Monday, December 11th
6:30AM RobertFeeley
8:30AM Jean Newcomb
Tuesday, December 12th
6:30AM Ian Fischer
8:30AM JohnTenaro
Wednesday, December 13th
6:30AM Katherine V. Marchlik
8:30AM John McGowan
Thursday, December 14th
6:30AM Travaglini Family
8:30AM DaveSchukraft
Friday, December 15th
6:30AM Angelo & Philomena Masciantonio
8:30AM HelenKorzik
Saturday, December 16th
8:30AM DannyCapozzo
5:00PM Saturday Evening Vigil
Sunday, December 17th
Masses: 6:30, 8:00, 10:00AM and 12:00Noon
Saturday, December 16th& Sunday, December 17th
5:00PMFr. Pawelko
6:30AM Fr.Pawelko
8:00AM Msgr. Vogan
10:00AM Fr. Speziale
12:00PM Msgr. Vogan
Please remember in your prayers all our sick:
Brian Allison,Leon Arnold, Bob Belczyk, Kevin BeVier, Tom Boden, Jack Boyette, Dominic Branca, Theresa Bucella, Paul Bufano, Sophia Bufano, Virginia Burbage,Greyson Burke, Pat Carr, Jean Conway, Susan Crowley, Tom D’Alonzo, Anne Davis, Neil Davis,Thomas Duggan, Greg Dulaney, Amanda Durkholder, Kelly Eberz, George Edelmann, Joseph Eichinger, Sharon Feist, Eugene Fisher, Laurie Frost,Kim Fry, Eleanor Galbraith, Daniel Garvin, Joe Glowacki, Anne Hagg, Helena Hart, Conall Harvey, Ilene Haschak, Charles Hee, Sylvester Jenifer, Rosemarie Johnson, Regina Johnson, Jennifer Kelly, Lizzy Kelly, Shyla Kelly, Robert Kester, Ralph King,Billie Klecko, Joseph Kelcko, Tim Lamanna, Danielle Lever, AudrisLichota, Thomas Luke, Debra Mallon, Bob Magolon, Brenda Magolon, Barbara Magozzi, Margaret Mahoney, Robert Malin,Ann Manco, Patricia Marconi, Mary Marley, Tom Marley, Bob Marriotti, Thomas Marshall, Mary Mascioli, Cameron McCarthy, Nan McGroary, Dan McKenna, Joey McLaughlin, Leonard Middleton, Gina Miller, James Moran, Susan Mullen, Phyllis Myers, Julia Newell, Anthony Oswald, Louisa Pacubas, Richard Parker, Charles Piecara, Jr., Eileen Posner, Anne Powers, Claire Powers, Ann Pyne, Helen Raftovich, Mary Ellen Remaize, Loretta Ricciardi, Paul Riggs, Bob Robertson,Sharon Rowles, Christine Samuels, Candy Santos, Patricia Schmidt, Diane Shaefer, Kathy Shiels, John Smith, Rosemary Smith, Thomas Smith, Kathleen Stacklass, Patricia Starkey, Jerry Sullivan, Kayla Taylor, Robert Taylor, Jose Tavarez, Lauren Thomas, Virginia Tracy,John Tully,Diane Weverling,Cheryl Allison-Webber, Lynn Weber, Nancy Williams, Hana Yago, Michelle & Robert Yanuzzi, Angie Zuccarino
Please pray for our beloved deceased especially:
Rev. Msgr. John Miller
Monday, December 11th
10:00AM - Marian Movement of Priests - Mary’s Chapel
6:00-10:00PM - CYO Varsity Basketball - Hall
7:00PM - RCIA - Neumann Room
Tuesday, December 12th
9:00AM -5:00PM - Adoration - Mary’s Chapel
10:00AM -Flame of Love- Mary’s Chapel
1:00PM - Holy Hour of Reparation- Mary’s Chapel
4:00PM - PREP Advent Serv. Practice - Church
7:30-10:00PM - CYO Varsity Basketball - Hall
7:00PM - Scripture Study - Donnelly Hall
Wednesday, December 13th
4:00PM - PREP Advent Serv. Practice - Church
6:00PM - PREP Advent Serv. Practice -Church
7:00PM - Pre-Jordan Class - Neumann Room
7:00PM -Pack 225 Committee - Neumann Room
8:00PM-CYO Var Basketball - Hall
Thursday, December 14th
1:00PM - Marion Movement of Priests - Mary’s Chapel
4:00PM - Music Ministry - Church
6:30PM - Boy Scouts - Hall
Friday, December 15th
5:30AM -Music Ministry - Church
6:00PM - CYO Var Basketball - Hall
Saturday, December 16th
9:00AM - Youth Group Service - Neumann Room
11:00AM -Baby Jesus Birthday Party - Donnelly Hall
11:30- 3:00PM - CYO Var Basketball - Hall
1:00PM - HS CYO Pollyanna - Donnelly Hall
6:30-10:00PM - CYO Var Basketball - Hall
Sunday, December 17th
10:00AM - Liturgy of the Word for Children - Church
10:00AM - Youth Group Mass - Church
1:30AM -Baptism - Church
2:00-6:00PM -CYO Var Basketball - Hall
6:00PM - Pack 225 Meeting – Hall
7:00PM - Ad Altare Dei - Neumann Room
7:00PM - Pope Pius XII - Cabrini Room
The collection for last Sunday amounted to: $19,659.
Thank you for your generosity to your parish
2017 Christmas Confessions
Confessions in Mary’s Chapel
4:00-5:00PM and 7:00 – 8:00PM
No confessions scheduled on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day107-1
Advent and Christmas time are wonderful weeks in a family’s life, but our focus on the coming of Jesus can get lost beneath the surface glitter of the season.
