6th Grade Gifted Fundraiser Opportunity
Parents and students,
We are offering a fundraiser as an opportunity for you to raise money toward the cost of our Gifted trip to Tampa. We have obtained permission to sell Krispy Kreme cards for a profit of $8.00 per card. These cards would make great stocking-stuffers. Here is how the certificate works:
1. The Krispy Kreme card sells for $16.00 each ($8.00 cost + $8.00 profit).
2. Each card has 10 peel off stickers on the back which are good for a free dozen glazed dougnuts
with the purchase of a dozen. This is about $70 in savings!!!
3. The cards are redeemable at any Krispy Kreme store nationwide. They are not
redeemable in grocery stores or convenience stores.
4. There is NO expiration date on the cards.
What we need from you:
1. Do you want your child to participate in this fundraiser?
2. If you intend to participate, please let us know how many cards you want your child
to sell.
Examples:10 cards sold =$ 80.00 towards trip cost
20 cards sold =$ 160.00 towards trip cost
3. You may order any amount of cards you want with the understanding that if you
order the cards, then you will be responsible for selling the cards.
**Cards cannot be returned to us if they are not sold. Once you pay for them, they are your child’s to sell. Money from this fundraiser is non-refundable, therefore if your child decides not to go, or cannot go on the fieldtrip due to grades, discipline or illness, your child’s fundraising money will not be refunded.
4. Extra cards will not be ordered, so be sure to give careful thought to how many you request.
Students will turn in this order form beginning Monday November 3rd to Mrs. Wilson. Orders will be collected until Tuesday, November 13th. Cards will be ordered from Krispy Kreme on the 13th and will be given out no later than Friday, November 16th. Students will have approximately two weeks to sell the cards they requested. These cards would be great stocking stuffers. All money should be returned to Mrs. Wilson by Tuesday, December 4th. Checks should be made out to Bonaire Middle School. We will forward your child’s credit to Kelly’s Tours on your behalf. They will credit your child’s account with the money your child earned ($8.00 per certificate sold).
Please return the bottom portion of this letter with your order no later than Tuesday, November 13th.
Direct all questions to Mrs. Stephanie Wilson:
My child, ______, will participate in the Krispy Kreme fundraiser.
I’m would like to request _____ fundraising cards that my child will sell at $16 each. Once the money is returned to the school, your child will be credited $8 toward their Tampa trip for each card sold. This credit will be forwarded to Kelly Tours on your behalf. I understand we cannot return the cards we order, or be refunded the money from this fundraiser.
Parent signature______