8th Grade Physical Science and American Government
Mr. Rechtlich
Gateway Math, Science, and Technology Middle School, Room 107
Office Hours: Period 4, before or after school (Email me anytime!)
“Science is an integral part of culture. It's not this foreign thing, done by an arcane priesthood. It's one of the glories of the human intellectual tradition.”
--Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, Biologist, Geologist, Paleontologist, and Author
THANK YOU for taking your Science and History with me this year.Science is devoted to the study of how the world works: how things interact and and their processes. As we move through the semesters, we will explore various disciplines; learning about science as an inquisitive process while developing our laboratory and data analysis skills. This year we will focus on scientific method and measurement, Matter & Energy, the Physics of Motion, and review Earth, Space, and Life sciences. An end of course test (MAP) will be administered in April which covers the learning objectives for the semester. History on the other hand will involve learning about America and how are nation came into being. We will also be taking the U.S. Constitution test in which everyone must pass with 100% accuracy. We will focus on various moments throughout history; from the colonies to the Civil War.
Provided textbook(s)
A Composition notebook (or equivalent)
Pencil and/or Pen (no purple or red please!)
Class Policies:
Late Work
- Late work is extremely discouraged. All assignments will be accepted late, up until the end of the unit. A -10% penalty will be enforced for each school day late.
Makeup Work
- If you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain any assignments you missed while you were gone. Do not count on me to remind you!
- Missed exams must be taken before or after school within one week of returning to school.
- If you are absent during a lab or activity you must make special arrangements to come in after school or during my office hours to make up the lab.
Cheating/ Plagiarism
- Cheating on a test or assignment will result in a grade of zero for all involved and loss of participation points for the day.
Class Procedures
- At the start of the day students will be quiet, sitting, and working on the Do Now.
- It is expected that students know how to conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner.
- Specific classroom procedures will be posted in the front of classroom for easy reference.
- During Lab activities, safety is your most important consideration.
- Restroom Policy: students are not allowed to use the restroom until scheduled times. Students may use emergency bathroom pass.
Students will be given homework minimally twice a week. Some weeks may have more than twice. Homework will be due the next day, unless I say otherwise.
-Some homework will be graded for completion and some for a grade.
Instructional Methods:
Visual/audio presentation, whole-class discussion, Socratic seminar, cooperative learning groups, laboratory-based inquiry, and field trips.
Enrichment Projects:
Each Unit will consist of Required activities and Enrichment activities. Enrichment projects are differentiated opportunities that will provide extra credit for students’ grades. They are a great way to boost a grade, or to make up labs or tests. Activities may be turned in anytime up to the day of the test. There is no limit to how many Enrichments may be completed each unit, but no late papers are accepted.
Type of Assignment / Portion of Grade / Grade ScaleHomework/Classwork / 30% / A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
.History: Essay
Science: Activity/Lab Reports / 30% / C = 70-79%
Science Notebook
History Notebook / D = 60-69%
F = <60%
Quizzes and Unit Tests / 35%
Work Ethic / 5%
Classroom Rules:
- Be respectful and considerate of others and yourself.
- Remain seated and ready to work.
- Have appropriate supplies everyday
- No profanity, rude gestures, teasing, or putdowns.
- Follow all directions of the Student Handbook and all school adults unless the request is illegal, immoral, or unsafe.
Negative Consequences
1st: Verbal warning
2nd: Seat moved/Workaholic Zone
3rd: Student removed to a Buddy Room,parents may be called.
4th: Parents called.
5th: Written referral
To access my website you will need to visit slps.org then go to gateway middle school, click on the teachers tab, then click on Stefan Rechtlich.
-On there you will find your homework that is due and a class calendar
Workaholic Zone
Student will automatically lose 15 point or 5% depending on behavior and will create an essay to make up those points. Student will be expected to write three paragraphs. Seven sentences each.
Positive Consequences
May include: Saturday field trip opportunities, good grades, raised self esteem, extra credit(!), note/phone call home praising student, class “treats-and-relax” days
Thanks again, and I look forward to a fantastic year!
-Gateway Dollars (50/month turn in dollars for dress down days, gift cards, etc…)☺
Student Signature Date
Phone #______
Email ______
Extra Info about your Student
Parent/Guardian Signature Date