
8. Venezuela leader

9. Haitian language

10. Latino llama cousin

11. Two capitals

12. Indian + European

14. Latino cowboy

16. Their calendar will kill us in 2012; first writing

19. Violent groups producing drugs and smuggling them in to US

20. The 51st US state?

21. Tobacco product of Cuba, Honduras and Dominican Repub.

22. Island home to the big stone heads

24. The ‘new’ Castro

26. Target of deforestation for wood and land

27. Brazilian futbol player

28. The ‘original’ Castro

30. The ‘final frontier’ of S America

31. US + Guat/Nic/Hon/CR/Pan + Dominican Repub.

33. Bat poop

36. Group that owns the best farmland in most areas of Latin America

38. Spanish/French/Portuguese colonies; not English or Dutch

41. Evolution scientist

43. Biggest crop throughout Latin America

44. Human sacrifice in central Mexico; huge Temple Mayor complex

45. Named the Pacific

46. One of the Caribbean music styles (see which one fits…)

47. Haitian ‘religion’

48. The poverty doughnut that surrounds major cities

50. Where flamingos, penguins and orca live in S America

52. African + European

54. Colony that uses natives as slaves

58. Doctrine that told Europe to ‘step off’!

59. ‘Found’ the Indians in the Bahamas

61. OPEC member

64. Guys who took and claimed land for Spain

66. Little kid that made it to US but went home to dad

68. Biggest beef and coffee producer in the world

70. Crappy Haitian dictator. Oops…

72. Old Spanish city in Florida

74. Where Tenochtitlan used to be


1. Sandinistas vs. Contras/US land

2. Dutch colony (used to be) on South America

3. Brazilian version of Mardi Gras

4. Bolivia leader; first Indian president

5. UK/Argentina fight over Islands

6. Line the Pope drew for Spain/Portugal

7. Skinny part of Mexico

11. ‘Found’ the Pacific

13. Led the revolt in Haiti in 1803

15. Owns that holiday rabbit’s land

17. The country we bought 73 Down from to protect the Panama Canal

18. French colony on South America

19. Killed the Aztecs

20. National capital destroyed by earthquake in 2010

23. The blue in your jeans

25. The land of suits-with-shorts

29. US + Mexico + Canada

30. Islands of Darwin

32. Soccer en español

34. Earliest of 4 Indian tribes discussed

35. Spanish speakers in W Hemisphere

37. Number of miles (in thousands) cut off by going through Panama Canal

39. Aztec capital

40. Andes Mountains Indians; MaccuPiccu

42. We tried to take out Castro with Cuban militants; didn’t work

49. American version of Havana

51. Highest waterfall on Earth

53. Volcano of the Aztecs and Mexico City

54. Subject of wars throughout Mexico

55. Colombian gems

56. Overthrowing the government

57. US base that Castro hates; home to al Qaeda & Taliban

60. Nicaragua leader

62. Beat the Inca

63. Group fighting government in Colombia

65. Where the better lifestyle is in Mexico

67. Group that usually took over country after independence

69. Panamanian dictator arrested by US for drug trafficking

70. Driest place on Earth

71. Highest lake with boats

73. Islands owned by US & UK


4. Type of colony that uses natives as slaves

6. Venezuela leader

8. Highest lake with boats

11. National capital destroyed by earthquake in 2010

13. Nicaragua leader

15. Tobacco product of Cuba, Honduras and Dominican Repub.

16. Dutch colony (former) on South America

19. Latino cowboy

25. The poverty doughnut that surrounds major cities

26. American version of Havana

31. Earliest of 4 Indian tribes discussed

32. Haitian ‘religion’

33. Subject of wars throughout Mexico

35. The ‘final frontier’ of S America

36. Evolution scientist

38. Group fighting government in Colombia

41. Islands owned by US & UK

43. UK/Argentina fight over Islands

44. Spanish speakers in W Hemisphere

45. Where the better lifestyle is in Mexico

46. Soccer en español

47. Human sacrifice in central Mexico; huge Temple Mayor complex

48. Brazilian futbol player

49. The land of suits-with-shorts

50. Island home to the big stone heads

54. Violent groups producing drugs and smuggling them in to US

55. ‘Found’ the Pacific

58. Their calendar will kill us in 2012; first writing

61. Group that usually took over country after independence

62. Haitian language

66. Named the Pacific

68. Number of miles (in thousands) cut off by going through Panama Canal

69. Where Tenochtitlan used to be

71. Aztec capital

72. Guys who took and claimed land for Spain

73. Killed the Aztecs

74. The country we bought 41 Across from to protect the Panama Canal


1. Old Spanish city in Florida

2. Target of deforestation for wood and land

3. Driest place on Earth

5. Beat the Inca

7. Sandinistas vs. Contras/US land

9. Bat poop

10. Islands of Darwin

11. Volcano of the Aztecs and Mexico City

