Cheating will not be tolerated. Any occasion of academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment, as well as any disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, copying another student’s work, allowing another student to copy your work, receiving answers prior to a test, using a “cheat sheet” without expressed consent from the teacher (a written sheet of answers or notes), downloading essays off the internet, and/or plagiarizing (copying another person’s work without acknowledgement of source).
Advanced Content Program
Advanced Content Program: The curriculum and instructional strategies for this course are differentiated in content, pacing, process skills emphasis, and expectation of student outcomes from the regular Language Arts course. Curriculum content has been designed for mastery and extension, of state and district content standards. The course is appropriate for students who have high achievement and interest in Language Arts. The district has established criteria and guidelines that identify these students. Students are placed in this class according to specified indicators of demonstrated exceptional ability and motivation. Students must meet continuation criteria to remain in this class. (80% average)
This syllabus is subject to change. Progress reports dates may change over the course of the nine weeks.
**Please remember that students are expected to complete their assignments in dark blue or black ink. Class work/ homework/ writing assignments completed in pencil will receive a point deduction.**