8th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Jackson

Email Address:

Classroom Phone: 815-726-6156 ext. 4127

Welcome to 8th grade Language Arts and Social Studies! The 2016-2017 school year is going to be full of learning and exciting challenges that will prepare you for high school and beyond. I am thrilled to be on this journey with you. This syllabus contains important information about materials, course units of study and expectations. Please take time to read this information through with your child. In order to have a successful year, we must be on the same accord and work together to have an amazing year. Return the last page to school by Friday, August 19th.

Language Arts:

Required Materials:

1. 3-1 Subject Notebook -Blue (college ruled)

2. 2- 2 Pocket Folders -Blue

3. 3- Packs of 100 Lined 3x5 Index Cards

4. Multi-colored 3x3 Pack of Post-its (at least 3 colors)

Course Study:

Throughout the year, students will analyze how differences of authors, characters, and audiences result in conflicting viewpoints. Students will evaluate the social, commercial, and political motifs of various media formats to identify how they support claims and add interest. Students will support claims and acknowledge and distinguish these claims from alternate or opposing claims.

Course Categories:

Vocabulary Vocabulary lists and tests are every 2 weeks.

Literature Reading assignments vary by unit.

Composition Journals, writing practice, and formal essays

Grammar 8 parts of speech, punctuation, sentence practice, etc.

Miscellaneous Projects, speeches, performances, etc.

Bell Work Daily skills practice at beginning of class

Novel Studies

During the year, you will read several novels as a class and individual. You are responsible for all required readings and monthly book reports on your individual book. Any lost or damaged books must be replaced or paid for at the time of discovery.

Class Library

You are encouraged to read books from my personal classroom library. You must sign out books and sign them back in your library log. Please note, that you are responsible for any books that are lost or damaged from my personal classroom library.

Social Studies:

Required Materials:

1. 3-1 Subject Notebooks- Red (College Rule)

2. 2- 2 Pocket Folders – Red

3. 3- Packs of 100 Lined 3x5 Index Cards

Course Study:

Throughout the year, students will explore many units that have affected and help shape the world we live in today. We will start off in the year 1619 and go through to World War II. Students will complete these units through textbooks reading checks, guided reading activities, vocabulary, articles, videos, notes and a variety of projects.

Our topics are broken down for the 4 quarters.

Quarter 1: Quarter 3:

Slavery The Great Depression

Civil War Civil Rights Rea

Spanish Heritage

Quarter 2: Quarter 4:

Reconstruction Illinois Constitution

The Roaring Twenties World War II

The Illinois Constitution Test

The State of Illinois requires that all students pass a United States Constitution Test and Illinois Constitution Test before graduating from 8th grade. Students will take notes and will be expected to complete a packet of worksheets to show their understanding. Students will need to have a separate notebook and index cards to quiz themselves. There will be small quizzes given after each lesson and Practice Tests, which will allow them to see how well they understand the material before the day of the real test. Each test will be made up of 60 fill-in-the blanks with some word banks. Students will be allotted their ELA and Social Studies block (2 hours) to complete test.

Written Work Standards:

1. Use neat, legible handwriting, complete sentences, and proper mechanics for all assignments.

2. Use a correct heading on all assignments with first and last name. The heading appears in the upper right-hand corner beginning on the top line. Example:

Name Kelly Miller

Assignment Vocabulary Test #5

Subject ELA

Date 10/12/16

3. If in doubt, ASK for support. It’s better than redoing it later!

NOTE: Points are deducted if “Written Work Standards” aren’t complete on every assignment.


This will be 8th grade's second year with their Chromebooks. Students will be assigned a Chromebook number with an email address for Google. I will have all students’ sign in information and passwords. All Chromebooks must be kept in its designated cart, charging when not in use. 8th graders will become familiar with Google Classroom, which is used a lot throughout the year. Students will be given assignments through Google Classroom and time will be allotted for all students to work at school, but will have outside work, as well. Please note, that you are responsible for your individual, assigned Chromebook.

Earbuds are required every day. Please keep them in your supply box ready for use.

Classroom Standards & Procedures:

1. Come on time and prepared to learn by bringing proper materials (pen, paper, journal, folder).

2. Respect your rights and the rights of others to learn by sitting in your assigned seat, raising your hand to speak, and following classroom procedures

3. Listen to instruction by not talking while your teacher or peers are talking.

4. Work at learning by accepting challenges, allowing yourself to make mistakes, following directions the first time and completing assignments.

Classroom Behavior Procedures

1. Visual Warning: Chances are if I move to stand next to you, you need to reevaluate your behavior. I might tap your desk or make eye contact with you to get you on track.