12. Line the Pope drew for Spain/Portugal

14. Highest waterfall on Earth

15. ‘Found’ the Indians in the Bahamas

17. Crappy Haitian dictator. Oops…

18. Brazilian version of Mardi Gras

20. US + Guat/Nic/Hon/CR/Pan + Dominican Repub.

21. The 51st US state?

22. Spanish/French/Portuguese colonies; not English or Dutch

23. The blue in your jeans

24. Latino llama cousin

27. Biggest beef and coffee producer in the world

28. African + European

29. Skinny part of Mexico

30. French colony on South America

34. The ‘new’ Castro

37. US + Mexico + Canada

39. OPEC member

40. Overthrowing the government

42. Owns that holiday rabbit’s land

49. Two capitals

51. Led the revolt in Haiti in 1803

52. Little kid that made it to US but went home to dad

53. One of the Caribbean music styles (see which one fits…)

55. We tried to take out Castro with Cuban militants; didn’t work

56. Panamanian dictator arrested by US for drug trafficking

57. Colombian gems

59. Andes Mountains Indians; MaccuPiccu

60. Group that owns the best farmland in most areas of Latin America

61. Bolivia leader; first Indian president

63. Where flamingos, penguins and orca live in S America

64. US base that Castro hates; home to al Qaeda & Taliban

65. Indian + European

67. The ‘original’ Castro

69. Doctrine that told Europe to ‘step off’!

70. Biggest crop throughout Latin America

Atacama Driest place on Earth

Angel Highest waterfall on Earth

Falkland UK/Argentina fight over Islands

GranChaco The ‘final frontier’ of S America

Patagonia Where flamingos, penguins and orca live in S America

Popocatepetl Volcano of the Aztecs and Mexico City

Tehuantepec Skinny part of Mexico

Olmec Earliest of 4 Indian tribes discussed

Aztec Human sacrifice in central Mexico; huge Temple Mayor complex

Maya Their calendar will kill us in 2012; first writing

Inca Andes Mountains Indians; MaccuPiccu

Tenochtitlan Aztec capital

Cortes Killed the Aztecs

Pizzaro Beat the Inca

Columbus ‘Found’ the Indians in the Bahamas

Magellan Named the Pacific

Balboa ‘Found’ the Pacific

Demarcation Line the Pope drew for Spain/Portugal

StAugustine Old Spanish city in Florida

Conquistadors Guys who took and claimed land for Spain

Indigo The blue in your jeans

Dependency Colony that uses natives as slaves

Mestizo Indian + European

Mulatto African + European

Latino Spanish speakers in W Hemisphere

LatinAmerica Spanish/French/Portuguese colonies; not English or Dutch

Slaves Led the revolt in Haiti in 1803

Coup Overthrowing the government

Fidel The ‘original’ Castro

Raul The ‘new’ Castro

Chavez Venezuela leader

Morales Bolivia leader; first Indian president

Ortega Nicaragua leader

Nicaragua Sandinistas vs. Contras/US land

Coffee Biggest crop throughout Latin America

Cigars Tobacco product of Cuba, Honduras and Dominican Repub.

North Where the better lifestyle is in Mexico

MexicoCity Where Tenochtitlan used to be

Slums The poverty doughnut that surrounds major cities

Drugs Subject of wars throughout Mexico

NAFTA US + Mexico + Canada

CAFTA US + Guat/Nic/Hon/CR/Pan + Dominican Repub.

Eight Number of miles (in thousands) cut off by going through Panama Canal

Wealthy Group that owns the best farmland in most areas of Latin America

Military Group that usually took over country after independence

Noriega Panamanian dictator arrested by US for drug trafficking

Calypso One of the Caribbean music styles (see which one fits…)

BayofPigsWe tried to take out Castro with Cuban militants; didn’t work

Miami American version of Havana

Elian Little kid that made it to US but went home to dad

Guantanamo US base that Castro hates; home to al Qaeda & Taliban

Aristide Crappy Haitian dictator. Oops…

Creole Haitian language

Voodoo Haitian ‘religion’

PortauPrince National capital destroyed by earthquake in 2010

PuertoRico US state #51?

Virgin Islands owned by US & UK

Netherlands The country we bought XXXXXX from to protect the Panama Canal

Bermuda The land of suits-with-shorts

Futbol Soccer en español

Pele Brazilian futbol player

Rainforest Target of deforestation for wood and land

Emeralds Colombian gems

Carnival Brazilian version of Mardi Gras

Guiana French colony on South America

Suriname Dutch colony (used to be) on South America

Guerrillas Group fighting government in Colombia

Cartels Violent groups producing drugs and smuggling them in to US

Venezuela OPEC member

Brazil Biggest beef and coffee producer in the world

Gaucho Latino cowboy

Galapagos Islands of Darwin

Darwin Evolution scientist

Titicaca Highest lake with boats

Alpaca Latino llama cousin

Bolivia Two capitals

Guano Bat poop

Chile Owns that holiday rabbit’s land

Easter Island home to the big stone heads

Monroe Doctrine that told Europe to ‘step off’!