Room E-102
Telephone: (858) 350-0253 x4142
Course Description:
The goal of this class is to help students improve their writing and oral skills, aural comprehension, grammar use, and depth of vocabulary. Students will explore concepts of cultural significance, including social issues within the target culture. Students will develop the skills necessary to analyze a variety of written texts and communicate their ideas through discussion and in writing. Conversational skills are practiced daily while discussing assigned readings and in general classroom interactions. This course is designed to prepare students for success on the AP Spanish Language examination.
Course Goals:
- The teacher and students use Spanish almost exclusively in class
- Students will have regular opportunities to develop their speaking skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse (interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive), topics, and registers
- The course provides frequent opportunities for students to write a variety of informal and formal compositions in Spanish (persuasive, narrative, expository, etc.)
- Students will develop their aural comprehension skills through authentic and level-appropriate audio and video recordings
- Students will be exposed to authentic written texts including newspaper and magazine articles, literary texts and other non-fiction selections in order to strengthen their reading comprehension abilities and analytical skills
Academic Honesty:
It is expected that YOU complete and turn-in your own original work at all times. All work submitted in this class is expected to be created solely by the student author. Academic dishonesty, cheating, and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating will receive a grade of zero on the assignment and the parents and the assistant principal will be notified of the offense. Students are not allowed to use translation devices, native speakers, tutors, or other students to assist them with their assignments or projects. If you have questions in regard to this policy, please see me.
Workload Expectations:
For each class period, students are expected to spend at least an average of 45 minutes – 1 ½ hour outside of the class on homework and review of notes
Students are expected to participate actively and collaborate in groups in Spanish
Students will be self-directed learners who are accountable for their skill development
Class Materials:
Una vez más and APSpanish: Preparing for the Language Examination
Three-ring binder with binder paper
Spiral or composition notebook (for diarios)
3 x 5 index cards
Storage container for index cards
Ballpoint pens (different colors) & highlighters
Class Expectations/Rules:
Come to class on-time and be seated with all required materials by the time the bell rings(no tardies!!!)
- School tardy policy WILL be enforced in this class
Speak only Spanish in the classroom –this is the only way you’ll improve your oral skills
Use the restroom and take care of personal business during the passing period, NOT during class
Be respectful of your classmates and the teacher
No food or drinks allowed in class (water is the only exception)
Keep your binder and all class materials organized
Cell phones, pagers or other audio/video devices (IPODs) in the classroom must be turned off at all times and kept out-of-sight (or they will be confiscated)
Compositions / Projects/ Presentations25%
In-class Assignments / Homework10%
Classroom activities and assessments will focus on the following skills:
Listening comprehension25%Speaking25%
Reading comprehension25%Writing25%
Grading Scale:
A+ 98.5-100% / B+ 88.5-89.9% / C+ 78.5-79.9% / D+ 68.5-69.9%A 92.6-98.4% / B 82.6-88.4% / C 72.6-78.4% / D 62.5-68.4%
A- 90-92.5% / B- 80-82.5% / C- 70-72.5% / D- 60-62.5%
F 59.9% and below
Student Signature ______Parent Signature ______