YEARS / BSE / BSE+15 / MSE / MSE+15
0 / 31,260 / 31,360 / 35,035 / 35,135
1 / 31,720 / 31,820 / 35,545 / 35,645
2 / 32,180 / 32,280 / 36,055 / 36,155
3 / 32,640 / 32,740 / 36,565 / 36,665
4 / 33,100 / 33,200 / 37,075 / 37,175
5 / 33,560 / 33,660 / 37,585 / 37,685
6 / 34,220 / 34,320 / 38,295 / 38,395
7 / 34,680 / 34,780 / 38,805 / 38,905
8 / 35,140 / 35,240 / 39,315 / 39,415
9 / 35,600 / 35,700 / 39,825 / 39,925
10 / 36,060 / 36,160 / 40,335 / 40,435
11 / 36,620 / 36,720 / 40,945 / 41,045
12 / 37,080 / 37,180 / 41,455 / 41,555
13 / 37,540 / 37,640 / 41,965 / 42,065
14 / 38,000 / 38,100 / 42,475 / 42,575
15 / 38,460 / 38,560 / 42,985 / 43,085
20 / 39,635 / 39,735 / 44,195 / 44,295
25 / 40,095 / 40,195 / 44,705 / 44,805
Superintendent of Schools is negotiated at $80,000 for 240 days.
High School Principal is negotiated at $66,583.33 for 235 days
Elementary School Principal is negotiated at $58,750.00 for 235 days
High School Asst. Principal is negotiated at $58,125.00 for 225 days
Elementary Asst. Prin/ / 3,000
Speech Therapist / 10,900
Agri Teacher / 2,800
Athletic Director / 2,875
Spanish Teacher / 2,000
Band Director / 3,000
Head Coaches: Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball / 3,000
Asst. Coaches: Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball / 1,575
Track and Tennis Head Coach / 1,575
Golf Coach / 1,000
Special Ed. Self Contained (Masters add 1,000) / 5,550
Parent Center Facitalitor / 200
Choir Director / 450
Elem. Counselor/Testing Coordinator / 800
Advanced Placement to be paid if class makes at end of year / 800
Elementary Annual / 500
Lunch Room duty / 1200
Pay for homebound instruction and after school tutoring is at the hourly rate for the person based on there base pay on the salary schedule. Example ($31,260.00 - 190) - 7.5 = hourly rate
Pay for Saturday School is at the hourly rate for the person based on there base pay on the salary schedule.
Various Summer duties as assigned beyond Contracted Days > 1 hour $25.00 per hour
$700 Attendance bonus for 0 days missed
$500 Attendance bonus for 1 day missed
$70/day for unused sick leave in excess of 90 days per employment year
The Piggott School District provides $154.00 per month towards health insurance premiums for those employees participating in the Public School employee Health Insurance Program.
The Piggott School District provides employee only coverage for employees enrolled in the delta dental insurance program.
The Piggott School District provides all full time employees with a $15,000 life insurance policy at a $3.00 per month for life insurance on all full time employees.
The Piggott School District provides long term disability coverage for all full time employees.
All 240 day contracted employees will receive 10 days vacation a year after 1 year of employment.
Employees will be paid $70 per day for unused sick leave upon proof of retirement.
Date Approved: March 12, 2012 / 24-Jun-13
Updated: / 24-Jun-13
Trent Holcomb, Board President
POSITION / BASE / 1 YEAR / 2 YEAR / 3 YEAR / 4 YEAR / 5 YEAR / 6 YEAR / 7 YEARAsst. Main. / 18,989.33 / 19,457.36 / 19,925.39 / 20,393.44 / 20,861.46 / 21,329.50 / 21,797.54 / 22,265.57
Bus Mechanic / 30,524.60 / 30,992.65 / 31,460.67 / 31,928.72 / 32,396.75 / 32,864.77 / 33,332.82 / 33,800.85
Bus Driver / 6,529.25 / 6,704.77 / 6,880.27 / 7,055.79 / 7,231.30 / 7,406.81 / 7,582.32 / 7,757.84
Custodian / 17,089.67 / 17,557.72 / 18,025.75 / 18,493.79 / 18,961.82 / 19,429.85 / 19,897.90 / 20,365.92
Dist. Treas / 26,260.00 / 27,609.01 / 28,958.02 / 30,307.04 / 31,656.05 / 33,005.06 / 34,354.08 / 35,703.10
Admin Sec. / 16,160.00 / 17,251.81 / 18,343.62 / 19,435.43 / 20,527.24 / 21,619.05 / 22,710.86 / 23,803.58
Prin Sec / 14,919.75 / 15,387.78 / 15,855.81 / 16,323.85 / 16,791.89 / 17,259.92 / 17,727.95 / 18,195.99
APSC Sec / 15,150.00 / 15,690.41 / 16,230.83 / 16,771.25 / 17,311.66 / 17,852.08 / 18,392.50 / 18,932.92
Caf. Director / 16,722.33 / 17,190.37 / 17,658.41 / 18,126.43 / 18,594.47 / 19,062.51 / 19,530.54 / 19,998.58
Caf. Clerk/Mgr / 14,439.97 / 14,791.01 / 15,142.02 / 15,493.05 / 15,844.07 / 16,195.11 / 16,546.13 / 16,897.15