2. Verbal Warning: I will verbally ask you to change your behavior and get back on task.

3. 1:1 Conference: You and I will meet to discuss the behavior. You will complete a “Think Sheet,” which will allow you to have input on the consequence.

4. Parent Contact: I will send home a note, email, or make a phone call to your parent or guardian.

5. Detention: You will be served a detention form that must be signed and returned the following day. You will then stay during recess or after school with me for the amount of time written on your detention.

6. Office Referral

*Depending on the behavior being displayed, these behavior procedures might not be followed in the exact order as above. More serious incidents could result in an automatic detention or office referral.

Bi-Weekly Updates: Every other Friday you will be given a bi-weekly update grade reports for your parent or guardian to sign. These must be returned the following school day to receive a sticker on the Friday Grade Report Chart. Once you have earned four stickers, you can get a classroom raffle ticket to win treats.

Classroom Reward System

Behavior Raffle Ticket: You have the opportunity to earn raffle tickets for good classroom behavior (raising your hand, respecting classmates and teacher, following directions, etc.) You will put raffle tickets in your appropriate bins labeled 8A or 8B.

PBIS Falcon Tickets: You have the opportunity to earn Falcon Tickets for following the expectation on the PBIS Matrix throughout the building. You can also earn falcon ticket for high test scores and by following the 5 B’s.

Save up enough tickets for the PBIS Store.

Assignment Policies:

Late Work: Late work will be accepted until one week before the end of each quarter. The highest grade a student may earn on proficient late work is 75%. For late work that is beyond one week after due date, the teacher may choose to provide an alternative assignment.

1. Essays and projects are due on the assigned date. If a student is ill and cannot get the assignment to school, a parent must call or email Ms. Jackson in order for the assignment to be counted on time. If an assignment is turned in late without a parent's call or email to Ms. Jackson, the assignment will receive a lower grade for being late. Speeches and other presentations may not be made up if absent unless a parent calls prior to the presentation to excuse the absence and to reschedule the presentation.

2. Regular homework assignments will be accepted late due to an absence (one day late for each day missed). Students are responsible to retrieve missed assignments from the classroom board and missed notes from a peer. Students may retrieve missed work during bell work or before/after school. A note from parent for an absence is required.

Videos Used for Instruction

To instruct my classes, I try to use various approaches to convey the true meaning of history to my students. With the assistance of technology and film, the events of history are more than just learned they are experienced and felt by students. The videos include, but are not limited to, interactive films, documentaries, cartoons, re-enactments, and movies.

Throughout the school year, we will watch films such as Slavery and the Making of America, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Pearl Harbor History and Remember the Titans, etc. These films give students a firsthand perspective of the historical events we discuss in class. However, these films will have pending approval, as a result I’m asking your permission to allow your son/daughter to watch in class.

Some of the videos may include graphic language and graphic violence that usually relates directly to human conflict and the plight of the human condition throughout time. I feel that the videos shown portray the topics in an accurate visual manner, which will allow your child to gain the best possible perspective of the topic.

Please understand that if you do not wish for your child to view these clips, it will not affect them in any manner concerning their grade.

Once you and your child have reviewed my classroom expectations and procedures, please sign the acknowledgement form and movie form on the next page and return to school by Friday August 19. I must have this information on file for your child. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns I can be reached at 815-726-6156 ext. 4127 or by email at . I am very much looking forward to a wonderful year here in Middle School!

Ms. Jackson


8th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies Syllabus

Ms. Jackson

Student and Parent/Guardian Agreement


We have read and understand the 8th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies course syllabus including the classroom standards, classroom procedures, and assignment policies. We also understand that failure to complete course assignments or abide by the assignment policies can result in loss of points toward the final grade or loss of credit for the class.

_________________ Date_________ ____________________________________________

Student Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Name (please print)

____________________________________Date________ _______________________________________

Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

Videos for Instruction: Please check one of the following:

-------- Yes, I give permission for my son/daughter to watch movies in Social Studies class.

-------- No, I do not give permission for my son/daughter to watch movies. Please remove them from class during viewing.

Note to Parent/Guardian:

Email is the quickest and easiest way for me to communicate with you about your child’s achievement in my class. However, you may also call or meet with me as well. My contact information is located on the front page and last page of the course syllabus.

Best time to contact you: From ____________ to _____________ at the phone number(s) listed below. Please identify the name of the person I will be contacting and their number.

Email: Mom/Guardian:


(Please PRINT and identify who belongs to each email.)

Is there anything else Ms. Jackson should know? Parent notes to teacher:

Syllabus: Magy Helle (English 8 Syllabus)