MATH 285 (Internet)
Differential Equations
Great BasinCollege
Instructor:Dr. Gary Hanington
Office:Lundberg Hall Room 123C (in back of 123)
School Phone:(775) 753 – 2330
School Fax:(775) 738 – 8771
School email: (notice the ".")
WebCampus:Use Canvas Conversation
Office Hours:Friday: 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Course Number:1001-LEC (52840)
Class Meeting Times:Internet
Submission Time:All assignments (homework and lab reports) are due in by Sunday NIGHT 11:55 PM using WebCampus Do not hand in anything late! See the schedule at the end of the syllabus for due dates.
Prerequisite:Completion of MATH 283 (Calculus 111)
Textbook:The official textbook is an old one but generally considered the best for any science or engineering student. Mathematicians do not like this book because it has too many practical examples. Here is the data:
Here is the picture:
Make sure you buy the 3rd edition either hardback or paperback
The 3rd edition has the section on Laplace Transforms that we will use.
GBC Catalog Description for MATH285:
Course Description and Objectives:
This course is an upper level math course in which we learn how to solve and use differential equations. We will stress engineering applications.
The topics to be covered in this 14 week course include
1.Solving first order differential equations
2.Applications of first order differential equations
3.Solving second order and higher differential equations
4.Applications of second order differential equations
5.Solutions of Differential Equations using Laplace Transforms
6.Applications using Laplace Transforms
7.Solving Differential Equations by using Series
8.Solving Differential Equations via Numerical Techniques
10.Systems of Differential Equations with Applications.
11.Partial Differential Equations
12.Solutions to Boundary Value Problems using Fourier Series
There will be weekly homework and weekly tests.
There is a one page term paper due as well on a famous mathematician.
Expected Course Outcomes (Objectives) and Measurements:
Listed below are the expected learner outcomes of the course, and the methods that will be used to measure students’ success in achieving these outcomes.
1.Be able to solve a simple first order differential equationHW1, TEST1, FINAL
2.Be able to set up and solve a first order physical system.HW2, TEST2, FINAL
3.Be able to solve a simple second order differential equationHW3, TEST3, FINAL
4.Be able to set up and solve a second order physical system.HW4, TEST4, FINAL
5.Determine the Laplace transform of a linear DE.HW5, TEST5, FINAL
6.Solve for the inverse Laplace transform solutionHW6, TEST6, FINAL
7.Solve a DE using series expansion techniquesHW7, TEST7, FINAL
8.Solve a differential equation by numerical methods.HW8, TEST8, FINAL
9.Solve a system of related Differential Equations using operator techniques HW9, TEST9, FINAL
10.Determine the Fourier Series expansion of a periodic functionHW10, TEST10, FINAL
11.Solve a simple boundary value problem such as a time dependent
thermal heat flow problem in one dimensionHW11, TEST11, FINAL
Self Assessment of Course.
Upon completion of the course, students should meet the above listed expectations as a minimum. An assessment of these goals will be measured at the end of the semester by specific problems dealing with each line item occurring on the FINAL EXAM. From this data an analysis is performed by the instructor to determine the level of learning by the students for each listed outcome. This will be used as feedback to assess the teaching methods utilized in this course for that particular outcome. Historically, it has been the practice to devote more time to the two outcomes that show the lowest level of success – as determined from Final Exam measurements.
Method of Instruction:
This course is basically a lecture course with open discussion about the material being covered. There will be:
1.Weekly Homework
2.Weekly Tests (Including a FINAL EXAM)
New lessons start every week. It is your responsibility to check the schedule (attached to this syllabus) to see what is required and when the assignment is due. You should print out the schedule and constantly refer to it so you do not miss a deadline to turn material in. Everything is turned in using WebCampus. Do not wait until the last minute. The deadlines for this course are immutable.
Homework: (Measurement)
Starting with the first week, weekly homework assignments will be given with WebCampus. There are important rules governing this aspect of the course:
1.Each chapter homework will be ten problems from the chapter material being covered that week. We will usually cover three chapters per week. You will use the GBC WebCampus to answer the questions. Since this is an open-book environment, no partial credit can be given for your answers. Either you know it or you don’t. You answer the questions using your computer using the WebCampus function. Homework must be turned in by the cutoff time. It cannot be late. The cutoff time is always every week at Sunday Night 11:55 PM (including holidays). Everyone must be able to use WebCampus. There are no exceptions to this rule, do not bring me the homework, do not fax it in, do not email it to me directly, do not turn it in to my mailbox.