Caf. Clerk / 4 Hours / 7,701.31 / 7,888.52 / 8,075.74 / 8,262.95 / 8,450.17 / 8,637.38 / 8,824.60 / 9,011.81
Caf. Manager / 11,602.33 / 12,070.37 / 12,538.40 / 13,006.44 / 13,474.47 / 13,942.51 / 14,410.54 / 14,878.57
Cook / 7 HR / 10,409.91 / 10,760.94 / 11,111.97 / 11,463.00 / 11,814.02 / 12,165.05 / 12,516.07 / 12,867.10
Cook / 6 HR / 8,922.78 / 9,223.66 / 9,524.54 / 9,825.43 / 10,126.30 / 10,427.18 / 10,728.06 / 11,028.95
Teachers Aide / 13,210.82 / 13,413.63 / 13,647.65 / 13,881.66 / 14,115.68 / 14,349.70 / 14,583.71 / 14,817.74
Teachers Aide + test / 13,659.34 / 13,886.54 / 14,113.75 / 14,340.95 / 14,568.15 / 14,795.35 / 15,022.55 / 15,249.76
Teacher Aide 60 hrs / 14,139.08 / 14,607.11 / 15,075.15 / 15,543.19 / 16,011.22 / 16,479.25 / 16,947.30 / 17,415.33
School Nurse / 20,000.00 / 20,351.03 / 20,702.05 / 21,053.09 / 21,404.10 / 21,755.13 / 22,106.15 / 22,457.19
Fed. Programs/Grant / 17,373.57 / 17,841.60 / 18,309.64 / 18,777.67 / 19,245.70 / 19,713.75 / 20,181.77 / 20,649.81
Technology / 34,340.00 / 35,515.64 / 36,691.28 / 37,866.92 / 38,454.74 / 39,042.56 / 40,218.20 / 41,393.84
Asst. Technology / 27,017.50 / 27,708.74 / 28,400.19 / 29,091.54 / 29,782.88 / 30,474.23 / 31,165.57 / 31,856.92
Bus Aide / 3,159.43 / 3,393.45 / 3,627.47 / 3,861.48 / 4,095.50 / 4,329.52 / 4,563.53 / 4,797.55
Virtual School Facilitator (ALE) / 17,000.00 / 17,500.00 / 18,000.00 / 18,500.00 / 19,000.00 / 19,500.00 / 20,000.00 / 20,500.00
Self contained Aide / 1,000
Lead Maintenance / 3,600
Lunch Duty / 900
Registered Nurse / $15.00
Per hour
Substitute Cook – hourly rate of regular cook on step 0 of salary schedule
Substitute Custodian – hourly rate of regular custodian on step 0 of salary schedule
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Worker – Based on employees hourly rate
Summer School Worker - $20 per hour
Various Summer Cafeteria Workers - $8.15-$12.00 beyond contracted days
The Piggott School District provides $154.00 per month towards health insurance premiums for those employees participating in the Public School Employee Health Insurance Program.
The Piggott School District provides employee only coverage for employees enrolled in the delta dental insurance program.
The Piggott School District provides $3.00 per month for life insurance on all full time employees.
The Piggott School District provides long term disability coverage for all full time employees.
$200 Attendance bonus for 0 days missed
$100 Attendance bonus for 1 day missed
All 240 day contracted employees receive 10 days vacation after 1 year of employment.
Payment will be made at the end of each contract year for days of sick leave above the maximum allowable accumulation of 90 days. This payment will be made as follows:
ContractPayment amount
Assistant Maintenace 240$55.00
Bus Mechanic240$55.00
Bus Driver178$25.00
District Treasurer240$55.00
Admin Secretary240$55.00
Prin. Secretary200$55.00
Apscn Secretary200$55.00
Caf. Director200$55.00
Caf Clerk/Mgr181$45.00
Caf Clerk181 4 hrs.$25.00
Caf. Mgr181$45.00
Cook181 7 hrs$45.00
Cook181 6 hrs.$45.00
Cook178 4 hrs.$25.00
Cook Mng. Cert.181$45.00
Cook Mng/Sant Clas181$45.00
Teachers Aide185$45.00
Teachers Aide +Test185$45.00
Teachers Aide 60 hrs.185$45.00
School Nurse183$45.00
Fed Programs/Grant220$55.00
Asst. Technology240$55.00
Vitrual School Fac.185$55.00
In School Suspension Aide178$45.00
Any trip taken in the school day you will receive your contracted amount only. Anything over the normal contracted hours you will receive either the $8.15 per hour or the flat rate, whichever one is greater.
For the purposes of this policy, an employee must work two thirds (2/3) of the number of their regularly assigned annual work days to qualify for a step increase.
The superintendent has the authority, when recommending an applicant and his/her placement on the District’s salary schedule to the Board for its approval, to consider the applicant’s previous work experience with similar duties, responsibilities, and skill sets to those job duties and responsibilities the applicant would assume for the District.
Date Adopted: June 24, 2013
Last Revised:
Trent Holcomb, Board President