East Hampton Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Agency
Regular Meeting
July 28, 2010
Town Hall Meeting Room
Approved Minutes
- Call to Order: Chairman Foran called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present:Chairman Jeffry Foran, Dean Kavalkovich,Marc Lorah, David Boule, Peter Wall (6:31pm), Josh Wilson (6:41pm)
Alternate Member: Maureen Heidtmann
Absent: Scott Hill
- Seating of Alternates: Maureen Heidtmann
- Approval of Minutes:
- June 30, 2010: Mr. Foran moved, and Mr. Lorah seconded, to approve the minutes of June 30, 2010 with the following corrections: The meeting of June 30, 2010 was a Regular Meeting and the spelling of Marc Lorah on page 4.The motion carried unanimously.
- Communication, Enforcement, and Public Comment:
Communications: Hand out of Concrete Times Connections
Enforcement: None
Public Comments: None
- Agent Approval: None
- Reading of the Legal Notice: Chairman Foran read the legal notice into the record.
- New Application:
- Application of Dream Developers, Inc. dated 07/19/2010 for Commercial Daycare including Filing, Excavation, Land Clearing/Grubbing in the Upland Review Area – Map 10A/Block 85/Lots 5, 5A, 5B
Rich Pettinelli with Fuss and O’Neil was before the IWWA with a full application for a daycare on this site. The building is 12,500SF with a small wetland area associated with Route 66 drainage and there is a larger wetland that is part of the larger complex on the overall parcel. There is no direct impact to the wetland and there are some upland review impacts associated with the clearing and earth work that will take place. Storm drainage will be mainly LID methods, a majority of rain gardens and low impact designs. At this point in time there the pond will remain and there will be no work done to it. This phase is in the Lake Pocotopaug Watershed.
Mr. Kavalkovich moved, and Mr. Lorah seconded, to continue this application until the next regular scheduled meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
- Application of Mazzcor LLC, 105 Colchester Avenue, by Scotland Hardwoods LLC for a Selective Timber Harvest –Map 27/Block 87A/Lot 12A
.Rod Burgeson a forester employed by Scotland Hardwood looking to log 10 – 16 acres. The machinery that will be used was discussed and working hours of 8am – 6pm Monday – Saturday. The boundaries have been marked, with approximately 193 trees that are marked with blue paint. There is one intermitting stream coming from the North of the property. Portable bridges will be used for the crossing. The members of the IWWA asked the applicant to provide them with a map that is larger and clearly marked for review by the next meeting. A soil survey hand marked would be sufficient.
Mr. Wilson moved, and Mr. Wall seconded, to continue this application to the next regular scheduled meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
- Application for Chianelli Subdivision, 61 Old Young Street, Susan P. & Louis T. Chianelli, for a 2-Lot Subdivision M14/B31A/L8A
Mr. Chianelli explained the purpose of this request a subdivision in order to sell an approved building lot. The lot has been surveyed and marked by a soil scientist.
Mr. Wilson moved, and Mr. Boule seconded, to continue this application to the next regular scheduled meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
- Application of James Marino, 3 Old Skinner Street, for Residential Improvement by homeowner including filing, excavation, land clearing/grubbing, culverting, drainage improvements, and activity in upland review area – Map 13/Block 33/ Lot 14A
Mark Reynolds was before the agency representing the applicant. Mr. Reynolds pointed out the areas of wetlands on the property. The rear line of the property is the brook; in addition there is a section of wetlands on the front of the property. There is an existing well and septic tank on the property. The applicant is looking to replace the existing home with a ranch style home. There was discussion that took place regarding the location of the new septic and well. All activity is in upland review area. There is an estimated for the installation of the distribution pipe 1200SF of direct wetland impact area. They expect to only use a mini excavator to go through the area. Beyond the 100ft regulated area there is an additional 10450SF of disturbance. The property was flagged in early winter 2010. A report was not produced at the time, the members of the agency requested a copy of the report be submitted for their review.
Mr. Wilson moved, and Mr. Boule seconded, to continue this application to the next regular scheduled meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Wilson moved, and Mr. Lorah seconded this application to be significant activity and to schedule a public hearing for this application scheduled for August 25, 2010. The motion carried unanimously.
- Continued Applications:
- Application for a Timber Harvest at 149 Chestnut Hill Road, Markham Timber Harvest, PeterMarlowForest Products LLC. M13 / B32 / L16 in a R-4 Zone
Peter Lemeres, Timber Harvester was before the agency to propose a timber harvest of 50 acres of the 65 total. The timber has been marked and there is one crossing and they will be using a portable bridge as indicated on the plan. Buffer strips will be left along the 2 brooks. 600 trees marked.
Mr. Foran moved, and Mr. Wilson seconded, to approve this application with the following conditions:
- Any trail areas where there is steep slopes water bars should be installed for erosion control
- Buffer of 50’ along the watercourse
- Place and removal of the portable bridge over the wetlands crossing
- Clean up the area upon completion
Mr. Foran stated the reason for the approval is it is good for the forest to do selective harvesting. The motion carried unanimously.
- Public Hearting:
- Application for Brian Cutler, Traditional Innovations, 265 West High Street, for Filling, Excavation, Land Clearing/Grubbing, Drainage Improvements, Activity in buffer/setback, and Creation of a Wetland, M6/ B12/ L9 in a C zone.
Raymond Nelson, Professional Engineer of Messier & Associates provided a summary of the plan for the agency. The application is to construct a multi-use sport facility which will include retail space and a restaurant space. The proposed size of the new building is approximately 30781SF. The parking area will be unpaved gravel. There will be .91 acres of wetlands to be disturbed. Within in area Mr. Snarsky, Soil Scientist, has advised a creative marsh area. 1.99 acres of upland review area to be disturbed. The site is served by public sewer.
Richard Snarski, Soil Scientist was before the agency answered questions regarding to the basin that is proposed on the property. Mr. Foran stated that if that was eliminated it looks as if a lot more of the wetlands would stay protected and not be affected. Mr. Snarski stated that he recommended to the owner the basin as an enhancement to the wetlands for wildlife standpoint.
Mr. Foran asked if anyone was present to speak for or against this agenda item. There were no comments.
Mr. Wilson asked about the monitoring performance standards. Discussion took place on the 3year plan that is in proposed. Mr. Wilson recommended having it be a 5year plan.
Mr. Lorah moved, and Mr. Wilson seconded to continue this application to the next regular scheduled meeting, with the public hearing to remain open. The motion carried unanimously.
- New Business:
The members of the agency discussed formatting a standard letter to be sent to property owners who have a timber harvest to advise them the proper way to have the tops removed from the property.
- Old Business:
- Fertilizer Ordinance – Scott Hill wrote a letter to Senator Daly and Representative Gail Hamm regarding Public Act 09-229 and its Effect on Regulation of Phosphorous in Fertilizer within the Town of East Hampton. The letter was mailed to Senator Daly and Gail Hamm. To date neither has responded.
- Revisions to Town Wetland Maps- Josh Wilson- Mr. Wilson reported on the status.
- Cease and Desist update – 42 North Main Street / 8 Sears Place – No update
- Inland Wetland and Watercourse Regulations Town of Hebron / Columbia Connecticut- Marc Lorah spoke with John Valente and the agency discussed holding a special meeting at 6pm on August 25, 2010.
- Public Comments:
- Adjournment:
Mr. Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Heidtmannseconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:50PM
Respectfully submitted,
Kamey Peterson
Recording Secretary
Inland Wetland & Watercourses Agency July 28, 2010