2.You will be able to see your homework grade on Monday using WebCampus.
3.With WebCampus you have the ability to open the homework, close it and open it again. You can do this multiple times. You do not need to leave it open on your computer. However, once you officially submit your homework on your computer, it is gone, it cannot be re- submitted.
4.Homework problems will be multiple choice format. Homework questions will be selected from a database on a random basis. In other words, the questions on your homework assignment may be different from those of the next student.
5.The rules about missing a homework assignment are explained further on in the syllabus.
Hopefully Helpful Hints:
Make sure that your computer configuration is compatible with a WebCampus class. Go over the information provided by WebCampus. If you have technical questions go to the Technical Help Desk at your facility (e.g. HighTechCenter in Elko). The phone number of the Elko HTC is: (775) 753-2160. It is a good idea to start the homework early in the week and turn it all in by Friday. If a problem occurs, at least you have two days to solve the computer error. There is nothing that can be done if you have computer trouble at the last minute before the assignment is due and cannot turn it in. If you do not turn it in on time it will be recorded automatically as a zero. Always save your files just in case a problem occurs!
Weekly TESTs will be given starting on the second week of class. There are important rules governing this aspect of the course:
1.Tests will be five questions of increasing hardness from the material we covered for that particular chapter. You will take the TEST on your computer using the WebCampus function. Since TESTs are open-book and open notes, no partial credit can be given. PHYSICS100 TESTs have a 60 minute time limit. Once you begin your TEST you must finish it at one sitting. TESTs will usually be available to take by Friday evening. You must have taken and submitted your weekly TEST by Sunday evening, 11:55 PM. There will usually be posted three chapters worth of TESTs every Friday evening, You must complete all three (if it is that number) by Sunday night.
2.You will be able to see your TEST grade on Monday using WebCampus.
3.A published list of your TEST grades will be uploaded in WebCampus for every TEST you take. The list will show your grade in comparison with other students in the class. Just like the homework grade list, GBC cannot post your grades and name together so an impractical code system is used here as well. You will be sent a codename after the start of the course.
4.Once you begin your exam you must complete it before the time limit is up. Just like homework, once you officially submit your TEST to WebCampus it is gone and cannot be re-submitted.
5.TEST problems will be multiple choice format selected from a database on a random basis. In other words, the questions on your TEST may be different from those of the next student.
6.The rules about missing a TEST are explained further on in the syllabus.
7.The FINAL EXAM will be taken during the last week of the course. On the FINAL EXAM will be problems from the last two weeks of lessons and it will be longer. It will also have questions from previous chapters as well. It will be taken using the same format on WebCampus as a normal TEST. It will naturally have a longer time period. The rules about missing the FINAL EXAM are the same as missing a TEST.
Hopefully Helpful Hint:
Make sure that your computer configuration is compatible with a WebCampus class. Go over the information provided by WebCampus. If you have technical questions go to the Technical Help Desk at your facility (e.g. HighTechCenter in Elko). The phone number of the Elko HTC is: (775) 753-2160. It is a good idea to start the homework early in the week and turn it in by Friday. If a problem occurs, at least you have two days to solve the computer error. There is nothing that can be done if you have computer trouble at the last minute before the assignment is due and cannot turn it in. If you do not turn it in on time it and through WebCampus will be recorded automatically as a zero.
1.If you do not submit the assignment when due, or do not take the exam when it is given, you will receive a zero for that assignment. It cannot be made up. Please do not ask.
2.You can be excused and the due date shifted if you make prior arrangements with me. For example, you may have to go on a business trip where there is just no way you can complete an assignment being out of town. We will work it out but you must let me know ahead of time and not after the fact. You must email me before the due date (or test time). All will be fine as long as you let me know ahead of time and I respond that this postponement is acceptable!
If you were working for a large company (like Walmart), you would be fired if you did not show up to your job or call in. That is called a “no call - no show”. There are always blockages in the road of life, we all have them from time to time, but not calling in to notify people that you have a problem would be irresponsible. There are reasonable limitations set on this section however. For example, you cannot do this every week.
3.You can be excused if you provide a medical doctors note explaining that you could not complete the assignment or test due to a medical emergency. This exception is listed for students who have an unforeseeable emergency occur and are just unable to complete the material. There are reasonable limitations set on this section as well.