As Christians, the lighting of the Advent wreath in our church and homes has become a cherished tradition. Lighting the Advent wreath before the family meal is a way to continue the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist in our homes. As you gather together for your family meal, light the first and second candles and pray: God of love and peace, you give us this season of Advent to help us learn how to watch for Jesus. Open your eyes and help us to be alert so that we will be able recognize Jesus when he comes among us. Amen.
May this Advent draw you closer to each other and to God.
Advent is really a time when we need to step back and perhaps slow down a bit, to become more pensive and thoughtful in our approach. That may be why we hear in our readings today that St. John the Baptist was a voice “crying out in the desert.” And what was John’s consistent message? “Prepare the way of the Lord.” That is what we hear throughout Holy Scripture on this Second Sunday of Advent. For us at this time the real preparation must occur in our hearts. Advent is all about discovering how we can make whatever changes we must make in our lives to prepare for the coming of the Lord. That is what we need to be doing now.
Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th
4:00 – 6:00 & 8:00PM
Christmas Day, Monday, December 25th
7:00 – 9:00 – and 11:00AM
Holy Family Regional Catholic School: Academic Excellence Rooted in Faith
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
Wednesday, December 13th
8:30 – 9:30AM
We are pleased that you have come to St. Joseph Parish and hope that you will soon call this faith community your home. All are welcome at St. Joseph’s! We gather together each week as a parish family to be spiritually nourished and fed by hearing God’s Word proclaimed and to receive God’s greatest gift - the gift of Himself - in the Eucharist. We nourish one another spiritually when we set aside our distractions and pray the Mass together. We know you will find St. Joseph’s to be a warm and welcoming family with many opportunities to worship and serve.
We give a warm welcome to our new parish members:
Kevin& Kristen Bowes
Scott Elizabeth Chilman
Douglas & Virginia Donnolo
Patti, Stephanie & Samantha Gordon
Charles, Nicole, Eliana & Maura Hamilton
Jason, Jennifer, Trevor, Annabella & Layla Herman
Andrew, Angela, Andrew & Shane Hunger
Eugene & Nancy Juliano
Brigid & James Levi
Alex, Zoe Jose Mendoza Macios
Scott, Jennifer & Cole Oeschger
Joseph & Alberta Redican
William, JoAnn & Avery Robinson
Heather & Peyton Root
Warren, Marissa, Olivia & Camryn Taylor
Daniel, Katarzyna, Patryk, Eryk & Lila Wiktorzak
Anyone requesting the transportation services of H.O.P.E. Monday, December 11ththrough Friday, December 15th should call team captain: Team 5: Cathy Denton 610-497-3723 or Kathy Miller 610-494-6249.
This number is for THIS WEEK ONLY.
Please give 24-48 hours notice! ONE ride per week
The 2017 Magnet and wall calendars are available in the gathering space. We invite each family to take one of each. We thank White-Luttrell and D’Anjolell-Stigale funeral homes for their sponsorship of the calendars.
Christmas is coming we carry all kinds of gift cards for Stress Free Shopping!
No need to save receipts for after Christmas returns!
Check out the full list of gift cards on the parish website:
HOURS: Monday-Thursday 9AM-7PM Friday 9AM-5PM
Sunday: After 6:30AM Mass & 8:30AM until12:00PM
11:00AM – 12:30PM
For Kindergarten and First Grade Children
Please bring an unwrapped toy for City Team in Chester.
Questions or registrations contact Lisa McGonigal at 610-324-6453 or . Please provide child’s name, food allergy and parents phone number.
St. Joseph’s AFF number is 42, please note on all meals.
Please remember to make an extra portion of your evening or Sunday meal for our shut-ins. Trays and soup containers are available in the lower church kitchen. If you have any questions, please call Ralph at 610-494-4428.
Saturday, January 20th
Saturday, February 17th
The new Mass Schedule beginning January 2018:
5:00PM; 6:30AM, 9:30AM and 11:30AM
Saturday: 4:00 until 4:45PM
Sunday: 7:15, 9:00-9:15 and 11:00-11:15AM
Discovering Christ...Ask - Seek - Knock
Tuesdays, February 6 through March20
6:30PM – 9:00PM
Join us in the lower church of St. Joseph’s and share a delicious dinner, listen to dynamic teaching, and join in a small discussion group about the meaning of life in Jesus Christ.To register or formoreinformation, send an email .
For heartfelt stories of a few of our parishioners who attended the 2017 program, please check out this short video:
Many thanks to those who contributed to the success of our PREP & Parish “Project Outreach” bags for the homeless! Because of your generous donations we were able to amass 500 bags filled with food & personal care items for people who have nothing. Please continue to pray for these and all peoples in need. Thanks to our PREP students; Confirmation candidates & their families who filled the bags and the 7th and 8th graders of Holy Family Regional School who helped get the bags into the Nutritional Development vehicle on Tuesday morning.
Congratulations to the children who were presented for the Sacrament of Penance on Thursday, November 16th. They seemed to enjoy the experience – perhaps we can all learn from their joy!Congratulations to the young men and women of our parish who presented themselves as candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation during the weekend masses November 18 & 19. We look forward to their Confirmation day in March.Please keep all the children & their families preparing for Sacraments in your prayers.
The Advent Giving Tree will be in the gathering space after mass beginning next weekend. Please take an ornament from the tree and purchase a gift card in any amount for the store listed. Please consider buying your gift card at the rectory. No donation is too small. Please return them to church by December 18th. If anyone knows of any family that would be in need this Christmas, please contact the rectory. All calls will be kept confidential.
The lower church tree will again feature “A Soldiers Prayer” ornaments with the names of loved ones presently serving for Our Country. The ornaments will be by the tree for you to fill out. The children of the school and PREP will remember these men and women in their daily prayers.