4.If you are excused for missing an assignment or TEST and have to take a makeup or submit the homework or lab at another agreed upon time - it may take weeks or months to get it graded since it is out of synchronization. All attempts will be made to place your grade into the main grade book however your grade for an out of synchronization item will not show up at all on WebCampus. Please understand this point.
Not all activities carry the same weight. Here is how we will partition the sections:
Test:45 %
Homework:40 %
Final exam:10 %
Obviously, it is important to be prepared to do your best on the weekly test. In the past it was noticed that some students may gather together and complete the homework collectively. This usually improves the stronger students who tend to lead the group but injures the weaker ones who just copy and follow. Remember the weekly test is a 120 minute independent effort - you take it solo since the questions will be different for each student. It is best if you work the homework problems yourself. If you are having trouble, see the TutoringCenter for help. Emailing the instructor is another way to get help understand difficult problems.
If your calculated grade is:
Between100% and 97%=A+ (listed as A)
96% and 90%=A
89% and 87%=B+
86% and 80%=B
79% and 77%=C+
76% and 70%=C
69% and 51%=D
less than 50%=F
(notice there are no “-“ grades)
Academic Honesty:
Academic dishonesty in any form (such as cheating and plagiarism) will not be tolerated by the instructor AND Great BasinCollege. Academic dishonesty can result in a failing grade (F), academic suspension, or expulsion fro the class and/or the college.
Attendance will not be taken. You are responsible for the work to be turned in on time.
A student may receive a "W" (withdraw) grade only if withdrawal from the course occurs before the last date to withdraw. For summer courses this is usually one week after the semester starts. To officially withdraw, the student must inform the instructor verbally or in writing (email OK) why the withdrawal is taking place, and must formally withdraw through student services. If a student does not complete the course and does not complete the formal withdraw process, an "F" grade will be issued. "I" grades for "incomplete" will be given only under the most extenuating circumstances, and only with prior approval of the instructor.
Services for Students with Disabilities:
Great BasinCollege is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulation. Students needing help in this area should contact the ADA Officer located in Berg Hall.. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer in Elko at (775) 753 - 2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations".
Not a Contract Disclaimer: This document does not in any way represent a contract.
(Make sure you know when the material is due):
HomeworkDescriptionDue (All by 11:55 PM Sunday)
HW1:Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: First Order DE’s:June 16, 2013
HW2:Chapter 3: Applications of First Order DE’sJune 23, 2013
HW3:Chapter 4: Linear Second order DE’sJune 30, 2013
HW4:Chapter 5: Applications of Linear Second Order DE’s:July 7, 2013
HW5:Chapter 6A: Laplace TransformsJuly 14, 2013
HW6:Chapter 6B: Laplace TransformsJuly 21, 2013
HW7:Chapter 7: Series solutions of DE’sJuly 28, 2013
HW8:Chapter 9: Numerical solution methodsAugust 4, 2-13
HW9:Chapter 10: Systems of DE’sAugust 11, 2013
HW10:Chapter 12: Introduction to partial DE’sAugust 18, 2013
HW11:Chapter 13: Simple boundary value problemsAugust 25, 2013
MATH 285 Summer 2013 TEST DEADLINES:
(Make sure you know when the material is due):
HomeworkDescriptionDue (All by 11:55 PM Sunday)
TEST1:Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: First Order DE’s:June 23, 2013
TEST2:Chapter 3: Applications of First Order DE’sJune 30, 2013
TEST3:Chapter 4: Linear Second order DE’sJuly 7, 2013
TEST4:Chapter 5: Applications of Linear Second Order DE’s:July 14, 2013
TEST5:Chapter 6A: Laplace TransformsJuly 21, 2013
TEST6:Chapter 6B: Laplace TransformsJuly 28, 2013
TEST7:Chapter 7: Series solutions of DE’sAugust 4, 2013
TEST8:Chapter 9: Numerical solution methodsAugust 11, 2-13
TEST9:Chapter 10: Systems of DE’sAugust 18, 2013
TEST10:Chapter 12: Introduction to partial DE’sAugust 25, 2013
no test:Chapter 13: Simple boundary value problemson the FINAL
Specific Deadlines:
One-Page-Term-Paper:Must be turned in by:August 18, 2013 11:55 PM via WebCampus
FINAL EXAM: Must take by:August 26, 2013 11:55 PM via WebCampus